Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween !!! Have Fun & Be Safe !!

I can't believe this time of year is here again. Happy Halloween to you all. Depending of where you live, Sandy has tried to put a damper on our Halloween this year. I'm very thankful to have escaped serious damage from this storm. Thousands of people are without power now, and tree's are down everywhere all over the place. I'm thanking my lucky stars today that the storm didn't leave as much destruction as it was supposed to. At some point during Sandy, the storm turned away, and things slowed down a bit, so we lucked out.

My heart goes out to all of the families that lost loved ones due to this storm. A local fire department lost a member when a tree landed on his truck and killed him, and another elderly lady was killed as her, and her family were leaving their home to go stay with a neighbor. Her two other family members were seriously hurt also. My heart goes out to all of the people in New Jersey, and NYC who lost homes due to water damage & fire. One part of NY lost over 100 homes due to fire , which resulted in a huge explosion. I can't complain when I hear of what so many others have had to go through.

If your taking your kids out tonight, please be safe where ever you go, and carry a flashlight with you for your safety. There are power lines still down, and tree's down. I don't think I would attempt to go out considering all the havoc this storm has caused. It's just not worth it. Have a little party yourself at home, or see if there is a party at a local firehouse. Have fun & be safe!! Don't let the kiddo's eat too much candy, as it rots your teeth! P.S.... Dentist's are too expensive !!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

DWTS Week 5 Team Dances A Must See

 Can you believe that we have reached the half way mark on DWTS? Five weeks went by so far, which were five too many watching Bristol Palin dance each week, but thankfully, there was a god last week, and she went home. Things do happen for a reason. Bristol Palin would have never been able to compete like the other celebrities in the team dance. It was a lot of choreography, and it was very hard to learn according to all the celebrities. Here are a few highlights of the night below:

Melissa & Tony danced the Tango. This was the first time they had danced this, as she was sent home before the Tango on Season 8. I think Melissa killed it. She fit the part 100%. For not knowing much of the dance, she came out, gave it her all, and she played the character perfectly. She looked smoking hot in that red hair. They received 9's for their score. Melissa gives dancing her everything each week. I really want to see Tony & Melissa make it to the finale. They deserve it 100%. The competition is fierce this season with 6 or 7 past mirror ball champs dancing faith it them two, and they have my votes each week.

Louis & Sabrina got great scores this week too. They danced The Waltz, and Sabrina got to play Princess for an evening. She fit the part whole heatedly too. She looked amazing &and so did her handsome partner Louis. Louis is so full of talent, and has yet to win, so I'd like to see good things for him and his partner Sabrina. I met Louis in person, and he's one of the sweetest people ever. They received 9's for the evening also. It was a fairy tale for a princess, and that is what Sabrina was for the night.
Derek and Shawn danced to the Samba, and left me wanting to see more. They danced this to the Titanic, which is a beautiful song, and when you put two beautiful dancers together, it was exquisite. The lines were beautiful. Derek and Shawn make a very steamy couple together. I though that this was a perfect dance, which should have scored them a perfect 30. However, the judges thought a bit different, at least Carrie Ann did. She deducted a point for what she called a lift. Derek didn't see it this way though. He called it a jump, which was caught. Anyways, the dance was beautiful, and they danced it beautifully.
Did you happen to see the team dances? I hope you didn't miss Team Guile's Gangnam Dance. I didn't have a clue as to what it was before hand. I had to ask my friend about it, and she said it was the "New" dance that's out. I thought they rehearsed many hours  and days to get this down to a T. It was so entertaining to watch. Each one of the celebs and pro's held their own. I was very impressed how Kirstie Alley did with Maksim, considering she is the oldest one there. Her age sure didn't stop her one moment. I thought that the stand out in this dance were Guiles and Peta, and Val .Emitt brought it home also. I loved the eyes on him when he was on the floor. The best part of the dance was when Guile's ripped his white towel off, and stood there in his whitey tidies. OMG!! I couldn't believe he did that. He should be the model spokesperson for Hanes with the body that he has. He is simply fantabulous! What's not to love with him?? Click on the video above, and watch for yourself.

Team Call Me Maybe was the winner in team dances if I say so. They scored a 29 out of 30, and the judges were so impressed. I was so happy to see Melissa Rycroft be part of this dance , considering she had just hurt herself a day before, and this was alot of lifting and jumping. It was hard to tell who the celebrities were, and who the pros were. That is how well they danced together. I must say that Apollo Anton really came back this week, and him and his partner redeemed themselves. He really stood out to me in the team dance. He was the only guy pro, and he held up just as good as Melissa, Shawn and Sabrina who have had dancing, and cheer leading experience before. It was so nice to see this dance. I was in heaven after it. I loved the outfits that they wore, and the whole school theme with the desks was cute.

There was no elimination this week due to two one hour nights of dancing , and the Presidential Debate being on. What are your thoughts so far on the show, and who do you want to see win? Who I want to see win, and who will win are two different scenarios. I would love to see Tony and Melissa win this. Tony has never won, and this is his season to win. He has a superb partner. There is some very tough competition this season though. Derek and Shawn are both champs, so are Emmit and Cheryl, and Val and Kelly Monaco are a force to be reckoned with. Let's not forget the sexy Peta and Guile's. They have been leading this race pretty much from the get go. When you have two very strong dancers who are determined to win, well that is what we have with them.

The finale will be here in weeks to come, so we will find out who will make it into the finals. My guess would be Guile's and Peta, Tony and Melissa, and Val and Kelly, This is who I'd love to see in the finals. Let's not forget Twinkle Toes himself "Emmit". He is the crowd favorite, and is a former champ with two time champ Cheryl Burke. I love reading your comments, so please feel free to leave them. Let me know who you want to win also. Feel free to check out my giveaways while your here too. There's always something going on! Thanks for stopping by!:)


Sunday, October 21, 2012

Farm Rich Appetizers Review & Giveaway

Have you ever had a night at home when you just didn't feel like cooking dinner for the family? I have them every now and then, and thanks to Farm Rich , my problem is solved once I open the freezer door. Farm Rich carries a huge variety of products, including Mozzarella Sticks, which happen to be a favorite of mine, Mini Pizza Slices, Mini Quesadillas, to Queso Cheese Bites. They also carry French Toast Sticks, which come in handy when you have kids who wake up bright and early looking for food.  I cook French Toast Sticks for my son, and he loves them along side of his sausage links. Heck, I have even got hooked onto these lately, They are easy to prepare, made with wholesome ingredients, and have a good source of iron in them.

Thanks to Farm Rich for sending me coupons so I could try out their products. I chose the Mozzarella Sticks & the Mini Pizza Slices. I have since tried out the Italian Style Meatballs also. The Mozzarella Sticks are my favorite Farm Rich product. The first time I tried these I couldn't believe how tasty they were. I usually get this for an appetizer when I go out to eat, but nothing compares to Farm Rich Mozzarella Sticks. All you do is throw them in the oven at 450 degrees, for about 10-12 minutes, warm up some Marinara Sauce to go with them, and "Voila", your done! Once you try these, you will not want to stop eating them. The taste is absolutely scrumptious! Be careful to not overcook them, as burnt cheese does not taste good.
The Farm Rich Mini Pizza Slices were a big hit over the weekend, when the guys were watching football games.Normally I order pizza, and have it delivered, but I wanted to change it up this weekend, and have a Farm Rich tasting at my house. The Mini Pizza's were a hit. They are made of authentic pizzeria style crust, made with 100%  real Mozzarella cheese with pepperoni slices, and made with classic marinara sauce. If you worry about getting your daily sources of calcium and protein, you will get that in these pizza slices. They are simple & easy to cook at 400 degrees for about 10-15. They have zero grams of trans fat per serving. The trans fat is the bad stuff that you don't want in your diet. FYI. You can sprinkle cheese, and or dip in marinara sauce if you want like I did.

Farm Rich products can be purchased at your local grocery stores, and can run about $5.99- $7.99, depending on if there is a sale going on, and if you have your Farm Rich coupon. You can also find the above products and more at your local B.J.'s or Sam's Club. I tend to get mine at my local Walmart or Target in the food section, as the prices are very reasonable there, and they except competitior coupons. Would you like to win a coupon for a free Farm Rich product?

The great folks over at Farm Rich are giving two of my readers a chance to try one of their products. All you have to do is like Farm Rich on FB, and leave me a comment telling me which product you would like to try? These entries are MANDATORY. You can also get a coupon by clicking here to save $1.50 on two products. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, and you must be 18 to enter. Please include your email with your entries, so I can get ahold of you should you win. Winner will be notified by email, and will have 48 hours to confirm win, or I will have to do a re -draw. I don't like doing this, so please remember to check your emails. Good Luck to all of you who enter. Please use Rafflecopter Form below to start. Giveaway ends at 11:59 p.m. on 10/31/12 .

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Friday Everyone!! :)

Hello everyone! TGIF !!Woo Hoo!! What is on your agenda today & this weekend? Are you going out apple picking ,or to get a pumpkin?? The weather is supposed  to be nice the 70's, so it's  the perfect weekend to be outside. How about going to a haunted house? My friend had asked me if I wanted to go, and I said no thanks!! I'm not into being scared, and having bad dreams. I just wanted to say hello to everyone, and to wish everyone a happy & safe weekend!! I will do the same! A little shopping might be on my agenda. Christmas will be here before we know it, so starting early is the best thing for me. I'm always into looking for sales whenever I can. I hope to have some awesome giveaways coming soon, so check back if you want. Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day peeps!!


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

And The Winner Is ....

Congratulations to Kerrie! She was chosen as the winner in my Rocky Mountain Popcorn Giveaway. Thanks to all of you who entered! While I wish I could have each and every one of you win, I was only allowed to pick one winner. She has confirmed, and her prize is on the way. Check back often, as I always have new giveaways being posted. You never know when it's your time to win! Thanks for stopping by here. I appreciate each and every one of you. I always love reading your comments too. Enjoy your yummy popcorn Kerrie! I have some great giveaways coming soon!


DWTS All Stars.. She's Finally Gone!

Did you watch the All Star cast this week on DWTS perform their new dance that they had only a week to learn & perform? I wasn't sure how this was going to go, considering I hadn't even ever heard of some of the dances before, but I knew it would be a challenge for them, and I was anxious to see how the night would go. I was so thrilled when I hard that the wonderful Paula Abdul would be filling in as a guest judge for the night. She is the best of the best when it comes to music & choreography. What a delight it was to have her on for the night. Now on to the what I & everyone else all over the world has been waiting for, finally, the cowgirl has left the competition!!
I couldn't have been any happier when I heard that Bristol Palin was leaving the competition. Finally!! She was there four weeks more than she should have been.  If you have read any of my other posts on DWTS, I'm very clear about my feelings about the Palin family. I do NOT care for any of them at all! My nerves have been on edge since this season of DWTS started. They consistently were at the bottom of the leader board, that girl could not dance if she tried, but they seemed to be safe each week , and mirror ball champs were sent home. This should NOT have happened! Shame on the Executives at ABC for this publicity stunt! From reading the comments on FB & Twitter, I know many of fans who are just fed up with the crap, and won't watch the show again. You shoved The Palin's in our face for weeks. Enough is enough already! I'm so glad that Karina & Apollo didn't get sent home after her slip up last night. They are a great pair together, and deserve to be dancing.

One of the highlights of the night was watching Peta & Gilles perform Bollywood. As seen in the previews, they were both pretty nervous with this, and had to get some help from a professional Bollywood dancer. The costumes were amazing! Gilles was HOT HOT HOT!! Those abs on him are so sexy. I don't think there is anything that Gilles can't accomplish. He is a fighter, and when he wants something as bad as he does to win this competition, he does whatever it takes to win. They were so spot on during the dance. Not one step was missed. The dance was a joy to watch, and Gilles & Peta's performance was sweet, sexy and outstanding! He always has the crowd on their feet. And guess what? He scored tens for his amazing performance, 3 that is.. Grumpy old Len just couldn't get that ten paddle out. He deserved every bit of it. The joy on his face was so palpable. He was thrilled with the scores, and the judges comments. He is so true to his fans. Gilles is constantly on FB leaving messages to all to all of his fans. He is very thankful for them, and says so every time he can.  know he wants this, and bad!
Did you see Val & Kelly dance Contemporary? OMG.. this was HOT HOT HOT!! The chemistry between the two of them is insane. You can tell that Kelly Monaco is in the acting industry. She told a story through her dance. The lines, the moves,  the jumps, and the chemistry was insane. I couldn't believe what I was watching. These two have to be dating or something. I have never ever seen a couple with such chemistry on this show. Kelly had to be carried up and down the stairs as she had broke her toe during practice, but nothing was stopping her. She was very emotional after the dance. She had teary eyes. She knew that she had conquered her fears by doing so in this dance. You could tell that she put alot of feelings, aches and pains into perfecting this dance. Her scores were outstanding , just like her dance. I can't wait to see what is in store for those two in the nest few weeks. Kelly & Val are the one to watch out. They started off slow, but in no time have battled their way to the top. Those abs of Val are screeching hot too.
I can't remember what dance Derek & Shawn danced to, but nothing stops them when it comes to perfection. Derek is a 3 x champ & Shawn won seasons back with Mark Ballas. These two are a pair to be reckoned with. They have come out consistently each week , and surprised the heck out of the fans with their amazing performances. I thought they killed their Quick Step last week, until I saw this weeks performance. It was freaking amazing! There is some big competition between them two. Derek is one of the best choreographers around! He is the best at what he does. When you think you have seen it all, he lifts the bar even higher. He & his partner finished on the top of the leader board last night along with Gilles & Peta. Melissa Rycroft & her partner Tony Dovolani finished well last night with 9's & 9.5's after an amazing Jitterbug. As seen in the footage of the show, Melissa knows that Shawn is the one to beat. With her gymnastic abilities, and her winning the mirror ball trophy before, Melissa is right on the money with her being one step ahead of Shawn. I give alot of credit to her and her partner Tony for their amazing performances thus far. I can't wait to see the group dance, and what is in store for the next few weeks. My top 3 finale picks are Shawn & Derek, Melissa & Tony, and Kelly & Val. Who are yours, and who do you want to win this season? Thank for stopping by!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Thoughts On DWTS All Stars Week 3

Here we are week 3 into the competition, and my blood is boiling already. This is not the way I like to feel when I watch my favorite show, but has been for the last couple weeks , Thanks to ABC for asking Bristol Palin to return for the All Stars, like she can really dance. I will say it again and again, Bristol Palin does NOT belong in this competition at all. It was a very bad mistake of ABC to do this. I know there are millions  of people out there that echo the same feelings as I do. I just want her to go away and hibernate, and never show her face again. Ugh..

Last night was one heck of a night for dancing. Pretty much all of the couples came out and gave it their all doing Cha Chas, Argentine Tango's, Quick Step and more. Last night the pros partner had the say in the matter about choreography and what to wear. I'll tell you, many of them kicked some butt. Kudos to Melissa & Tony for their sexy Samba. You guys surely deserved those 9's. I was so scared of Melissa falling and hitting her head, but Thanks to Tony, he let nothing happen. Sabrina & Louis also came out and killed their dance, but got short handed by the judges. I thought they were jipped by them big time. Their dance was spot on, and hot!! The judges are really being picky this year, but also giving Bristol Palin higher scores than she deserves.
I never thought that Melissa Rycroft would be so in shape as to bend and stretch every muscle in her body, without getting hurt that is, but she proved that she could do anything on Tuesday night, and finished with loud cheers from the audience. I'm so thrilled for Tony & Melissa, and hope they can go right until the end. I love them dearly, and they deserve to win this big time, so do many of the other contestants like Louis, Max, Val and Anna. I must say that I did not want to see what happened with elimination that night. I pretty much expected this to happen, but thought just maybe for a second that ABC might do the right thing, and get rid of the worst contender in the pageant' Snot Face Palin". I figured it might be Drew & Kirstie going home, but was wrong. For 60 years old, Kirstie can work circles around Bristol Palin, and others. She keeps up like the rest of them, and does not let anything stop her one bit. I love Kirstie for that. I really would love to see Max win one day, but now is not the right time.

When their names were called I was so pissed. Both couples danced fabulously last night. Drew came out hot with his shirt wide open, dancing the Cha Cha with Anna, they were on fire too, this was their best dance , and scores to date, and Helio & Chelsea who danced the Quick Step, were so cute together, and they danced so precise, and were right on step the whole dance, that was until Helio got his foot caught up in Chelsea's dress, and threw himself off a bit. This did not stop him at all, as he just kept going, and received pretty good scores from the judges. I love watching Helio dance, and was hoping to see him come back and do so next week. Chelsea is a great teacher, and has yet to win. I really thought these two would be contenders in this competition, but that went out the door last night.

I was sick to my stomach to think of who might be going home I was praying  for Bristol to leave this show, but that wasn't so. Two, I repeat two Mirror Ball Champs went home last night making it to week 3 of the competition, leaving Bristol Palin, who can''t dance at all to stay on the show. After the show was over, it seemed as if a war started on Twitter and FB. DWTS put a message out on FB asking their followers what they think about the results I had to give myself a few minutes to digest what just happened. I sat there reading comment after comment in disgust, just like the thousands of FB followers, and I will say they were NOT happy one bit The comments weren't nice ether. Bristol Palin does not have herself too many supporters as her mommy does. I could have sat and read them longer, but I was sick to my stomach after seeing two champs go home. Drew & Helio were just starting to get back into the swing of things, and were at the top of their game, and were sent packing! I know that this will happen again soon, so I'm not getting into the show this season, as I just don't have it in me.

Here are my thoughts once again in case this is your first time here. I do NOT think Bristol Palin should have been called back to dance, but thanks to ABC this happened. How can you pair mirror ball champs with Bristol Palin? This is not right at all. I used to love watching this show faithfully each Monday, but since you brought her back to dance , I have been nothing but pissed off and sickened each Monday night. I wanted to enjoy the show, but that is just not possible. My heart goes out to Joey, Drew & Helio, as they didn't deserve to be sent home so soon. I must say that they handled it with class on Jimmy Kimmel last night. They just laughed it off, and shrugged their shoulders. What more can they do? They all know that the show is rigged, and a very unfair show. Even the judges have their favorites on this show. I wish Simon owned this show. He would replace them all with newer & younger judges just like The X Factor. I can't tell you how many fans will not return to watch DWTS next year, but I do know that many of people are not thrilled, and thinking of boycotting the show. Things will get fixed when the idiots sitting in the big chairs are replaced with knowledgeable workers who know what the heck they are doing! The ratings will drop for sure next year I bet. Of all the comments I read, and there have been thousands, 3/4 of them were negative.

What I did enjoy this past week on DWTS was watching Melissa & Tony tear up their Samba, watching Louis & Sabrina tear up their Posodoble, and Kelly & Val dance dance The Argentine Tango. Kelly & Val were fierce together. They have such a great chemistry together, and great lines.  I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure that Val's Argentine Tango beat his brother's when he danced with Mel B. many seasons ago. I also loved so much watching Derek & Shawn do their routine. It was smoking hot, A++ awesome, and I could not take my eyes off them until they fell from the stairs to end their dance. They killed it, but I guess they broke hold for a few seconds, so they had points deducted away. Bruno gave them a 9.5, Carrie Ann a 9, and Grumpy an 8.. Not so  bad for breaking rules right? I can only pray that the foolishness with the Palin's ends very soon, because I do NOT have the patients to sit through this many more weeks, knowing that champions were sent packing before Bristol Palin.

 I'm still counting on Melissa & Tony, Kelly and Val, & Louis and Sabrina making it to the finals. Of course twinkle Toes himself might be there. That dude can dance & he is so entertaining to watch. We will see what happens. I do Not know if I will be back each and every week to blog like I did last year, but I sure will try. I'm hoping that ABC stops their foolishness, and starts making this a real dancing competition. That's what the show is all about right? Get people that have no dance experience at all, and start them all off fresh. This makes it fair to one another. Do not have any type of politicians compete  on the show, i.e Sarah Palin, then we won't have all this favoritism crap. I would personally love an apology from ABC, due to their bad choices, but I will never see that. Thanks for making a show dear to my heart that I have been watching for many years, sometimes uncomfortable to watch because of Bristol Palin and the nonsense. I'm seriously thinking of finding a new show to watch next season in this time slot. I can't take anymore foolishness like this ever again. If you value your followers, then stop acting wreckless & do what's right for your followers, or trust me, you will lose them by the hundreds, possibly thousands. Remember without the fans, there is NO show!!  If your a fan of the show, and by chance you happen to be reading this post, let me know what your feelings are about the All Star Cast, and who has left the show so far, and who you would like to see win? Thanks for stopping by!


Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Thoughts On DWTS Week 2 Elimination

Another week has passed, and  so have plenty of fantastic dance moves for this seasons All Stars. Have you watched the first two weeks? I really was looking forward to this season starting and was excited about the line up, that is until I found out about the Palin chick coming back. Anyone that has read my blog before, knows that I'm not a fan of anyone of the Palin's, especially "Miss Snotty Pants" herself . I can't understand to this day why she was asked to return to DWTS especially after all the mess she stirred up on her season. I couldn't believe the talented dancers were sent home, and Bristol had made it into the finals. What the hell were the "Tea Parties, or Coco Parties", as Joey Fatone referred to today on The View thinking? The answer is they weren't! Plain and simple!

As I said before, I'm routing for Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani all the way. Their Jive this week was unbelievable. They danced perfect, Melissa did not miss one single step, and the audience was very pleased. For week 2, I was very proud of how well Melissa danced. They received 8's & 7.5, which I thought should have been higher because of the content and the exquisite lines from Melissa  & Tony, but apparently the judges didn't think so. Tony couldn't have asked for a better partner She's back to claim the Mirror Ball Trophy, and she is dancing for her daughter Ava Grace. I so desperately would love to see them win. The competition was tough this week, as any of the couples danced well. Heck Kirstie Alley at age 60, can dance better than the Palin chick with her eyes closed.
I was so happy when Louis Van Amstel & Sabrina Byran danced. I didn't see her dance back
when she was paired up with Mark Ballas. I remember seeing her be sent home on elimination night though, and I can remember how the audience reacted, and the viewers. While I was very sad to not see Kyle Massey slip into his dance shoes again this season, I'm very pleased watching Sabrina, as that girl has some talent. She did great on week 1, and also received the first 9's for their Quick Step from Carrie Ann & Bruno. What a great partner she has with Louis. He has yet to win, and of course I would like to see that happen. I met him this year at a  Meet & Greet, and he was so darn friendly. I hope Melissa is practicing as much as she can because not only is Sabrina on fire, so is Helio & Chelsea, Karina & Apollo, Gilles & Peta and Cheryl & Emitt. Kirstie Alley and Maksim are doing terrific also. Kirstie needs to focus on her dancing, and not what everyone else is doing. She is a talented dancer, an has the hottest parter ever. They have great chemistry also.
I couldn't believe how beautifully gorgeous Kelly Monaco looked paired with her hot parter Val Chmervikoski. What a wonderful couple they are together. Kelly is a former mirror ball champ from season 1, so she knows what it's like to win, and she is a go getter, and wants to claim trophy #2. She is another one who comes out week 2 with a very solid performance. The chemistry between them both is very clear. The judges are always praising her about her dance moves. My feelings so far are Kelly & Val, Cheryl & Emitt, Sabrina & Louis, and of course my favorites Tony & Melissa, will be in the finale, atleast that is what I'm hoping for.

On for the bad news, I can't express how upset I am with ABC/DWTS to bring back the Palin chick. She clearly does not belong in this competition and shame on you for allowing this to happen. Joey Fatone is a great guy & a great dancer, plus he made the show fun to watch, but him and Kym did NOT deserve to go home this soon. I prepared myself for the elimination, as I, 100% knew that Palin could not be going home,thanks to her mommy and her supporters. Had her mother not been involved in politics,and didn't stand out in public, this would not be happening, but we all know how politics are. They are nasty, dirty, cross the line, and sometimes a war with words, which the Palin family knows nothing better thanks to her failure as a Governor mother Sarah. My heart aches for Joey & Kym,but after seeing them today on The View, and how beautifully they danced, they do know that this stuff happens in competitions , whether it's honest or dishonest!  In case ABC doesn't understand how the viewers feel, then maybe they should check out the comments on Yahoo, and or DWTS Elimination. I read hundreds of them, and people were alot more voiced about their opinions, and held nothing back.

Seeing that next week will be the elimination that will send two people home, I will keep my fingers crossed for that snot faced daughter to be sent home. If this doesn't happen I just might blow a fuse. I love watching DWTS, and have always, but when it comes to rating stunts like this, I have no patience for this at all. A 2 time mirror ball champ was sent home on week 2  with the ever most handsome partner Joey Fatone. This is a dancing competition, not about politics,so let's make it this way. The judges need to be fair to all contestants involved, and none of the sarcastic comments from Len, Carrie Ann or Bruno should be tolerated at all. Be happy that the dancers took the times out of their busy schedule to dance, instead of bashing them for small flaws, then when Bristol finishes dancing, and barely moves her legs, of course with the most guidance from her partner Mark Ballas, she seems to be getting awesome comments from the judges. That sounds fair right?? Did you see this past week after Joey & Kym were announced to go home, and were being consoled by all of the cast members, except Bristol & Mark. The two of them stood far away, and didn't go near them. Now that is a classy thing to do isn't it? Mark even knows his partner sucks! I hope to be back blogging next week after the elimination, but I really can't tell you how I will feel about it. We will have to wait and see. I know that if the Palin check doesn't get eliminated, and mirror ball champs do, then I will have a huge problem with it . I'm seriously thinking of writing a very long letter from a follower, expressing how I feel about the foolishness, and how terribly they will be hurting themselves in the long run. I have spoken to many of people who have already stopped watching DWTS & plan on doing so in the future. If this does NOT wake up ABC, then I don't know what will. I would pray to god that they listen to their followers, but that doesn't seem to be so, so far.

Who are you routing for in this competition? Are you routing for more than one couple, and who do you think is the most improved ? I'm a huge Melissa & Tony supporter, but there is room in the in the finale for Sabrina & Louis ,and Emitt & Cheryl Thanks for stopping by and listening to me rant. It sometimes helps when I get his off my chest, and my followers let me know ow they are feeling.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails Review


Are you a fan of Arbor Mist? I have been a long time fan of it, and love the taste. During the hot summer months after a long days work, or having a picnic with family members & friends, Arbor Mist will always put a smile on your guests face.My favorite has always been the Strawberry White Zinfandel. The taste is amazingly awesome. It's a  light & a fruity tasting wine,and it goes down very smoothly. Thanks to Arbor Mist, they have recently came out with Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails. If your a wine drinker you must give these a try. Simply amazing is all I can say.

I like to spend alot of time in the summer & on the holidays at my sister's house. She has a pool, the kids like to swim and hangout, and the adults like to enjoy a nice cold beverage to quench your thirst. My sister always likes to break the blender out and make Daiquiri's, Mud Slides & Frozen Margarita's. While they are yummy tasting, who wants to go through the hassle in the hot summer?  Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails are the perfect frozen drink to quench your thirst. They come in a pouch, you place it in the freezer for 5 hours or so, then remove and gently massage with hands, tear open the top, and poor into your glass, and enjoy. No hassle, no blenders & no mess. The new Arbor Mist Frozen Cocktails are awesome! They have they same taste as the wine, and the same alcohol content. I drink these purely for the terrific taste, and not the buzz. Arbor Mist Wine always makes me feel calm, and it taste excellent. Remember to designate a driver if your drinking, so you'll get home safe!

Arbor Mist Frozen Wine Cocktails come in three delicious tasting flavors including Blackberry Merlot, Strawberry White Zinfandel, White Pear Pinot Grigio.  The taste of these were phenomenal. They had a nice fruity taste and not too strong. The perfect drink for a nice hot summer afternoon. I took mine out of the fridge a bit early, as I eagerly wanted to taste it, and it was perfect. My favorite was the Strawberry White Zinfandel & White Pear Pinot Grigio being my favorite. The Blackberry Merlot was good also, but I'm not a huge Blackberry fan. These frozen cocktails make an absolute plus for a picnic or party, and are simple & easy to prepare. No fuss, no mess, and everyone will be happy. Pour them in your favorite wine glass, or you could use your glasses from the freezer , if you want to be fancy, you could garnish them with a lime or strawberry just to add a touch of love, and voila, your guests will be happy. You can find out where to  purchase these frozen cocktails at your local liquor stores by clicking here.

Thanks to She Speaks  & Arbor Mist for providing me with these Frozen Wine Samples for review. I was not compensated monetarily for my review, and I was not co hearsed in any way to write a positive review. These are my opinions and mine only. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy at the bottom right hand side of my blog. Go out and grab yourself  few of these frozen cocktails and try them. You will love every last sip of them. Thanks for stopping by and reading my review! Have you tried these yet, and if so, what do you think of them? P.S. If your going to a birthday party and not sure of a gift, these would make a fabulous gift for sure!. I know I'd like them! :)


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