Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Royal Wedding

So the final day has arrived, and the wedding went off perfectly and the bride and groom paid such a wonderful tribute to the late Princess Diana. I can't tell you how I felt watching the Royal Wedding. The anticipation going into this was absolutely exciting and a bit tearful as I remembered the late Princess Diana, and how proud she would have been for her son William.

I will never forget this day as long as I live. I hadn't planned on being awake at 4 a.m. to watch it, but my cat had other plans for me, and woke me up, so I decided to tough it out and watch it. When Kate stepped out of the car, I was amazed at how beautiful she looked, so were the millions who were watching her. I also got a kick out of all the people that attended the wedding, and how they were dressed with their fancy hats. It was a fairy tale wedding .

All I could think about on this special day in history was what if Princess Diana was here to see her son get married? Each time I looked at William, I saw the amazing resemblance of him and his mother. He was as beautiful as a person as Princess Diana was, and now he was about to marry one. As he stood at the end of the alter, after Kate took her very long walk to meet him, all you could see was happiness written all over his face, but he also had the nervous lip twitching and biting.

Could his mother have been there in spirit? I'm absolutely sure of that. I spent hours watching the big moment of the decade, and was so glad I did. Do you remember watching Prince Charles & Lady Diana wed? I remember exactly where I was, and what I was doing. I was next door babysitting for a friend, and I watched the wedding there. I had never seen anything like this before in my life. I was just amazed at the fairy tale wedding they had, and you could tell how nervous Lady Diana was.

When Prince Williams parents had wed it was a day like no other. The 27 foot long train on her dress , and how heavy it must have been still amazes me to this day. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must have been to wear this , and look your best in front of millions who were watching you. Princess Diana was an amazing woman. She wanted her kids to have a perfect life, she took them to Mc Donald's to eat, she did everything possible to keep her kids safe, but also wanted them to experience life just as you and I. She taught them all about volunteering, and giving t others who were less fortunate. Her work she did with AIDS , helped so many, and she wasn't afraid of being in contact with the ones who carried the disease either. I remember her holding onto babies and children  just like they were her own. She was one heck of a lady, and she is terribly missed by many. She left her mark, and her boys turned out to be fine young amazing men.

Can you see the resemblance in the pictures above? Princess Diana was much younger when she married Prince Charles, as her son was 28 when he married. I couldn't be happier for the newlyweds. I wish them much success, and lots of beautiful healthy babies. Your mother would have been so proud at how fine of a gentlemen how you turned out to be. Kate couldn't have asked for a finer young man to be her husband.

So, did you watch the royal wedding, and if so, what did you think? I also thought that her sister Pippa, was as gorgeous as could be. Her dress was beautiful, and the way she escorted the kids down the isle was breath taking. I can't wait to see the magazines and T.V. guides that come out, as I have them all from when Prince Charles married lady Diana. Now I just can't wait to see Harry meet his match and tie the not. I understand that he has been dating a gal for the last few years on and off, whom is a lawyer. Thanks for stopping by !! I hope you enjoy the pictures as I did!!

Until next time,



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