Friday, December 30, 2011

Its Almost Here.. 2012

Can you believe that in two more days the year 2012 will be here? Where on earth has this year gone  ask myself? The year 2011 has been a year full of ups an downs for me with the highlight watching my son graduate from high school. Good gosh, I remember taking him for walks in the park, bringing him to see Santa, and his very first day of kindergarten when I cried for hours when he stepped on that very big yellow bus for the first time ever. I haven't a clue where on earth this year has gone?

Having back surgery and all the grueling therapy and recovery took a good part of my year from me. I had heard from many that it would be a bitch of a recovery, and that it was! I also spent this pass year watching my mom deteriorate from Alzheimer's Disease. What a terrible disease it is. All she wants to do is come to my house an listen to Kenny Rogers music, and that she does. I just took her to see him a few weeks ago. What a wonderful Christmas show he  put on.I think this was like my 20th or more times seeing him. I have enjoyed each and every time.

I have also had bit of  tough time watching my son grow,and it seems like he never wants to be around me anymore. All my friends tell me this is what happens when they get in the teen years. We have always been close, so this is  bit new for me, I'm trying to go back when I was a teen and think of what it was like for me?? All I know is that things were much different back then !! I hear that when they turn 20 or so, that hey start to appreciate you a bit more. I guess will wait and see..

What has 2011 been like for you? I hope it has been a good year for you all. With all of the tragedies in the pass year, with some just recently like the lady from Stamford CT, losing her whole family in a fire, just how could she go on? She lost her whole darn family, including 3 kids and her parents on Christmas Day. When I hear of this stuff,  just thank the good lord for letting me wake up each day, and for giving me another chance to be a mother to my son,, and a daughter to my mom, and a great friend to many..I pray for everyone going through a difficult time in their life, and I wish for a very happy, healthy and wealthy New Year!

I'm going in to 2012 with a whole different attitude! I will lose this weight that I have put on over the past few years while recovering from my surgeries! I will keep the attitude that things happen in life for a reason. I will be a good friend to all of my friends, and be there for them when needed! I will be a good mother to my son,and watch him grow into the fine young man that he is. I will cherish each and very day that god gives me with my mom & dad, and I will take care of my mom like she did for me when I was young, most of all , I will take care of myself, and treat myself like I should be, and that means not eating each time I get down in the dumps. It is very clear that is not the answer to my problems. I will try and get exercise in each day as long as my back lets me, but most of all I will continue to be the kind person that I am!! I hope you all have a great and exciting, most of all safe New Year!!


Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas To You!!!

Hi Y'all!! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas this year! I hope Santa was good to you and your family! Enjoy the day with your family. Think about the ones serving in the military, and  those who have lost their life serving. Thanks to all of you for what you do for us each and every day to protect our country! I'm glad that Christmas has finally come, and before we know it , it will be gone, so enjoy each moment with your family!! Wishing you all the best from my family to yours on this wonderful day!! God Bless you all, and be safe on this day!! I hope all my blogger friends have a wonderful Christmas !! Thanks for stopping by!!

Much Love,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Are You Ready For The Big Fat Guy To Come??

Are you all ready for the big fat guy to come? It's 1 a.m. in the morning and I'm sitting here thinking where has this year gone, and am I ready for yet another Christmas? The answer is yes! My presents are pretty much wrapped, minus one or two, but the baking needs to get done when I wake up later on today.What are your plans for Christmas Eve? Do you have family that you spend it with, do you do Christmas on the eve instead of Christmas Day?? I know some people that do it that way because of schedules.Whatever works for you is good! I hope all my followers have a blessed Christmas Day this year, and I hope you get what you wan from Santa!! I'm just asking for happiness and good health.. That's not alot to ask for right?? Enjoy your Christmas Eve & your Christmas with the family. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to say hello! What ever you do be safe.. Do  NOT drink and drive!!Drunk Driving causes accidents, takes life's, and can be very expensive should you get caught, so do the right thing and call a cab, or just walk if your close enough. I can't wait to hear from everyone and how their Christmas was!

God Bless You All & Merry Christmas,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Track Your Progress With The Zero Scale

Dieting is tough as we all know and sometimes things just don't go as well as we plan, and after a few days or a week or so your ready to throw in the towel. I have the answer to your prayers , and it's the Zero Scale. The Zero Scale from Great Valley Innovations is the newest break through that millions of Americans need. How often do you step on the scale, and not see any change in your weight This happens quite often for me, and can be very frustrating when you are working hard towards your goal of weight loss. Heck, I'd be happy losing a pound or two here and there. I don't need to see big numbers all at once. With the Zero Scale I have found the answer to my prayers.

The Zero Scale can be set to kilograms or pounds and doesn't show you your actual weight, instead it focuses on your weight loss or gain. Once the batteries are installed, you step on the scale and tap the button on the right side at the bottom of the scale to select the user. The Zero Scale can be used by four different individuals in the house, and also has a guest mode. Just tap the button until you reach your number, then it will start to calibrate, and you will see 888, then you will see a sequence of dashes - -- ---, as it finishes calibration. Once it has finished calibrating and displays 0.0,the Zero Scale is ready to calculate your weight.

  The Zero Scale will show your days, and keep track of your weight loss or gain for you. There is a reset button you will need to reset should your batteries need changing, as you will lose your stored information. Each and every time you step on this scale you will get two measurements, one being the most recent and the other from the first measurement.
After the holidays are over, I am seriously going to put the Zero Scale to test, and really try to stick to a diet, including getting exercise each day. The Zero Scale is the perfect tool for someone like myself who could use a bit of motivation losing weight, and I wouldn't be staring at the same old number waiting for it to go down. With the Zero Scale I could focus on my achievements, rather than my current weight. I have always had issues with my weight, and have never come across a scale like this until now, and I couldn't be any happier. The Zero Scale has a nice sleek design, glass top, with rubber toes underneath the scale, and has a large LCD screen . It's actually a very sharp looking scale, and would be perfect for any room in the house.
The Zero Scale can be purchased by clicking here, and is $59.99 plus shipping and handling . You can score a free pedometer and calorie counter if you purchase one now while supplies last. The calorie counter is cool to wear and keeps track of your daily steps and calories walked off. It easily clips on onto your clothing. If your looking for the perfect gift for your loved one this season, the Zero Scale would be the perfect gift. I know that I would be thrilled to receive this beauty as a gift.

I was overall very impressed with the Zero Scale. I love the idea of focusing on your weight loss,or gain, and not your actual weight, and that it stores info for up to 4 people, plus a guest. What a great tool to help with weight loss! Thanks to Zero Scale for providing me with this scale for review. I participated in this review on behalf of Family Review Network . I was not compensated monetarily for my review. I was provided the product pictured above for my honest opinion of this product.Your opinions might vary from mine. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog. Thanks for stopping by! I will post again on my results in the upcoming New Year from my Zero Scale.

Happy Holidays,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers Giveaway

I have been a fan of Conair Products all of my life, and recently I was given the chance to review Conair Extreme Heat Multisized Hot Rollers. I had never in my life used hot rollers and was thrilled when they arrived in my mail. All I needed to do is plug them in, let them warm up a bit, and they were good to go. They didn't take much time at all to warm up either. Below is a picture of what I received from Conair.
Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers worked like dynamite for me. I plugged them in, waited a bit, then was ready to roll. The clips that came with them made them all stay in place comfortably. I was in heaven with these awesome Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers. Here are some of the great features of Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers listed below.
Girls who love curls can get them in an instant with these hot rollers. The clips and rollers are both heated for extra hold, and infused with ceramic technology for better heat transfer. New Xtreme provides the fastest heat-up – 75 seconds!


■ 75 seconds – fastest heat-up for the perfect style

■ Dual heat comes from both the clip and the roller for extra hold

■ Ceramic technology – for better heat transfer and longer-lasting curls

■ 20 ceramic multi-sized rollers – for beautiful curls and volume

■ 8 jumbo rollers (1.25")

■ 6 large rollers (1")

■ 6 medium rollers (.75")

■ 20 heated clips

■ Stay-cool end rings

■ Ready dot

■ On/Off switch

■ Power indicator light

■ 5-foot line cord

■ UL listed

■ Limited one-year warranty

Here I am with my Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers in. I have tons of thick hair on my head, so I figured it would take alot of time, but I was wrong. It took me less than 15 minutes to roll them up. I left them on for some time, as I wanted to make sure that I would have a nice curl come out, and that I did.When I handle hot items, I'm always afraid to get burned, but with the rollers I didn't have to worry about it.

The ends of the rollers were not scorching , and that was just fine for me. I haven't done the curler thing in decades, since I was a kid, and that was back when rollers were made of foam, and they were so small, and it took forever to roll a head of hair.They were not fun to sleep in either. Those days are long gone for me now, thanks to Conair and their wonderful products.

With my hair being so long the curls normally don't stay in too long, but after using the Conair Extreme Instant Heat Multisized Rollers my curls stayed in until the next day. When I woke up in the morning I till had wavy, curly hair. With the great results that I had, I knew that I would be using these as often as I could. They can be purchased at most of your local stores such as Walmart, Bed, Bath & Beyond, CVS, Kohl's  and Amazon. They retail for $41.99. The curlers were so easy to remove, as you just take off the clip, unroll and voila !! I wish I had known about these sooner. During the holiday season, they will be used often thanks to Conair !!

Thanks to Conair for generously providing me with these awesome rollers for review. Not only was I given a set, one of my followers will have the chance to win also. All you need to do is take a look at , and tell me another product you would like to have. You must follow me on GFC too.This is MANDATORY and must be done in order for other entries to count. I do check so make sure you are following the rules!! Please leave an email with your entries, so I may contact you should you win. This contest is open to U.S. and you must be 18 to enter.

Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to your email- 2 entries

2) Subscribe to your feed- 2 entries

3) Fan Conair on FB- 2 entries

4) Follow Conair on Twitter- 2 entries

5) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

6) Fan Sarafan2 on FB- 2 entries

7) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet daily: 1 entry each

    Conair Extreme Instant Heat Rollers Giveaway @Sarafan2    Ends 12/30

8) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

9) Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

10) Tell me if you have been naughty or nice  this year??

Thanks to Conair for providing me with the opportunity to review such a fine product. I love my rollers and will pass the word on to everyone, and then some. I was not compensated monetarily for my review. I was given the product in return for my honest opinion. Our opinions may vary. Please refer to my Disclosure policy at the bottom right hand side of my blog. Winner will be chosen by Winner will have 48 hours to confirm their win before another winner is chosen. Good Luck to all who enter!! This is one giveaway that you don't want to miss!! Thanks for stopping by!!


I Have Some Winners To Announce

I have some winners to announce for my latest giveaways that ended. Congratulations to my winners, and Thanks to all who entered!

Drano Snake Plus Kit -  Amanda

Starbucks $10 Gift Card -  Danielle K.

Topsy's Popcorn -  Danielle S.

Feel free to check out my latest giveaways while your here. I'm always posting something interesting to enter. Who wouldn't mind winning a gift or two  with Christmas right around the corner! Please include your email with your entries, so I can contact you should you win. I hope your ready for Christmas, as we are only 1 week away.. Can you believe it that Christmas is almost here?? Where on earth did this year go? I hope you all have some exciting stuff planned for the upcoming new year. My goal will be to lose weight some how. I would love to hear any tips that you have that might help me achieve my goal. I hope you and your family have a great Christmas!! God Bless!!

Ho Ho Ho !!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Asher's Chocolates Review & Giveaway

Have you ever had the chance to try  Asher's Chocolates? I haven't until recently, and let me tell you how awesome these chocolates were. I received the Pecan Caramel Patties picture below.These babies came packages so nicely, and the taste was out of this world. You could not only eat one. They consist of milk chocolate, pecans & gooey caramel. If your not sure what to give your loved one or Christmas, these are just the perfect gift. I know I would love being the recipient of them!

Asher's began in 1892, when Chester A. Asher opened a small candy shop in the heart of Philadelphia. In addition to candies, Chester and his staff of six also made jams, jellies, maple syrup, freshly baked cakes and ice creams.
Beautiful European-style bonbons and rare candies were displayed
in the window to tempt people who were passing by.

The Asher name quickly became associated with superb quality, and the store acquired larger space in the Philadelphia’s historic German town neighborhood. When Chester’s son John died in 1966, the third generation of Asher's took the company’s helm. With the increased use of air-conditioning in stores, homes and automobiles, chocolates were becoming more popular as a year-round candy. Jack and Bob decided to expand their selection of chocolates and began produce sugar-free (what was then called “dietetic”) chocolates.

Asher's quickly grew, and  by the 1980s, Jack's and Bob’s sons, David and Jeff, continued the business into the fourth generation. They soon moved the company to Montgomeryville, Pennsylvania. When that space became too small, The Asher Familiy purchased 31 acres of farmland in Souderton, Pennsylvania. This is where Asher’s Chocolates are made today.

Some of my favorite Asher's products are the Milk Chocolate Dipped Oreos, Mint Patties, and Assorted Cherry Cordials. I could sit and snack on any of these chocolates any time of the day. They are so delicious , and the chocolate melts in your mouth! Asher's also carries an assortment of Gift Boxes and Towers and Gift Baskets  that come right to your door perfectly packaged. These come in handy for someone who don't have the time to go out and shop. Asher's can be purchased on line by clicking here.You order will arrive at your door in no time. If your trying to send a Christmas gift to someone, just contact the company to see if it will arrive in time for Christmas.

Asher's is graciously giving one of my followers a chance to win these awesome chocolates too. All you have to do is check out their site and tell me what you would love to try ? This is MANDATORY and must be done first for other entries to count. I do check too. You must also follow me on GFC! Please include your email with each entry so I can contact you should you win. This contest is open to U.S. only, and you must be 18 to enter! Winner will be chosen Winner must confirm within 48 hours, or will do a re-draw.

Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to my email-2 entries

2) Subscribe to my feed- 2 entries

3) Fan me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

4) Follow Asher's on FB 2  entries

5) Follow Asher's on Twitter- 2 entries

6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet daily:- 1 entry each

    Asher's Chocolates Giveaway @Sarafan2 Ends 12/20
7) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

8) Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- 5 entries
    Leave  comment-  3 more entries

9) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

10) Blog about this giveaway or list on a linky
      with a link back to me  - 5 entries

11) Tell me if your looking for a gift but can't find it anywhere-3 entries

Thanks to Asher's for giving me providing me with their product to review. I was not compensated monetarily for this review. I received a box of chocolates in return for my honest opinion. Your opinions might vary from mine. Please refer to my Disclosure policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog. Open to U.S. only!! Good Luck to all who enter!! Thanks for stopping by!!

Happy Holidays,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Are You Ready For Christmas???

With less than two weeks away until Christmas, I'm just curious as to how everyone is dealing with it? I know it's all about the kids, but let me tell you how stressful Christmas can be. I know everyone handles it different, but we need to stop and remember what Christmas is all about. It's about family and good times being spent together, and good health also. I have a friend who just went through chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer, and glad to say that she is doing much better now that the tough part is over. She knows when to laugh and when to cry, and when to just sit back and take life as it is dealt to you.

So how are you dealing with this busy time of year?? Do you feel the need to buy every one you know a gift? I have learned in life through responsibilities that Christmas is not about receiving. With the economy being in a whole, the price of gas almost $4.00 a gal, and fuel oil sky high in price, it's very difficult for me and many others to go out and shop when you have crazy bills to pay just to keep a roof over your head. I have always liked baking cookies, fudge and every making gifts if your crafty enough. One year I made wreaths for family and friends out of plastic bags and a hanger. They turned out so cool and every one loved them.

Are you ready for the big day? Are you done shopping and are your gifts wrapped ? I wait until the very last minute to finish wrapping my gifts, and I feel the stress right up until the last minute. I try to do a few each night, but usually am tired after a long day. Gift cards really sounding good to me this year. How can you go wrong right especially for a teen? Do you have any tips that you would like to share with me on how you keep your stress level low around this time of year?? Is it a glass of wine at night while your wrapping your gifts? Whatever it is I hope you enjoy yourself and don't get too stressed this holiday season. It's one day and it will pass by very fast, so enjoy yourself, have fun with your family and be safe. It will all be over before we know it. Happy Holidays from my family to yours!!

Much Love,

Friday, December 9, 2011

Topsy's Popcorn Review & Giveaway

Each and every Christmas season I always have a huge tin of popcorn hanging around the house for my hungry guests to nibble on, so when I recieved this huge, gorgeous container of popcorn from Topsy's I couldn't have been any happier. I didn't waste anytime on breaking into it either. It arrived to my house in perfect condition and sealed perfectly.

I recieved the 6.5 gallon  snowflake container filled with cheese/caramel/cinnamon popcorn. This popcorn is heavenly delicious!! Once you take a bite, you can't stop. I have never had cinnamon popcorn before, and I was surprised at how awesome it tasted. The caramel melted in my mouth, and overall the cheese was by far my favorite popcorn!! I shared my scrumptious Topsy's Popcorn with whoever came to visit and they loved it too!!
This holiday season, Topsy’s Popcorn is giving a new meaning to “holiday crunch time.” Topsy’s wants to help you and your readers replace the stress of the season with crunchy and savory gourmet popcorn — a convenient and affordable gift for the variety of people on your ever-growing gift list.

Since 1929, Topsy’s has used an original recipe that gives its popcorn an old-fashioned great taste. In fact, Topsy’s was the first company to sell its popcorn in the circular tins that we’re used to seeing popcorn in today. Back in the day, the oil used to pop the popcorn came in the tins, and Topsy’s decided to recycle the oil tins to package up and deliver popcorn. Who knew?

Today, more than 75 years after that first kernel was popped, Topsy’s provides the same quality taste online. With four flavors to choose from — butter, cheddar cheese, caramel, and cinnamon — there’s bound to be a flavor that will delight everyone’s taste buds. On, you can choose from a variety of popcorn tins as well as flavors to quickly and easily find the perfect gift for a variety of people your gift list, from family members to co-workers, a child’s teacher, neighbor, friend, or all of the above!

Topsy's is giving one of my readers a chance to win a holiday container full or popcorn. All you have to do is tell me what kind of popcorn you would like to try, and when would you eat it? This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. And of course we want you to be able to spread the holiday cheer to your readers. From Nov. 22 – Dec. 12, Topsy’s is offering a $3-off coupon (per popcorn canister) for your readers, Twitter followers and Facebook friends. You must follow me on GFC too! I do check!!
Please incude your email with each entry so I may contact you should you win. Open to U.S. only and you must be 18 to enter!

Additional entries:

1) SUbscribe to my email- 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries

3) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

4) Like Topsy's on FB - 2 entries
    Tell them I sent you...

5) Like Sarafan2 on FB- 2 entries

6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet Daily: 1 entry each

    Topsy's Popcorn Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2  Ends 12/14

7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

8) Vote or me on Top Mommy Blogs- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

9) Blog about this giveaway with or post it on a
    linky with a link back to me- 5 entries

  10) Tell me what special item you have on your Christmas list?- 3 entries
  Thanks to Topsy's Popcorn & Family Review Network for giving me this fantasic opportunity to try this awesome popcorn. I was not compensated monetarily for my review. I was given popcorn in return for my honest review. Your opinions might differ from mine. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy located at the bottom right hand side of my blog. Winner will be drawn by, and will have 48 hours to claim their prize. If prize isn't claimed I will have to redraw another winner, and I don't like to do that! Thanks to everyone for stopping by!! You all mean so much to me!!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Drano Snake Plus Review & Giveaway

I recently had the chance to review this awesome product called Drano Snake Plus and let me tell you how easy and effective it was. Drano Snake Plus is a new drain cleaning kit from the trusted drain experts that’s guaranteed to clear clogs the first time or it’s free*. It's a two step kit that comes with an 18" flexible  plastic red snake and a bottle of  powerful gel from Drano which clings to the whatever is clogging and dissolves the junk away.

Having long hair becomes a problem in my household. I'm constantly clogging up the sink and shower with my hair, and the shower fills up wit water, and won't go down. I found a solution for that and it is  Drano Snake Plus. It is designed for use on the shower or sink and NOT the toilet. Drano Snake Plus is very easy to use and comes in three simple steps. All you need to do is insert the 18" flexible plastic snake and move it up and down to release the clog, then carefully remove it, and discard it. Slowly pour Drano® Pro Concentrate Gel down the drain and let the powerful formula help dissolve the solution for 30 minutes.Flush the drain with hot water to free the drain of any remaining clogged materials.

I was surprised at how easy it was to use this and how effective it was.I pulled out a bunch of my hair with the snake, and my shower was cleaned in no time. I'm definately going to purchase another Drano Snake Plus kit to keep on hand should anymore clogs happen. I'm constantly cleaning the shower, but sometimes I just can't get the clog out. With Drano Snake Plus I don't have to worry about clogged drains anymore.

Drano® Snake Plus is available for purchase in the home cleaning sections of food, drug, do-it-yourself and mass-merchandise stores such as Target, Walmart and CVS. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is: $6.99.

Thanks to Family Review Network & Drano for giving my readers a chance to win Drano Snake Plus . All you have to do is tell me where you will use your kit? Ths entry is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must follow me on GFC too. Please include your email with each entry so I can contact you should you win. This giveaway is open to U.S. only, and you must be 18 to enter.

    Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to my email - 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries

3) Like Sarafan2 me on FB- 2 entries

4) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

5) Follow me on Twitter and Tweet Daily- 1 entry each

    Drano Snake Plus Giveaway @Sarafan2  Ends 12/12

6) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

7) Vote for on Top Mommy Blogs- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

8) Post this giveaway on a Linky or blog about this
    giveaway with a link back to me-  5 entries

9) Tell me how your Christmas shopping is going??- 3 entries

I was not compensted monetarily for this review. I was given products in return for my honest opinion. My opinions might vary from yours. Thanks so much to my sponsors Family Review Network and Drano for giving me this opportunity to review such a fine product. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog. Thanks for stopping by!!

Until next time,

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Hellmann's Turkey Challenge

Just in time for the hectic holiday season Hellmann's comes to the rescue once again. Head over to Hellmann' and check out their scrumptious recipes, and cast your vote and enter to win one of four $250 grocery gift cards .

There is nothing better than having left over turkey in the house after a holiday. It tastes scrumptious, and there are plenty of great recipes to cook with your left overs such as Pot Pie,Turkey Casserole or just a plan old Turkey Sandwich with Hellmann's Mayonnaise.

Hellmann’s® Real Mayonnaise transforms your turkey into a juicy, crispy, delicious meal.

• The makers of Hellmann’s® and Bobby Flay are on a mission to help moms re-think main dish meals and leftovers by offering easy, delicious recipes that are great for the busy holiday season, such as Turkey Casserole.

• Take a break from the holiday hustle and bustle to join in the Hellmann’s® Turkey Challenge each week at Hellmann' as Turkey Casserole goes head-to-head with other tasty, juicy turkey recipes.

• Cast your vote for your favorite and enter the sweepstakes for a chance to win one of four $250 grocery gift cards each week.** If there are more than 10,000 entries, the prize value doubles to a $500 grocery gift card! **

• For more information on the Turkey Challenge or Hellmann’s® products and recipes, visit Hellmann'

 I was not paid to do this post. As a One2OneNetwork member I'm sharing this info with you. I was entered to win a Hellman's prize pack for my review. Please refer to my Disclosure policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog.Thanks for stopping by!!
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