Monday, June 27, 2011

Managing Monday Social Hop

Please join Debbie Does Coupons and her feature guests in the Managing Monday Blog Hop. Follow her on GFC, and check out the featured guest, and follow them too on GFC. This is a great way to meet new friends, and gain some new readers for your blog.

If you'd like your blog features, shoot Debbie an email to "Monday Feature Spot" in the subject line. Each week a different blogger will be featured. Stop by, and start hopping around and make some new blog buddies. I have made some friends for life myself as a blogger. It is not required that you add Debbie's button, but is appreciated and will help spread the word around, and we all can gain some new followers. Who doesn't want new followers?? I know I do.

Leave Debbie a link to your blog and link up your button, so she can stop by and follow you back. Thanks for stopping by!! Ready , Set, Go.. Start linking up today!! Thanks to Debbie Does Coupons for hosting the hop. I look forward to find some interesting blogs, and some wonderful bloggers. You can get the link for the Managing Monday Hop here.



Friday, June 24, 2011

Fiber One Cereal Review & Giveaway

Do you like to get a jump start to each day? If you answered yes to this, then I have the perfect answer for you. Fiber One Cereals is the best way to start your day off and give you a bit of energy. Did you know that 9 out of 10 Americans don't get enough fiber in their diets, which is an alarming statistic, considering how very important it is for your health . I know that I struggle with incorporating fiber into my diet each day, so when I was given the chance to review  Fiber One Cereals from General Mills through My Blog Spark, I of course had to jump on this. I received the cereals shown in the picture below.

The 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans say people should consume 25-38 grams of fiber daily, and that the average American consumes only 15 grams. What’s amazing is that incorporating fiber into your diet can be effortless and definitely delicious, with Fiber One cereals offering at least 30 percent of the Daily Value per serving. (Some Fiber One cereals offer more than 50 percent!) Fiber One Original® and flavored varieties like Honey Clusters®, Raisin Bran Clusters®, Caramel Delight®, and Shredded Wheat®, make fiber taste good and help to give people a jump start on their fiber intake each day.

A recent nutrition review* concludes that eating fiber is associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes. In addition, fiber helps you feel satisfied, which makes it easier to stick to your diet and lose weight without feeling as hungry.

Outlined below are intriguing statistics from a recent survey** I took part in, along with over 1,000 fellow bloggers:

30 percent thought they were getting the recommended Daily Value of fiber

66 percent say they struggle to incorporate fiber into their diets

-  51 percent said that they don’t think about incorporating fiber into their diet, while 21 percent said fiber is too difficult to find in foods they enjoy

45 percent said they would like their fiber to come with honey

Let your taste buds be your guide and let Fiber One take care of the fiber. Getting fiber in foods you love doesn’t have to be a struggle when there are delicious honey clusters, plump and juicy raisins, caramel-flavored whole wheat squares, or whole grain shredded wheat biscuits with frosting that make it taste amazing.

One of my favorites that I was sent was the Raisin Bran Clusters. Not only did it have a delicious taste to it, but the raisins were plump and juicy, and it had these crunchy clusters that were scrumptious, along with the wheat grain flakes. I have always had this idea in my head that whenever anything had fiber in it, that it wouldn't have a great taste. Well, that couldn't be the truth at all. I was very surprised by this awesome taste of Fiber One Raisin Bran Clusters, and I must say that  look forward to it each and every morning when I wake up. Another favorite of mine is the Shredded Wheat.  I have always been a fan of this type of cereal, and knowing that this was indeed healthy for me to eat, made it that much better. This cereal is a whole grain shredded wheat biscuit with a light frosting. I have two words to say about Fiber One Shredded Wheat, and it is "Yum Yum"! It includes 35% of your daily fiber intake needed.

By clicking here, you can download a printable coupon for $.75 off any (1) box of Fiber One Cereal . Visit Fiber One online today for some great information, and  additional ways to incorporate fiber into your daily diet. You can also check out the Fiber One FB page, and get involved in the conversation today.

What is really nice about General Mills through My Blog Spark is, that they have not only given me the chance to try such awesome products, they are also giving one of my readers a chance to win also. All you have to do is tell me how you plan on incorporating fiber into your daily diet, or do you think that you get enough fiber each day? This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must also follow me on GFC too! Both of these entries must be done to count !! You must leave your email with each entry, so I can contact you if you win. This contest is open to U.S. only! You must be 18 to enter!

 Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries

3) Fan me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

4) Fan Fiber One on FB- 1 entry

5) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet Daily: 1 entry each

    Fiber One Cereal Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2 #myblogspark Ends 7/8

7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment - 2 entries

8) Blog about this giveaway or link up on a giveaway linky- 5 entries
    Link must be included.

9) Tell me if you have any summer plans??  2 entries

10) Share this giveaway on FB - 3 entries

I was sent these products to review courtesy of General Mills through My Blog Spark. A huge thank you to both of them. I was not compensated monetarily for this review. These are my opinions, and mine only. Winner will be picked by Random.Org number generator. You will have 48 hours to confirm your win by email, or another winner will be drawn. Please refer to my disclaimer on the bottom right hand side of blog. This giveaway ends on 7/8/11 at 11:59 p.m. (EST). Thanks for stopping by! Check out my other giveaways while your here. I have some great giveaways coming soon, so check back often.

Until next time,



Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day Dads!!!

I would like to wish all the dads out there a very Happy Father's Day today! Kick your feet up, relax, and enjoy your special day!!  Anyone can be a father, but it takes a very special person to be a DAD !! I appreciate my dad for everything he does for me, and all the times he helps me out when I get in a jam. P.S. Dad, I'll be over at 5 p.m. today, so please have my steak cooked and ready..Of course I'm just kidding, but if I show up and steak is there, that would sure make me happy. I hope each dad has a very special day. You are appreciated more than you can imagine. What are your plans for dad's day?? Golfing, going to the beach, having an ice cold brewsky?? What ever it is, have a BLAST!!!!



Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'll Skip That Wedding Thanks..

Ever since I heard this on the news this morning, I have been like Really Kim? What the hell are you thinking? When I heard Whoopi Goldberg announce this on The View this morning, I about choked. Apparently Kris & Kim have set up a wedding registry for their guests at Gearys. Some of the items on the list range from $175 for a mustard jar , going up to $8,000.00 for an ash tray, and lets not forget the crystal vase for $7,850.00. They also are asking for a 24 five piece  silverware set, each costing $1,600. That is almost $40,000 if I'm adding correctly.

I can't even imagine expecting a gift of that value from anyone. Does this mean if you live in LA, and are worth millions, that your guests better dig deep for their wedding gift?? I think that this sounds ridiculously foolish. If they want to buy it, than they could. They have the money too. I don't know how much Kris is worth , but the last time I checked Kim was worth $45+ million or so. Sounds like they could afford it right? With someone making this kind of money, and as picky as I'm sure she is, from seeing the reality shows,I think that they should ask for donations, and give them to a charity of their choice. That is what alot of famous actors do. In this world today, it is good to give to those who are alot less fortunate than yourself. This is making the news, so it's even driving me more nutty.

Holy taledo!! How tall is this dude? He has to be about almosy 7 feet tall. i can't imagine having to reach up for a kiss, or him having to bend over each time. Their going to end up with back and neck problems. Kim better get some 6 inch heels somewhere. I don't know jack about this guy, but for some reason he seems a bit strange to me. I look at him, and just get a creepy feeling. He was on the premiere of Keeping Up With The Kardaschian's last Sunday night. It showed a clip of them both out dining somewhere, and just about as Km was to smooch him, he belted out a loud burp!! Nice going Kris! Way to show some class, especially on national public television. I have no clue what she see's in him, as she surely don't need his money, but I wish them well and much happiness in their future. Hopefully Kris can show a bit of class on TV the next time. maybe he should hang around Lamar, Khloe's husband. I just love Khloe & Lamar. They are real down to earth people, who are hard working.

Do you have a favorite Kardaschian, and if so, who is it?? Do you normally watch Keeping Up With The Kardaschian's on Sunday evening? How about Khloe & Lamar's new reality show on E?? I like that show. It's all about their everyday lives, and it's real. Khloe is a straight shooter just like me. I pray to go that the two youngest kids remain kids as long as possible, and don't step into the spotlight like the rest of the Kardaschian clan. That's all for now. I had to get this off my mind, so Thanks for listening to me. I guess if you have a $1million dollar engagement ring, you just have to have the right silverware, or ash tray to match it right?? HA!! What a big laugh!!

Until next time,


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Navoh Handbag Review & Giveaway

I recently received the Lauren Handbag from the wonderful folks at Navoh. I couldn't wait to get it out of the box and see how gorgeous the bag was in person. My Lauren bag was a mint green color with a gorgeous inside floral design. The Lauren Bag is a huge bag, which is great for getaways, or just going to the beach. With summer right around the corner, this bag is perfect for me.The double handle straps are perfect, so it fits nicely to carry on my shoulder, or I can just carry it in my hands. It also comes with a longer strap so you can carry it on your shoulder .

The Lauren has knot designs on each side of the bag for decoration. The Lauren  measures 22 " in length, 6 " in height, and 17" in depth, with a shoulder strap drop of 9". It also has two pockets inside, and a huge sipper compartment, so you can store important items, that you want to have at your finger tips if needed. One thing I hate is to be driving in the car, and go to reach for something in my purse, and not be able to find it. I hate when that happens. The Lauren has a zipper closure on top as well. When I purchase a purse, I look for the color, the size, the price, and the convenience of the purse. This purse would be a bit too big for me to carry around each day, as it is huge. When I have big purses, I tend to overload them with items, and when I show up at my doctors office complaining of back pain, I hear "Do you think you have enough in that purse?

Have you ever seen such a pretty fabric in a purse? I fell in love with these colors, and let me tell you, I have received plenty of comments about it when I'm out and about shopping. Navoh has an awesome spring collection right now for sale. The colors range from brown and black, to purple and aqua. Navoh has a variety of purses including hobos, clutches ,satchels, messengers, and totes.  Another one of my favorites is the Katie. This bag is gorgeous, and the studded design rocks !!!

This is my next bag to get from Navoh. The Katie is fabulous. I loved the studded design on this bag. Imagine rocking this bag out with a nice pair of heels this summer. With the right pair of heels, you will look fabulous with the Katie. This purse and many others can be purchased right here at Navoh.Guess what? Not only did the fine folks at Navoh give me a purse to review, they are giving me readers a chance to win one also. All you have to do is check out their handbags, and tell me which one you would pick if you one?? How easy peasey is that?  This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must be a follower on GFC. My goal is to reach 500 followers. I'm almost there, so please help me out. When I reach my goal I have a nice giveaway coming, so tell your friends too. I'm about 40 shy from hitting my goal as of now. This is open to U.S. only, and you must be 18 to enter.

Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries

3) Follow me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

4) Follow Navoh on FB and tell them who sent you- 2 entries

5) Follow Navoh on Twitter- 1 entry

6) Follow me on Twitter and Tweet:  1 entry each

  Navoh Handbag Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2 Ends 6/24

7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 10 entries

8) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

9) Blog about this giveaway, or list it on a linky- 5 entries
    Must have URL shown to count

10) Tell me what your plans are for summer- 3 entries

I would like to thank the wonderful folks at Navoh for providing me with this lovely handbag for review, and for giving my readers the chance to own one also. I was not compensated monetarily for this review! These are my opinions and mine only! Our opinions may vary. Please refer to my disclosure on the bottom right hand side of blog. Thanks so much for stopping by, and entering this giveaway.Check out my other giveaways while your here. Stop back to check out my new giveaways coming soon. My readers mean the world to me. I cherish each and every one of you, so Thanks for stopping by!!

Until next time,


I Have Some Winners

I have some winners for my Nick Chavez Hair products giveaway. The lucky recipients have confirmed and are Cathy, Polly and Sarafie. Your products are on the way ladies. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. My Bed Head Curling Iron Giveaway ends tomorrow, so get your entries in. It's a beauty of a curling iron. I hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!! Enjoy the sun!! Thanks for stopping by !! I'm off to celebrate my mom's birthday with her. She was born 79 years ago today with her identical triplet sisters. Happy Birthday girls!! I hope you all have a wonderful birthday!! Love you..



Monday, June 6, 2011

Are Politicians That Dumb???

I just can't stand it anymore with these crooked dumb ass politicians. First there's John Edwards, then Arnold, now this Weiner guy. I swear I have heard enough of all their lies and deceit. They stand in front of the camera in front of millions of viewers, and say that they did not cheat, lie or whatever it may be, then before you know it, they are apologizing for lying to the country, and their families. The jack ass above in the picture is the biggest douche their is. Not only does he lie through his teeth about his adulteress affairs, he decides to tell his wife , who was just recently given a death sentence, that he has fathered a child with Riel Hunter, the bimbo that he was screwing around with, after he had blatantly lied to the whole world on national television. I couldn't believe how despicable that man was to his wife who stood by him for all them years, and to slam her with this as she is losing a battle to cancer? I can't say it on my blog how I really feel about him, because it won't come out nice at all. He is a capital "D" for Douchebag!!!

When Elizabeth passed away some months back, my heart was heavy for the children left behind. Not only did they just lose their mother, but their father was a lying , cheating idiot, who fathered another child with someone else. I believe in Karma, and let me tell you, I always knew that John Edwards day would come, and that it has. He is now being indicted on taking charitable contributions to put up, and take care of the bimbo he was screwing behind his wife's back. Nice guy hah? He had to hide Riel, and her baby bump, somewhere, where no one would hear or see hear until his Presidential Race had come to an end. Good job Mr. Edwards, you didn't make it that far, and because of your lying , cheating ways, you had to bow out, because you took a beating in the polls.  I wish you well though in life. I hope you enjoy the time you will be spending at the grey bar motel. I hear they serve good meals there. I truly believe that Elizabeth is getting the last laugh. I pray to god that your kids take after their wonderful mother. She was one classy lady. I watched her on dateline a few weeks before her death, and I couldn't believe how she presented herself, especially after what she had gone though,and to find out that you will lose your fight to cancer. I will always remember how elegant and graceful of a woman Elizabeth was. She will be missed by all whose life she touched.

Now onto the next idiot, not like we haven't been listening to enough of this the last few weeks with Arnold & Maria. All I have heard about is this Weiner guy, and these racy photos that were sent to some ladies account on twitter, which he claims that his twitter account was hijacked. He swore up and down to the world that he did not do this, but how much grief this was causing him, not to say the embarrassment. Well, Mr. Weiner, like I said about John Edwards, "Your A Douche". You made your bed,now lie in it. This guy just married last year, to Hilliary Clinton's top aide, is lying just like the rest of all these politicians. The ink hasn't even dried on his marriage certificate for gods sake. This guys wife was beautiful too. I just heard on the news from him at a news conference, that he has been lying all along, that he did send these photos, but panicked when they were out on twitter, so he decided to lie. He also admitted doing this to about 6 or more other woman. His wife needs to send his lying ass packing for sure. Who would want to keep someone that can't be faithful to you around. It's not like he had some unattractive wife either. She is gorgeous, and he is just a geek. Look at him in the photo above. Loser!! That is all I can say about him. He says he is not going to resign from his post either. Why should he? Doesn't America need another lying politician in it? Don't we have nothing better to listen to on the news that this?

I'm outraged with all of this foolishness on TV lately, between John, Arnold and Weiner guy. Maria Shriver seems like she is the only one with an ounce of brains in her head. She packed up and left. Money can't buy you happiness, nor can cars, or houses, and she don't need the Terminator. Imagine living in the same home with this person as Maria did all these years. She is one classy lady let me tell you.She reminds me of Elizabeth Edwards in the way she has handled matters. She is protecting herself and her kids. Don't take him back Maria. He is a lying , cheating BUM !! Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater!! I honestly do believe that saying too!! What are your views on these lying, cheating crooks that call themselves politicians? Have you not heard enough about this like me? I just want to know WHY??? Why is it that these jobs go to their heads, and we the people have to pay for it week after week?? Thanks for letting me vent here. I had just about snapped when I heard the news on TV tonight with the Weiner guy. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog. Check out my giveaways while your here. I like reading your comments too, so feel free to say hello if you'd like.

Until next time,


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Almost At My Goal ...500 Followers

I'm happy to say that I have almost reached one of my goals which is to reach 500 GFC followers. I am about 50 away right now, so I'm close. I need all of your help to reach this, then as Emerald says "BAM"... Giveaway time. I will have that posted very soon I promise. I have been picking up things here and there, so I can make it a beauty of a giveaway. I cherish each and everyone of you. It is you that makes one have a successful blog, so I Thank You  for that. Send your friends over too. Thanks for stopping by, and most of all THANKS for following me here at Sarafan2. I'm seriously thinking of changing my blogs name too, so I will keep everyone posted on this once I figure it all out. You rock!!



Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I Don't Know What To Watch Now...

Now that all my shows that I watch have come to an end I'm lost. I have been a huge fan of DWTS. American Idol and Celebrity Apprentice for years now. In my house on those nights I tell people, "Don't Call Me", as I won't answer my phone. What do you think of these reality shows?? DWTS is my all time favorite show. This was a great season this year with all the contestants, and having Kirtie Alley on the show was a real treat to watch. I applaud her for putting her everything into dancing,and proving to America, that you can do anything that you set your mind to. I'm glad that Hines & Kym Johnson won. That Hines was a pro from start to finish. He came out every week with that gracious smile of his, and gave it his all. He took constructive criticism from the judges, and learned from it. Having his mm sit and watch him each week was awesome. The night he danced and dedicated it to his mother was tear jerking for me. Kudos to all of the dancers that made it to the finale. You all worked you but off for it.

Celebrity Apprentice was a bit rocky this season for me. With all the fighting between Nene & Star Jones going on, and with Mr Trump firing David Cassidy the first week, and then bringing back Latoya Jackson after he fired it?? I had never seen such foolishness before on this show. What the hell was Mr. Trump thinking? He is all about the ratings, and believe you me,when they are having cat fights, and name calling, his ratings go sky high. I liked John Rich and Marlee Matlin in the finale,even though I wanted to see Meatloaf and John battle it out. They both worked their butts off, and raise more money than ever for their charities, so kudos to them both. In the end it was John Rich who won, and he deserved the win so much. He had his eye on the prize from the get go, and he was a neutral team player. He didn't get into all the drama. Remember when Meatloaf and Gary Buse almost duked it out?? John Rich jumped in and handled it very appropriately. Well done Mr. Rich!! You are a great team player!! Conrats to you , and well done on all the money you raised for St. Judes Hospital!

On to American Idol, another one of my favorites. It got down to country boy Scotty and country girl Lauren in the finale, and they both deserved to be there, even though some of the great singers like Pia and James went home way too early in the competition. Common people, what the hell was America thinking?? You need to vote if you want your idol to stay around. I was on the Lauren Alaina to win team, but in the end it was Scotty. I kind of figured that would happen, considering he had never received any negative criticism from the judges. You can kind of tell from the get go what will happen. It's the same stuff each season. It's called favoritism!!!! I know that Lauren will go far in her career. To be 16, and such a beautiful talented young lady. She just gave me the chills, and especially with her last song she sung to her mom. It was simply tear jerking. I think Lauren will sell more records than Scotty in the long run. He was an amazing performer for being what 16 years old himself?? In the end, i wish them both the best of luck with their careers. Stay strong and keep your family values at heart. I can tell they both come from such loving wonderful families.

Well, now that all my shows have come to an end, I feel lost. What should I be watching on TV now? Does anyone have any great shows to watch? I did see The Voice last night, and that seemed pretty good, and then there's The Bachelorette on Monday nights, but I don't really care for the Bachelorette this year. Ashely Hebert is the new Bachelorette, and she just is too whiny of a gal for me. Thanks for stopping by. If you have a favorite show that you like let me know about it. I need a new one to watch. Also check out my giveaways going on that are listed on the left hand side.


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