I thought the day had come when I was finally going to own a Keurig, for it had been so long, and I was anxiously waitng to be the proud owner of one of these prize possessions, but that didn't happen, well, atleast not yet. I went to Kohls to purchase a Keurig Platinum, which was on sale, and I had an additional 30% off, to find out that they were out of stock. I guess I wasn't the only one looking for a Keurig Coffee Maker that day. I did get a rain check, and I'm awaiting a call from the store when they come in, and they still have to honor my coupon. I came home, and called every Kohl's around me to find out that they were out of stock too. I'm keeping my fingers crossed each day hoping that it's Kohl's calling me, but until then I hope all my fellow bloggers are enjoying theirs as well, whoever owns one! Who knows, maybe I'll be lucky enough to win one!! That would be awesome!!