Here we are week 3 into the competition, and my blood is boiling already. This is not the way I like to feel when I watch my favorite show, but has been for the last couple weeks , Thanks to ABC for asking Bristol Palin to return for the All Stars, like she can really dance. I will say it again and again, Bristol Palin does NOT belong in this competition at all. It was a very bad mistake of ABC to do this. I know there are millions of people out there that echo the same feelings as I do. I just want her to go away and hibernate, and never show her face again. Ugh..
Last night was one heck of a night for dancing. Pretty much all of the couples came out and gave it their all doing Cha Chas, Argentine Tango's, Quick Step and more. Last night the pros partner had the say in the matter about choreography and what to wear. I'll tell you, many of them kicked some butt. Kudos to Melissa & Tony for their sexy Samba. You guys surely deserved those 9's. I was so scared of Melissa falling and hitting her head, but Thanks to Tony, he let nothing happen. Sabrina & Louis also came out and killed their dance, but got short handed by the judges. I thought they were jipped by them big time. Their dance was spot on, and hot!! The judges are really being picky this year, but also giving Bristol Palin higher scores than she deserves.

I never thought that Melissa Rycroft would be so in shape as to bend and stretch every muscle in her body, without getting hurt that is, but she proved that she could do anything on Tuesday night, and finished with loud cheers from the audience. I'm so thrilled for Tony & Melissa, and hope they can go right until the end. I love them dearly, and they deserve to win this big time, so do many of the other contestants like Louis, Max, Val and Anna. I must say that I did not want to see what happened with elimination that night. I pretty much expected this to happen, but thought just maybe for a second that ABC might do the right thing, and get rid of the worst contender in the pageant' Snot Face Palin". I figured it might be Drew & Kirstie going home, but was wrong. For 60 years old, Kirstie can work circles around Bristol Palin, and others. She keeps up like the rest of them, and does not let anything stop her one bit. I love Kirstie for that. I really would love to see Max win one day, but now is not the right time.

When their names were called I was so pissed. Both couples danced fabulously last night. Drew came out hot with his shirt wide open, dancing the Cha Cha with Anna, they were on fire too, this was their best dance , and scores to date, and Helio & Chelsea who danced the Quick Step, were so cute together, and they danced so precise, and were right on step the whole dance, that was until Helio got his foot caught up in Chelsea's dress, and threw himself off a bit. This did not stop him at all, as he just kept going, and received pretty good scores from the judges. I love watching Helio dance, and was hoping to see him come back and do so next week. Chelsea is a great teacher, and has yet to win. I really thought these two would be contenders in this competition, but that went out the door last night.
I was sick to my stomach to think of who might be going home I was praying for Bristol to leave this show, but that wasn't so. Two, I repeat two Mirror Ball Champs went home last night making it to week 3 of the competition, leaving Bristol Palin, who can''t dance at all to stay on the show. After the show was over, it seemed as if a war started on Twitter and FB. DWTS put a message out on FB asking their followers what they think about the results I had to give myself a few minutes to digest what just happened. I sat there reading comment after comment in disgust, just like the thousands of FB followers, and I will say they were NOT happy one bit The comments weren't nice ether. Bristol Palin does not have herself too many supporters as her mommy does. I could have sat and read them longer, but I was sick to my stomach after seeing two champs go home. Drew & Helio were just starting to get back into the swing of things, and were at the top of their game, and were sent packing! I know that this will happen again soon, so I'm not getting into the show this season, as I just don't have it in me.

Here are my thoughts once again in case this is your first time here. I do NOT think Bristol Palin should have been called back to dance, but thanks to ABC this happened. How can you pair mirror ball champs with Bristol Palin? This is not right at all. I used to love watching this show faithfully each Monday, but since you brought her back to dance , I have been nothing but pissed off and sickened each Monday night. I wanted to enjoy the show, but that is just not possible. My heart goes out to Joey, Drew & Helio, as they didn't deserve to be sent home so soon. I must say that they handled it with class on Jimmy Kimmel last night. They just laughed it off, and shrugged their shoulders. What more can they do? They all know that the show is rigged, and a very unfair show. Even the judges have their favorites on this show. I wish Simon owned this show. He would replace them all with newer & younger judges just like The X Factor. I can't tell you how many fans will not return to watch DWTS next year, but I do know that many of people are not thrilled, and thinking of boycotting the show. Things will get fixed when the idiots sitting in the big chairs are replaced with knowledgeable workers who know what the heck they are doing! The ratings will drop for sure next year I bet. Of all the comments I read, and there have been thousands, 3/4 of them were negative.
What I did enjoy this past week on DWTS was watching Melissa & Tony tear up their Samba, watching Louis & Sabrina tear up their Posodoble, and Kelly & Val dance dance The Argentine Tango. Kelly & Val were fierce together. They have such a great chemistry together, and great lines. I hate to say it, but I'm pretty sure that Val's Argentine Tango beat his brother's when he danced with Mel B. many seasons ago. I also loved so much watching Derek & Shawn do their routine. It was smoking hot, A++ awesome, and I could not take my eyes off them until they fell from the stairs to end their dance. They killed it, but I guess they broke hold for a few seconds, so they had points deducted away. Bruno gave them a 9.5, Carrie Ann a 9, and Grumpy an 8.. Not so bad for breaking rules right? I can only pray that the foolishness with the Palin's ends very soon, because I do NOT have the patients to sit through this many more weeks, knowing that champions were sent packing before Bristol Palin.
I'm still counting on Melissa & Tony, Kelly and Val, & Louis and Sabrina making it to the finals. Of course twinkle Toes himself might be there. That dude can dance & he is so entertaining to watch. We will see what happens. I do Not know if I will be back each and every week to blog like I did last year, but I sure will try. I'm hoping that ABC stops their foolishness, and starts making this a real dancing competition. That's what the show is all about right? Get people that have no dance experience at all, and start them all off fresh. This makes it fair to one another. Do not have any type of politicians compete on the show, i.e Sarah Palin, then we won't have all this favoritism crap. I would personally love an apology from ABC, due to their bad choices, but I will never see that. Thanks for making a show dear to my heart that I have been watching for many years, sometimes uncomfortable to watch because of Bristol Palin and the nonsense. I'm seriously thinking of finding a new show to watch next season in this time slot. I can't take anymore foolishness like this ever again. If you value your followers, then stop acting wreckless & do what's right for your followers, or trust me, you will lose them by the hundreds, possibly thousands. Remember without the fans, there is NO show!! If your a fan of the show, and by chance you happen to be reading this post, let me know what your feelings are about the All Star Cast, and who has left the show so far, and who you would like to see win? Thanks for stopping by!