Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nick Chavez Hair Products Review and Giveaway

I'm so excited to be able to share this terrific review & giveaway with you compliments of Nick Chavez. I had never tried his products before, so when the box came in I was so excited. I received the Angel Wings Super Light Hair Spray, Ego Booster Super Volumizing Shampoo and  Ego Booster Super Volumizing Conditioner. The products I received were packaged perfectly, I didn't even want to remove it from the box.

The shampoo and conditioner were easy to use, and my hair felt like it was getting a good healthy cleaning. All you need to do is dispense a small amount about the size of a dime, and lather through your hair making sure you go all the way to the ends. When I was done washing and conditioning my hair, it felt so different. It felt almost light, and surely healthy.  Now it's time to dry your hair  and style with your favorite styling products.

Once I was done styling my hair, I sprayed it with my Angel Wings Super Light Hair Spray. The hair spray left my hair with a nice soft bounce, and it smelled good too. What I really was impressed with  this hairspray, was that it wasn't sticky, and it didn't leave my hair with that heavy stiff feeling. I was very happy with my new Nick Chavez hair products.

If you'd like to find out a bit more about Nick Chavez himself, click here.  Nick's shop is located in the heart of Beverly Hills. While he has quite the few accomplishments in his life such as acting, featuring his products on QVC, appearing on talk shows such as The Montel Williams Show, he has even played a role on "The Young And The Restless". He has always known that his biggest passion was styling hair, including celebrities such as Maria Shriver,  Ivana Trump & the one and only George Lopez.

Nick also donates to many organizations including Make A Wish Foundation, Alzheimer's Association and The American Cancer Society to name a few. A dream of mine for along time now is to have Nick Chavez style my hair. Is that asking too much? Do you think if I travel to Beverly Hills, CA, and show up on his doorstep, that he would make me beautiful? After all one of Nick's favorite sayings is "Good Day Gorgeous", and he thinks every one should feel the beauty in them.

How would you like to try some of Nick's great products? Not only did he let me try his fabulous products, he is letting not one, not two, but FIVE  of my readers a chance to win his products.  Each prize pack has a value of  $60.00. Sounds fantastic doesn't it?  All you have to do is visit Nick Chavez, and tell me something you learned about him that I haven't already mentioned, or tell me another product you would like to try. This is MANDATORY and must be done first.

       Additional entries:

  1.    Follow Nick Chavez on FB- 1 entry

    2.     Follow Nick Chavez on Twitter-1 entry

    3.     Subscribe to my email - 2 entries

    4.     Follow  me on GFC.- 2 entries

    5.     Fan me on FB Networked Blogs.- 2 entries

    6.     Fan me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

    7.     Follow @Sarafan2  on Twitter.- 2 entries and Tweet Daily:

           Nick Chavez Hair Products Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2
           http://tinyurl.com/39lalul      Ends  12/8

These  products were provided to me to review by Nick Chavez. I was not monetarily paid to do this review. These are my opinions and mine only. My opinions may vary from yours. Please read my full disclosure on my blog. A huge Thanks to Nick and company , for giving me this amazing opportunity to review such top notch products. I'm a customer for life now!! Your products rock!!

This contest is open to U.S. and Canada ONLY!!!  You must be 18 years of age to enter !! Please leave your email address with each entry, so I may have a way to contact you should you win. Good Luck to all!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving To You !!!

I would like to wish each and everyone of you a very Happy Thanksgiving !! I'm very thankful for my son, my family, my friends, my doctor(who gave me a new back) & I'm also very thankful to all of the men & women that fight for us each and everyday to make this country a safer place for us to live in! God Bless you all, and please come home safe soon! I'm also very thankful for all my fellow blogger friends that I have met while blogging, and thanks to Peg @Peg Play for introducing this very fun hobby to me. I can't tell you how many of terrific people that I have met, and you know who you are, so thanks a bunch for all you  have done for me! I hope you all have a terrific day with your families, and have fun Black Friday shopping if you decide to go out and fight the crowds like me. It's going to be colder this year than last, so bundle up if you go out, and be safe!! Remember there are others who are much less fortunate than you! God Bless you all!!

Happy Thanksgiving,


Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Winner Is...

The winner of my Fiber One Giveaway is Anette. Congratulations go out to her. She has been contacted, and confirmed her win. Thank you to everyone who made my giveaway a success. Keep an eye out for some fabulous upcoming giveaways that I have coming. You won't want to miss them!!! Thanks for stopping by @Sarafan2, and entering my giveaways. You all are what is making my blog a success, and I thank you dearly!! Keep trying!! Your day will come !!


Friday, November 19, 2010

Tom's Of Maine Wicked Fresh Toothpaste Review

Since signing up to be a BuzzAgent, I have been given the opportunity to try a new toothpaste called Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh! At fist I was a little hesitant, as I have been using the same toothpaste for many years now, and have been happy just using Aquafresh, that is until I tried Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh Cool Peppermint toothpaste.

I was shocked with the great cool minty taste. At first I thought it might be a bit strong for me, but I was wrong. I brushed and brushed, and didn't want to stop, as it tasted so good, and when I was done, my mouth felt very fresh compared to the others I have used, and I had the minty feeling on my breath throughout the day. Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh toothpaste is making me want to brush more and more each day. I have given my friends some samples, and have heard nothing but positive remarks about the toothpaste. Even the kids in the house are liking it, and it's hard to please a kid with a good quality toothpaste.

Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh Toothpaste is made with botanical extracts with great tasting natural mint oils, to fight those nasty germs which cause bad breath. Why it's so Wicked cool, well, it's made without the use of alcohol or artificial ingredients.Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh toothpaste comes in Cool Peppermint & Spearmint Ice, and can be purchase at your local drug stores, and retails for $4.19 a tube. Tom's of Maine also carries other products such as deodorant, mouthwash, and fluoride rinse as well.

If you think Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh toothpaste sounds good, then you have to try it. Check out the Walmart website, as they do give free samples from time to time. Thanks to BzzAgent for provided me these top notch products to review for you. I can say that I will be hooked for like on Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh toothpaste in cool peppermint flavor for life. I normally don't change things if I'm happy with them, but this toothpaste has been perfect for me, and always leaves my breath smelling sweet. I was sent a few samples, and a larger tube of Tom's of Maine Wicked Fresh toothpaste for providing my honest opinion of this product. I was not paid monetarily for doing my review. The people over at BzzAgent have been a joy to work with, and I would be happy to work with you again someday.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Socks4 Life Review & Giveaway

When I was recently given the chance to review some socks at Socks4Life, I was thrilled to do so. After visiting their website at Socks4Life, I was in heaven. What girl doesn't like to have socks to coordinate with their outfit? I know I do, and I'm thrilled to say that I have four more pairs to add to my collection Thanks to Socks4Life.

I was sent a pair of Slouch Socks in green, 2 pairs of Julietta Knee Socks in blue & tan, and a very cozy pair of Fannrose Cozy Socks in mint green. I felt like I was back in the 80's with the slouch socks, as that is how I used to dress back then. I can't wait to put them on with my nice warm pair of winter boots, and of course the socks covering my jeans.

The Fannrose Cozy Socks were by far my favorite. I wear slippers socks all the time at night, and I have problems with them being tight around my ankles. I can't have this due to health concerns. These socks were not like that at all. They fit me perfectly, didn't leave any marks of tightness, and they were just down right comfortable.

Socks4Life carries a huge selection of socks including Mens Socks, Athletic Socks, Diabetic Socks, and a variety of Socks for Kids. There is something for everyone, in a big variety of colors too, sizes and length . Socks4Life start at $2.95 and up. You can also buy package deals, and right now their having a fall sale, and prices are up to 85% off retail prices.

The great folks over at Socks4Life are offering one of my viewers a $20.00 Gift Certificate to shop online. All you have to do is take a look over at Socks4Life, and tell me a pair that you would choose if you won. This is MANDATORY, and must be done first, or all other entries won't count.

Additional entries:

1) Follow my blog via GFC.- 1 entry

2) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries

3) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs.-2 entries

4) Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2.-2 entries and

Tweet the following daily:

Enter @Sarafan2 to Win a $20.00 GC @ Socks4Life
http://tinyurl.com/3yc3abl Ends 11/30

5) Follow me on FB @Sarafan2-2 entries

6) Tell me if you have ever heard of Socks4Life before?? - 1 entry

These socks were provided to me for free in return for my honest opinions of Socks4Life. I was not compensated monetarily for doing this review. These are my opinions and mine only. Your opinions might differ from mine. I'm reporting this due to the FTC regulations. Thank you once again to Socks4Life for giving me this wonderful opportunity to review such fine products. This contest is open to U.S. & Canada only!!! Winner must respond within 48 hours,or I will be forced to draw another winner. Good Luck to all!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Is It Almost That Time Again??

Tell me it is not almost time again for another episode of the show that is going down the tubes DWTS. I have watched this show for years, as it is one of my favorites, but after the last three weeks, watching 3 great couples go home,like Tony and Audrina, Rick and Cheryl & Anna and Kurt, and to see the Palin girl still standing, and making to the semi finals is just repulsive to me.

I give her credit for being on the show. She is not the only single mother in the world out there, and for her famous mother, which should have nothing to do with this competition, but we see else wise. She don't know how to dance at all! She stands there and waits for Mark to whip her around the dance floor, and she lets him take the lead. Haven't you seen the looks on the faces from the Judges, and from the stars, and when I say stars, I mean real stars like the pros, not someone who had a baby at a young age. I hope from now on that they really look for stars, and people with no dance experience at all, after all this is what makes a great dance competition.

I don't even know if I can make another week watching this crap. It is very plain and simple why Bristol Palin is still in the competition. It's all politics baby. If she wasn't related to Sarah Palin, then she wouldn't be there.I wonder if Chelsea Clinton was on the show, if she would get sent home if she didn't dance well, and for weeks in a row got the lowest scores? I myself couldn't have stayed there, and watched this happen to people who could really dance. That is not right!!

I can only hope and pray that this foolishness ends Tuesday night, and that "Bristol The Pistol" will be packing her bags for Alaska. I think the bears are calling her name.lol. What do you think about all of this foolishness happening on one of the best shows on TV?? DO you think it's fair, and who do you think will win? We will see in just a few days. I hope it's really not another week of torture for me. I can't take any more. That's all for now !!

Until next time,


Monday, November 8, 2010

The Winner Is...

Congratulations goes out to Peggy! She was the winner of my Frito Lay Review & Giveaway. Thank you to all of you for entering this contest. There were well over 300+ entries. I wish you all could win. Check out my current giveaways, and stay tuned for some great upcoming giveaways. Your day will come! Keep trying!! Thanks again for stopping by @Sarafan2, and for being such a loyal reader. You all mean so much to me!


DWTS Week 7 Update-AM I Ready For Tonights Show??

Two weeks have gone by on DWTS and it has been hell for me to watch it. After watching Tony & Audrina getting eliminated on week 6, when they were one of the front runners, was too much for me to handle. I was in shock along with many of their followers.I still can't believe that the couple in second place on the leader board was sent home. I thought my frustration with the show would have settled down for now, but was I wrong about that one. During the elimination last week, when Bristol & Mark were called safe, I about fell out of my chair. Yes, she did have one good dance, but this is a dance competition. The object of the show is to find the best dancer out there, and "Bristol The Pistol", by far is not the best dancer, maybe the worst, but not the best.

Once Bristol & Mark were called safe, I knew that meant trouble for another great dancer. Who would this be Lacy & Kyle or Rick and Cheryl? Unfortunately Rick & Cheryl were eliminated, and the judges were in total shock, so was I. I don't know what is happening with the voters, but common people Bristol for real?? I seriously believe that ABC is trying to boost their ratings. I wouldn't put it past them. After seeing what happens on the Bachelor, it is surely possible. My hopes for watching DWTS next season are diminishing, as I don't believe this show is being fair to the contestants without dance experience. The ones who have some kind of experience are the ones who seem to do well, and they make it known too. I saw on a website somewhere that Bristol & Mark could win this, and let me tell you if that happens, I will never watch this show again. Voters, please send home Bristol this week, so I don't have to watch the same garbage I have for the past two weeks. Let's keep the dancers on the show!!

Until next time,


Sunday, November 7, 2010

NYC Marathon- Congratulations To Ben & Nicole

They did it. They finished the 26.2 miles marathon in NYC today in 4hr 23 min. So proud of both of them. Words can't say how proud I am. Ben is an inspiration to all, including his cardiac surgeon that performed his heart surgery one year ago today, who also ran by his side today during the marathon. Take a look at the video when Ben & Nicole are about to cross the finish line with supporters cheering for him on the side. He was hand in hand with the love of his life, his best friend, his wife Nicole!! That brought tears to me eyes. Congratulations to you both. You have made many people proud of you guys, and you both have inspired many too. Click here to see the video.

Check out Ben's website Heartosaurus.com, and check out his Memoir "Barefoot in November", that is due out in November.It's his personal story about his open heart surgery, and how he has overcome the obstacles that he has had to deal with in this past year. I can't wait to get my hands on his book, and to read about how he overcame heart surgery, and how on earth he has stayed so positive through it all. It can be purchased at Amazon .com or as an EBOOK. If you'd like to leave a word of encouragement you can do so at Heartosaurus.com, or you may leave a comment here. Thanks so much for stopping by!


1 Year Later And Running A Marathon..AMAZING!!

I can't believe the day has come, and it marks one year of my cousin Ben having open heart surgery for an aortic aneurysm. Today is the day Ben and his wife Nicole are running a 26.2 mile marathon starting in Statin Island. 1 year ago on November 2, 2009, Ben was at his doctors office for a physical, when his doctor sent him for a stress test. After more testing was done , Ben was told that he needed to have heart surgery to repair his aortic aneurysm, this is the same thing that John Ritter died from. Imagine being healthy, and going for a check up and being told this? I can't imagine how his family felt. I know I was in shock. I just prayed for him that he would pull through this, and for his family, and his expecting wife. I can't imagine being a mother, wife, expecting another baby, and seeing your husband recover from this life saving surgery.

Since his surgery Ben has done so much, and come so far. Having a positive attitude has helped him through his journey .He has been training for this marathon for so long, competed in a triathlon, and he even has his surgeon , the one who saved his life running right alongside of him. Imagine that, having your cardiac surgeon running right along with you?? That is awesome, and inspiring to all. He recently found out that his primary doctor, the one who sent him for this test which diagnosed his aortic aneurysm, he is running the marathon too.

Since Ben's surgery, he has written a Memoir called "Barefoot in November", which is due out in November. He has started a website called Heartosaurus.com. Check out the amazing and inspiring post that he wrote the morning of the marathon. Click here. When I face difficulty in completing a task, or experience sadness, I just think about what my cousin has overcome in one year, and say to myself, if he can overcome open heart surgery, prepare for a marathon, compete in a triathlon, write a book, start a website, and work full time, be a husband, a father, and a friend, well, this puts things in perspective for me, and I can't tell you how very proud I am of him, and his family.

His wife Nicole is also running along side of him. Not only does he have his surgeon, but he has his best friend in life his wife right by his side. I can't tell you how proud I am of both of them, and everyone else who is running this 26.2 mile marathon. I used to be a runner back in my days, but it was only a few miles. NEVER could I ever even think of running this far, and imagine what it must do to one's body. I wish them both the best, and may the best guy or gal win! Keep hydrated guys, and I can't wait to hear all about the marathon from you guys. Ben, you have accomplished such amazing achievements, and you inspire many people, I know you inspire me greatly. When I think of what you have gone through, I cry, and Nicole, for be a great person, for being the wife and mother that you are, and such a great athlete too, I can't tell you how amazing I think you are too. I wish you both lots of luck today, and have fun at doing what you guys love to do!!


Saturday, November 6, 2010

"AZO Emergency Kit" Review & Giveaway

Thanks to the fine folks over at AZO, for giving me this terrific opportunity to review your fine products that came in a Vera Bradley Cosmetic Bag.
When I heard of these products for promoting urinary health, I just had to check it out. If you have ever had a urinary, bladder or yeast infection, then you know it's not fun having them. After having the flu and the common cold, UTI's are the most commen complaint in women 18 and older. It has been estimated that 60% of women will experience the pain and discomfort of a UTI at least once in their live time. A UTI is an infection anywhere in the urinary tract, such as the kidneys, bladder and urethra.Bacteria may enter through the urethra, and travel through the bladder and kidneys. Most times your body may be able to remove the bacteria, but if not treated, your infection can be serious.

Here are some other tips to help you prevent a UTI courtesy of AZO:

Drink lots of water.
Drink 8-16 ounces of cranberry juice daily to keep bacteria from growing and clinging to your bladder wall. Or take AZO CRANBERRY® tablets to get benefits of cranberry juice in a convenient tablet.
Wipe from front to back when you go to the bathroom.
If you are sexually active, go to the bathroom right after you have sex.
Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the need, rather than when the urge becomes strong.
Use tampons instead of sanitary pads and change them every three to four hours.
Wear clean cotton underwear that will allow air circulation and discourage the warm, moist environment necessary for bacteria growth.
Don't hang around in a wet bathing suit or on a damp towel. Get into dry stuff as soon as you can.
Avoid wearing tight clothes like ultra skin-tight jeans.

AZO Cranberry 3 times more potent than before! AZO Cranberry contains PACran, a high potency cranberry supplement made from early black cranberries, which have the highest proanthocyanidins (PAC) content. PAC's are natural compounds that help block harmful bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall. If you don't like the taste of cranberry juice like me, then AZO Cranberry would be perfect, and without the extra calories and the tart taste. All you have to do is take 2 tablets with water daily.

Have you ever experienced the symptoms that come with a yeast infection? I have and they are awful. I was at work, when I realized that I had a yeast infection, and boy was it itchy and I just couldn't stand still. AZO YEAST is the product that you need in this situation. You don't have to wait for the vaginal creams to kick in. Relieve symptoms fast with AZO YEAST, a fast homeopathic yeast infection treatment to help relieve yeast infections symptoms, and prevent them from reoccurring. The tables are taken once 3 times a day.

AZO has a selection of products including AZO Itch Relief Cream, AZO Itch Relief Medicated Wipes, AZO Test Strips and AZO Standard. Click here to locate a store near you that carries these products. They can be found pretty much in all of the drug stores in your neighborhood. You can also purchase these products online. AZO products start st $6.49 and up.

The great folks over at AZO were generous enough to give my readers a chance to win this great package that every female should have in their home. One of you will win all of the AZO products shown above in this great Vera Bradley Cosmetic Bag. All you have to do is stop over at AZO and share something that you learned there:

This is Mandatory and must be done in order for extra entries to count:

1) Subscribe to my email.- 1 entry

2) Follow me on GFC@Sarafan2- 2 entries

3) Fan me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

4 )Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2 -2 entries

Tweet Daily:

AZO Emergency Kit Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2
http://tinyurl.com/2w4jqzg Ends 11/20

5) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs.-1 entry

6) Follow AZO on FB- 2entries

7) Follow AZO on Twitter-2 entries

8) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to me- 5 entries

Thanks for stopping by @Sarafan2 to enter my giveaway . I was not paid monetarily to do this review. I was given the same exact kit as shown for my review thanks to AZO.These are my opinions and mine only. It was a pleasure working with you folks. Thanks for giving me this fabulous opportunity to review your products. This contest is open to U.S. & Canadian residents. Good Luck To All !!

Monday, November 1, 2010

DWTS Week 6 Update

After what happened last week on DWTS, I have just about given up on the show. Tony , who has been on the show each and every season, who is a master on the dance floor, should have not been eliminated with his partner Audrina! I'm appalled at this for happening, and can't imagine what the voters were thinking. Audrina came to the contest with NO, and I repeat NO dance experience at all, She started off strong right from the get go, and was improving each week. The judges, even though a bit harsh at them, were stunned by their elimination.

Bristol Palin should have gone home after the 1st week. She doesn't have the rhythm for dancing. She is stiff, and always forgets her steps. Last week was her best by far, but not enough to keep her safe and send home a seasoned dancer like Tony & Audrina. I haven't been able to talk about it much since last week. I put a few comments on FB, then didn't talk about it, because I'm still upset they went home. Tony had a humongous following, and I'm sure his partner did too. The look on his face showed you how he felt when they called their names. I honestly believe that ABC is just trying to improve their ratings by keeping Bristol on the show. After all we might get to catch Sara Palin in the audience if we are lucky enough. I just watched the first team dance, and my thoughts are still the same. Bristol needs to go. She couldn't keep up with anyone in that dance. She looked like a fool.

I don't know that I will be voting tonight,as I have been voting my heart out along with many of friends, and Tony's fans, and it didn't seem to work. I can't explain how someone that sucked at dancing is still in the competition. I hope Audrina knows how great of a dancer she was, and the show got it wrong!! I will always be a Tony fan for life. I hope Maxx & Brandy and Anna & Kurt make it into the finals, I'm sure with Derek and Jennifer. That's all for now!!

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