Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How Is Your Summer Going?

How is every one's summer going this far? It's been hotter than heck this past week, high in the 90's, and humid as ever. It's been unbearable, but thank god for air conditioners. I sure feel sorry for those without. I can't believe that. July has flown by this quick, can you? It feels as if the kids just got out of school. I sure hope each and everyone of your kids and grand kids are enjoying their summer, and being safe.

It has been a long while since I have had the chance to blog. I have my hands tied with a sick family member that needs me badly. I apologize for not blogging, but family comes first, and when I get home, I just about want to collapse. My body is not doing the greatest itself. I hope you all enjoy your summer. Do lots of fun and safe activities with your family, and remember safety. Do not let children near a pool unattended.  I hear tragedies way to often during this time of year, that could be prevented.

I hope to be back blogging and hosting giveaways as soon as I can. I miss all of my followers and friends. Keep in touch and thanks for stopping by! Be safe & have a blast!

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