Thursday, June 21, 2012

1st Step Pro Wellness Vitamin B 12 Complex Review

Have you ever heard of  1st Step Pro Wellness? I hadn't until recently when I signed up for a chance to review one of 1st Step Pro Wellness products. 1st Step Pro Wellness products are nutritional fitness supplements can help you live healthy, look healthy, and be healthy. If you want to feel good inside and out, then 1st Step Pro Wellness is here to help you .

1st Step Pro Wellness products  are designed to promote the following for woman:

~Healthy Nutrition                 ~Healthy Weight
~Healthy Energy                    ~Healthy Bone & Joints
~Healthy Muscles                   ~Healthy Heart


About 1st Step PRO-WELLNESS

Since 2001 High Performance Fitness, Inc. has been one of the
sports world's premier providers of high-quality, safe and effective
athletic supplements.High Performance Fitness has applied this
success to develop 1st Step PRO-WELLNESS™ with the goal of
helping women achieve lasting energy, strong bone and joints,
toned muscles, healthy hydration and healthy weight.
After years of development, the 1st Step PRO-WELLNESS™
line is launchingnationwide at Food, Drug and Mass
Merchandise stores.

All Natural Cherry.I was a bit unsure of the taste at first, but
I was very pleased with it's fruity taste.I'm one that doesn't
try all them power drinks like the teens do.I feel that the
products in them might not be good for you. It did give me a
boost, one that I hadn't had in quite a while, so I was happy.
It has no caffeine or stimulants in it , and no side affects.
Vitamin B helps convert food into energy & is essential for
red blood cell formation. Folic Acid with B 12 benefits the
brain also.Vitamin B12 "promotes improvement in cognitive
functioning after 24 months, particularly in immediate and
delayed memory performance."

I could use a boost every now and then so I think that Vitamin
B 12 Complex would be good too have around the house. It has a
good tasting flavor and can be purchase at your local Walgreen's
or Kroger. You can also get a coupon for $2.00 by clicking here.
1st Step Pro Wellness carries avariety of different items including
vitamins, healthy bones, healthy weight cleanse,
healthy heart fish oil,healthy joints & healthy muscles
and more.

I was provided these samples for review as part of being a member
of Family Review Network thanks to Kailani. I was not compensated
monetarily for my review. These are my opinions and mine only.
Please refer to my Disclosure Policy at the bottom right hand side
of my blog. 1st Step Pro Wellness has found a new customer with
me. I think I will be purchasing some 1st Step Pro Wellness
Healthy Bones.As we age, so do our bones. I have a family full
of bone problems, so this just might be the answer. Thanks again
to Family Review Network for letting me review this product &
1st Step Pro Wellness for providing it.




Monday, June 18, 2012

Are You Ready For Summer???

Are you ready for the summer months and all of the fun things that go with it? I am !! Last week it was in the 40's to 50's at night time, and a bit chilly, and this week it will be in the high 90's  and possibly hitting 100 on Thursday here on the East Coast. I love summer, and everything about it. I love going to the beaches, picnics, graduation parties, birthday parties, swimming, going jet skiing, and so much more that summer brings. I also love going on vacation to nice sunny beaches where the water is turquoise. I love waking up in the morning with the window open at night and the nice breeze coming in. Every summer also brings accidents and sometimes tragedies, so be safe no matter where you are. If your swimming with the family, then make sure your kids are properly using life jackets. If your out on the boat be smart and do not drink alcohol, and obey the rules just like the road. I can't preach enough about being smart and safe during the fun summer months. If your going on bike rides then wear a helmet. Don't be cool just because others don't like to wear helmets. Our brains are very precious and we need them to function. If you have teens, remember we were there once to, and try to keep them safe and tell them no texting when driving, wear your seat belt or don't drive, and don't be a fool and drink and drive, and Don't Do Drugs!!  I know this happens , but parents need to make their kids aware of the consequences. Always tell your family you love them, and be there for them no matter what.

No matter what your doing I hope you and your family have a blast. I'd love to hear what your plans are for the summer. Are you going on vacation, going to a wedding or just staying home and taking it easy? With the price of gas being close to $4.00 a gallon, I'm sure this might put a bit of a damper on your plans. I know it has to mine. Protect your skin from the sun, and don't think that tanning is cool like that crazy brown lady. Sun can cause skin cancer, so be careful and use a high SPF. Thanks for stopping by! I hope to have some cool giveaways coming real soon for my follows.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day Dad's

I'd like to wish a Happy Father's Day to my father and all of the father's, stepfather's & grandfather's out there. What is on your agenda on your day? I hope you have a very happy day and a fun one too. Kick up your feet and let your family wait on you today. I'm on my way to visit my dad with his gift and a special cake. My dad loves his treats. Thanks to my dad for all he does for his family, and for caring for my mom in a time that she needs it.Have a great day Dad's and many more to come!! You are appreciated for everything you day!!

Much love,

Earn Free Stuff Today With Super Points

Have you ever heard of Super Points? When I first heard of this site I thought there was no way that you could earn free stuff without there being a scam. Well, the truth is that I was wrong. Super Points is an invitation only site where you earn great rewards for doing things online like taking surveys, watching videos or shopping. All you have to do is sign up on a referral link by clicking above, or you can sign up by invitation or on FB. I'm always seeing invites on FB. You will earn 25 points for signing up once you complete your profile. Make sure you complete your profile 100% by completing all of the information and a photo. You will see a % above to let you know when your profile is complete.
   Once you complete your profile you will then have chances to invite your family & friends. Once you have people signed up under you, you will win whenever they win. Say a friend of yours gets 50 clicks per day, each time they win points so will you.All you have to do is click the Super Lucky button and have fun. The more people you have signed up the better it is for you. Some days you will receive a few points, some days you might receive none, then there might be days that you will receive 50 or 100. All you need to have is 600 points to purchase your first Amazon card. There are so many different prizes to choose from. That is the fun part of Super Points.

Here is what you will see when you win Super Points. It is so fun to win. I have just cashed out my third card recently. All it takes is about a week or more to get to your account. You can also earn more Super Points by watching videos, and taking surveys under Get Points. You can check out the daily deals and sign up for promotions and watch your Super Points grow. I get alot of points from the people that signed up under me.
From time to time you will see a refer a friend bonus pop up. Snatch it up quickly.. Copy and paste it , and put it on FB & your Twitter account. If someone signs up under this link, you will also get another 25 pointer. I have received 50 pointers and even 100 pointers before. Woot Woot.. I know there are so many sites out there where you can earn free stuff like gift cards, paypal cash and more including Surveryhead, Swagbucks, Ebates and many more. I happen to like Super Points &a Swagbucks the best. You can earn a ton of points on both of these sites. I'm sure people have seen alot of tough times lately with the economy and loss of jobs, so I try and earn every little bit I can. A couple of hundred $$'s sounds good to me for the holidays, and I didn't even have to leave the house. Thanks to Swagbucks & Super Points for these amazing sites. I have a blast each day earning my points. It's a heck of alot of fun too!

So what are you waiting for? When you see a link click on it and sign up today and start earning. You can also click on the blue link above and become a member today. If you have any questions about Super Points or Swagbucks, I'd be happy to answer them for you anytime. Thanks for stopping by!! GOOD LUCK!!!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

I Love Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters

Have you ever took a bite of a Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters? Yesterday I was at my local CVS picking up my script , and as I made my way to the front I noticed these little blue bags of Dreamy Clusters that said new I have always been a fan of Skinny Cow, especially their ice cream sandwiches and fudge bars, but this brought my taste buds to a whole different level. I went out to the car and opened the pack as I was about to drive away. I was eating and no texting so that is o.k. right? I didn't even make it out of the parking lot, as I had turned right around and went back in looking to buy a box of the Skinny Cow Dreamy Clusters. They were so freaking tasty that I could not resist. It wasn't like  was shopping for a nice new Coach Bag for myself. :)

The Skinny Cow Dream Clusters kind of remind me of eating a Nestle Crunch bar with a bit of chocolate and caramel in it. The crunch in it is just fabulous. The package of five which are about the size of a quarter, and only one hundred and twenty calories are to die for. I don't know how long these have been around, but I fell in love with them. I can throw them in my purse, or keep them in the car so they are nice and handy. I need to go to my local BJ's to see if they carry them in a bigger box. The sugar and sodium content is perfect if you are trying to watch your weight.
If you haven't ried these yet , you don't know what you are missing. Skinny Cow is having a promotion now on their page, so stop by and check it out.They are giving away prizes too. Just enter your code from your Skinny Cow package and cross your fingers, and hope to win. Have you tried these before? Please let me know in comments on your thoughts. Does anyone know where I can can come across a coupon for these? If you do, I would be happy if you'd let me know. I just had to tell how how I felt about these wonderful Dreamy Clusters. Once you try it I guarantee you won't stop. Thanks so much for stopping by. I'm waiting for some giveaways to come soon, so check back often. Have yourself a happy and save day!


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Such A Nice Rainy Day

What a way to start a Saturday with pouring rain out, and guess where my umbrella might be? I'm planning to go out and do a bit of shopping, and maybe visit with a friend today, but I didn't plan on getting wet today. It looks like I might since my lovely umbrella is in the car. Good place for it right? Do you have plans for this weekend? The first week of June and it's raining out.. Yuck.. I don't like rain and neither do my bones! I know the  flowers that my Dad planted are loving this rain. Hey I guess it's a bit better than snow, and not as cold. I just want to let you all know that follow me that I have some cool giveaways coming soon. I'm waiting for the sponsors to ship them. Has anyone won a Kindle yet? I have entered  so many giveaways for them, and have yet to win, but I still enter one every time I see a giveaway Have you won anything interesting lately that you just love? Well, I better sign off for now. I just wanted to say hello, and tell everyone what my day is going like, and I apologize for not blogging much lately, but illnesses have decided to become a part of my life. I hope you all have a great weekend and do lots of fun stuff. Thanks to all of the wonderful bloggers out there that keep me up to date on things. You rock!

Until next time,

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