Thursday, September 30, 2010

DWTS Week 2

Week 2 has come and gone on Dancing With The Stars and I hated to see Michael Bolton & Chelsea Hightower leave so soon even though they had a low score. I figured that the fans voting would keep them in the game for awhile, but I was wrong. I had never in my life seen anyone who danced receive a 3, and to be ridiculed in front of millions of people was so uncalled for.

Michael was paired up with one heck of a dancer. Chelsea has so much talent, but as much as she taught Michael, it just didn't seem to sink in. Michale was very stiff as he danced. I give him all the credit in the world for going out and giving it a shot, and all the grueling training that comes with it, and to be touring on top of it was just too much for him it seemed. I was glad that Michael stated that he deserved an apology from Bruno for his disrespectful comments because it wasn't right. To tell someone that you had just danced the worst in all the seasons was just uncalled for. I do agree with Len about giving some positive feedback to each dancer. I do see that in him each week. Kudos to you both for giving it all you had.

Kyle & Lacey are one of my favorite couples this season. They are both so young and vibrant. I'm not sure exactly how old he is, but I know he's about 19 or so. He comes out each week, and gives it his best. He has one heck of a partner too. The blonde this season, Lacey is a great dancer. I fell in love with her when she danced with Lance Bass. For carrying a few extra pounds around Kyle can dance, and I see them progressing each week. I bet he keeps the cast on their feet each week. His cheeseburger remark had me laughing so hard.

Then there's Anna & Kurt. Anna has been lucky enough to have great dancing partners for the last few years. I think she should have won last year with Evan Lysacek but didn't. How on earth did she get such a handsome partner? I'm sure she isn't complaining, but then her husband Jonathan Roberts is mighty fine himself. Kurt has come out two weeks in a row with a very solid dance routine. You can tell that he is a winner, and he is in this to win it. I can't wait as each week goes by so I can see him, and of course watch how he progresses each week. Anna is a very good teacher, and her moves are very sharp. I love the routines she comes up with each week.

Lastly , my favorite in this competition to win are Tony Dovolani & Audrina Patridge. Tony has been on this show I think for about nine seasons now, and has yet to win the mirror ball trophy. He has made it to the finals a few times, but hasn't snagged the trophy. I thought for sure on season nine when he danced with Melissa Rycroft, that would have been his year, but Mark Ballas and Shawn Johnson ended up winning. The buzz all over the Internet and T.V. is that Derek Hough & Jennifer Gray will win this season, and I hear that is what has been leaked out by Reality Steve, but we will have to wait and see.

I have nothing against Derek. He is a Hough, and they are darn good dancers, but it seems each season that he gets paired up with someone with experience, like Nicole Sherzinger on last season, and basically you knew each week who would win, and the judges had their favorite which was Derek and Nicole. Let's hope this season that things will be different, as I said earlier that this is Tony's season to win! My guess for the final three couples dancing are Derek & Jennifer, Tony & Audrina, and Anna & Kurt. We will see what happens. Dancing With The Stars airs each Monday at 8:00p.m. on ABC, and the elimination is on Tuesday at 9:00p.m., on ABC. Good luck to all of the great couples this season.

Until next time,


Soda Stream Fountain Jet Set Review

I was fortunate enough to receive this great soda machine from the great folks at Soda Stream. When this package arrived I couldn't imagine what was in this huge box, so I immediately opened it, and was very surprised at what I saw. It felt like Christmas to me. I had never seen a soda making machine before, so this was very interesting to me.

Inside the box was a Fountain Jet Home Soda Maker in black & silver, 1 -60 liter carbonator, 2 carbonating bottles, and nine different soda flavors, and a 3 pack of My Water Flavor Essence.

The set up the the Soda Stream Soda Maker was pretty simple. All you have to do is press the tilt lever button on top to remove the plastic bottle from the Soda Stream Soda Maker, press the buttons on the side to remove the back cover, remove the valve seal cap, and screw in the carbonator bottle tightly into the cylinder,close the back cover and voila, your ready to go. I use cold bottled water, so I filled the plastic bottle up that came with it to the top.

As you can see I had a great variety to choose from. My first choice was cola. I took the cold water out of the fridge, pressed the tilt lever button, and screwed in the bottle of water, then I pressed the carbonating button three times until I heard a buzz. I tend to like more fizz in my soda, so I hit the button an extra time or two. The flavor gets added after you carbonate the water. My first soda was a bit flat tasting, so the next one I made was orange mango (my favorite), and with an extra couple buzzes it tasted so much better. The root beer was another favorite of mine too. My son loved the lemonade drink and the berry water essence drink.

You can purchase the Fountain Jet Starter Kit on line along with any of the additional accessories by visiting their home page by clicking here. You can also purchase a Soda Stream Soda Maker, and refill carbonators at your local Sears. The Fountain Jet Set starts at $99.00 and up, and the carbonators start at $29.99, and the soda mixes start at $4.99 , and the My Flavor Essence flavors start at $9.99. Soda Stream has over 30 flavors of soda mix to choose from, and a variety of My Water Flavor Essence drinks to choose from.

I have enjoyed using my Soda Stream Soda Maker very much. I never knew that these existed until I saw them on a website, and I'm so glad that I found them. Thanks so much to the wonderful people over at Soda Stream for giving me the chance to review this awesome product. I have had so much fun using this great product of yours, and have told many of friends about it. It comes in handy when you want a quick drink, and all the different flavors are right their to choose from.

It's good to have an extra carbonator on hand in case you run out. You can order these online and have them shipped right to your door via UPS here. Soda Stream will send a pre-paid box, in which you will have to return your old carbonator. I haven't had to order one yet, but will be shortly as I don't want to run out.

I have received this Soda Stream Soda Maker for doing my review. These are my opinions and mine only.If you happen to be lucky enough to purchase a Soda Stream, I guarantee you will have a blast with it as I did.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And The Winner Is...

The winners have been chosen for my Febreze/Walmart Giveaway, and they are Sheila And Mari. Both of them have been notified and confirmed. Your Gift Cards are in the mail ladies. Thanks to all of you who entered , and for stopping by my blog. Check out my upcoming giveaways, and keep trying! Your day will come!!

Until next time,

Kelly~ (Sarafan2)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Happy Birthday To My Son

17 years ago today I was given the best gift that any mom could ever ask for, a happy, healthy, and the cutest little baby boy ever with a head full of hair too. I don't know where the years went, or how they went by as fast as they did, but they did. Now I have a senior in high school who is driving, which is a very scary thought for me, but I taught him, so he learned from the best, and I can only hope he uses what I taught him. I took my son out for lunch today, and did a bit of shopping at the mall.

The best part of his day was as we were walking through the mall, a very nice looking young lady asked him if he ever considered modeling? His reply was NO, why do you think I should? Her answer was,"You're a very handsome guy". Well, let me tell you this has made his birthday even better. She handed him her card, and told him to look her up if he was interested. He said he would be interested. Why couldn't she have been a bit uglier? lol. Here is a picture of me and my son on prom night. I hope you enjoyed your birthday son. Your best are yet to come!! Thanks for all the laughs, tears and the many joys along the way. You have brought nothing but joy into my life! I couldn't ask for a better son. Happy Birthday and many many more!!

Love you,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My Thoughts On Dancing With The Stars

My favorite show has finally returned on Monday nights. I counted down the weeks, then days until this show returned. I am a huge fan of Dancing With The Stars, and would someday love to get a chance to be there in person watching them dance, That is a dream of mine that I hope comes true!

Week 1 has passed and I was quite impressed with all of the dancers. I really saw alot of talent, and it is way to early to say who is the front runner. A favorite of mine that I have liked for years now is Tony Dovolani. He has danced for many seasons now, and has yet to win the mirror ball trophy. He has made it to the semi finals with his partners, but was eliminated . This is his year to win!

Tony is paired up with Audrina Partridge this year. Audrina is from the show " The Hills". They did pretty good in their first dance. Audrina seems to have the potential to dance very well, so we will see. I hope Tony pushes her as much as he can. I really believe that this will be Tony's year to finally win the mirror ball trophy. We will see won't we?

Another favorite of mine is Chelsea Hightower and Michael Bolton. How lucky of Chelsea to be paired up with such a hot man, and with a drop dead gorgeous voice. I have been a huge fan of Michael Bolton for many years now. I was in love with him when he had his long hair. When he cut his hair off I was shocked! What a gorgeous man he was, short or long, I loved him either way. I sure hope he sings on the show this season. That would be awesome to see the stars dance to "When A Man Loves A Woman". We will see if this happens. I'm sure to boost the ratings for ABC that this will happen.

When I saw Chelsea & Michael dance the first time, I thought they did okay. I was pretty impressed, but the judges are the ones who score them, and they weren't so impressed by their comments. They told him that he was real stiff, that he needed to loosen up, so we will see come week two if he has taken the judges and Chelsea's advice. I really like Chelsea Hightower. She is a beautiful , talented young dancer,who can strut her stuff. I loved her on the season when she danced with Tye Murray, Jewel's husband. I'm pretty sure she made it to the finals that year. I'm guessing that Chelsea and Michael will be around for quite a few weeks. I know he has fans all over the world, and I'm sure Chelsea has quite the following herself. They definitely have my votes all the way!

More favorites of mine this season are Lacey Schwimmer and Kyle Massey. Lacey is a darn great dancer, and Kyle( aka Corey), after watching him dance the first time, man does that kid have some talent! I was so darn impressed with him.
The first week out dancing and they scored a 23. I was hoping that they would stay in first place too, but no , Derek & Jennifer had to dance their way up to the top. While I love Derek as a dancer, I mean he is a two time Mirror Ball winner, and always gets paired up with the best partners who can dance each season.
I would just for once like to see someone else win that really deserves to like Tony, Maxx, Karina, Anna, Chelsea, Lacey, any of these guys deserve to win, and it would be nice for a change to see someone who hasn't won win. That is just my opinion. Derek & Jennifer's dance for the first time was just beautiful, and such a great tribute to the late Patrick Swayze. Carrie Ann Inaba wasn't the only one with tears in her eyes. I joined her.

While I was very sad to see Lacey and Kyle still standing at the end of the show on the verge of being eliminated, but thank goodness they were safe. I voted like crazy for the blonde beauty(Lacey) ,and the actor turned dancer(Kyle Massey), this just goes to show that no one is SAFE!!

The bad part comes each Tuesday when one of the couples has to be eliminated. Week 1, Kym Johnson & The Hoff were eliminated. This was a huge surprise to everyone watching. Kym is a mirror ball champion, very talented , and one heck of a sexy dancer, and David Hasselhoff (The Baywatch Babe), and the sexiest guy on this planet, were leaving the show after weeks of rehearsal and one dance in front of millions of viewers. This goes to show that if you want to keep your favorite dancer or dancers on the show, then you need to VOTE! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell the mailman if you wish, but vote, vote ,vote!!!

I hope this is a very exciting season with not too much drama like last season, no injuries , and just great dancing all season long. Who do you think will get the first 10 of the season? Most seasons it's Derek, but I'm thinking this season it will be Tony or Maxx. They both have great partners who can shake their booty. I just hope that Brandy can handle her emotions a little better in the upcoming weeks. Maxx needs to give her the chill pill for now! You don't become a pro overnight Brandy!

Enjoy the upcoming weeks of dancing , and leave me your comments about who you like this season, and who you think will win? Until next time!! Adios!!


Thursday, September 23, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaway

Feel free to stop by and link up your giveaways on my blog. Leave the name of giveaway, blogs name & url connecting to giveaway, and end date. Thanks for stopping by. Linky Ends 9/30. Leave me a comment below please!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

And The Winner Is

Congratulations to Deb. She is the winner of my 9 Lives Giveaway. She has been notified of her win. Thanks to everyone who entered my giveaway, and Thanks to My Blog Spark & 9 Lives for sponsoring this giveaway. You will be excited when you receive this prize Deb. I hope your cat loves it just as much as both of mine did! Great job!! Check out my latest and upcoming giveaways @Sarafan2.



Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dancing With The Stars Season 11

I can't believe that the time has come again. My favorite show in the whole wide world will be on shortly, and you better believe I'm counting down the hours! This year the cast is quite different. There is no on with dance experience, like last years and previous years. I do not think that is fair when you are taking someone such as Kate Gosselin with no dance experience, and having to compete against some like Nicole Sherzinger (last seasons winner). To me that is just not fairness for the rest of the dancers.

This year the cast is different than seasons in the past. Maybe we won't see any drama this year like last year with Kate Gosselin & Maxx and Erin. The lucky cast members this year are Kyle Massey (from It's So Raven), Kurt Warner (NFL Player), Bristol Palin (the daughter of Sarah Palin queen bee of Alaska), David Hasselhoff (Baywatch), Margaret Cho (comedian), Jennifer Grey(Dirty Dancing), Michael Bolton(my love & the best singer ever), Brandy (R&B artist), Florence Henderson (Mrs. Brady), Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Rick Fox (Former NBA Player) & Audrina Partridge(actress MTV The Hills), and of course the hosts Tom Bergeron & Brooke Burke.

As of right now I have my eyes set on Michael Bolton & Chelsea Hightower, David Hasselhoff & Kim Johnson and Tony Dovolani & Audrina Patridge, and of coure Cheryl Burke & Rick Fox. After the show tomorrow night, I will know better which way my votes will be going. I vote like crazy, phone, computer, cell phone and any way I can. I even have my neighbors & friends vote for me. Does it sound like I'm hooked or what??

Here are some of my favorite couples from past seasons. Melissa Rycroft & Tony Dovolani were from season 8. I loved them from the get go. They were in it to win it, but came in third that season. In my opinion they should have won! That girl could dance and had one of the best partners ever, Tony Dovolani. Mark Ballas & Shawn Johnson ended up winning the mirror ball trophy that season.Melissa got a huge surprise on GMA the following morning from Derek Jeter. She was shocked as you could see by the look on her face.This was my favorite dance that they did in this photo.

Here is another one of my favorite couples from Season 10, Cheyrl Burke & Chad Ochocinco. Chad, with no dance experience made it all the way into the semi finals, then was eliminated, leaving Evan & Anna and Derek & Nicole. Cheryl & Chad had quite the chemistry. He showed her hom much he appreciated her on her birthday on live television. Chad really brought his A game to the dance floor, alot different than the football field.

Lastly, a very big favorite of mine, the winners of Season 9, Donny Osmond & Kym Johnson. That season there was a heck of alot of talent, but watching them two dance was amazing. The body on Kym and the moves on Donny. The whole world was watching them dance. Donny had a fan trail like you wouldn't believe. I hope you enjoyed the post and the pics. I will keep you updated as Season 10 goes along as to who I want to win. I can't wait until tomorrow night. Dancing With The Stars will air on ABC at 8:p.m-10:00. Leave me a comment and let me know who you want to win!

Until next time,

Friday, September 17, 2010

Sea Pak and Farm Rich Review

I recently had the chance to taste some great products thanks to SeaPak and Farm Rich. I was sent two coupons to try out any of their products, one for SeaPak, and the other for Farm Rich. For SeaPak I chose the delicious Shrimp Scampi, and boy oh boy was it tasty! It was one of the most easiest meals I have cooked in awhile.

All that is needed to make this wonderful meal is angel hair pasta, lemon pepper, Dijon mustard, & dry white wine and the shrimp included in the box of Sea Pak Shrimp Scampi. I left out the broccoli because my son don't like it. All I needed to do was saute the shrimp for five minutes, add the mixture of lemon pepper, wine & Dijon mustard, stir up good, and continue to saute for a few more minutes until shrimp cooked. Be careful not to over cook your shrimp, as they don't taste good when they are tough. I added in a splash or two of lime just to jazz up the taste. Once the angel hair pasta was cooked, I tossed it in the shrimp mixture, stirred it good and voila! A 7 minute meal was all done! Of course we had to shake a bit of grated cheese to top it off . What a quick, succulent meal in a matter of minutes. I ought to make this more often, as everyone was too busy stuffing their faces, and for once I was enjoying my own meal.

SeaPak also carries many other meals such as butterfly shrimp (my favorite), popcorn shrimp, coconut shrimp, salmon burgers & much more.There are 180 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids per serving in the shrimp scampi. Shrimp is a good food to eat. The USDA recommends two seafood servings per week. If you have hypertension you couldn't be eating this food all the time, as it is somewhat high in sodium. If your eating in small portions it shouldn't hurt. SeaPak can be purchase at just about any grocery store in your hometown in the freezer section.

My second choice was Farm Rich Cheese Sticks. OMG, they were totally awesome!! It makes me want to go cook some up right now just thinking about them. A friend of mine had told me to try them, that they were so tasty. I had to search like six grocery stores just to find them. They must be a hot item, because they were all out at every store. They had Farm Rich Meatballs and Quesadias, but NO cheese sticks. I was determined to find them, and I did at Shop Rite! I asked a guy who worked there, and he said hold on, I will go check,and he came out with a whole box. I was so happy.

I'm so happy to have had the chance to experience these great products! I will be a life long fan of the SeaPak Shrimp Scampi & the Farm Rich Cheese Sticks. My next experiment will be with the coconut shrimp. Thanks again to the great people at SeaPak & Farm Rich for giving me the opportunity to try your terrific products. I was provided two coupons for my review. These are my opinions and only mine.

Until next time,


Thursday, September 16, 2010

Computers are fun aren't they?

I have had nothing but trouble with my computer for many months now. It is very slow, I will be in the middle of writing a nice post like today, and it just disappeared. I lost it all! Ugh.. I was so furious. I think it's about time to make a visit to the dumpster with this one! I got a few good years out of it! Does anyone have any thoughts on what might be a good brand to get? I'm thinking of a laptop this time! I don't know much about buying computers. I would appreciate your help on this one because I'm stuck! You can take away my phone, you can take my T.V., but DO NOT take away my computer or else I will go nuts!! I have met so many great people because of computers and blogging, and what a great bunch of people they are!! I need to step away for a bit now, as I have been sitting here for hours trying to fix things.

Enjoy your day folks~~~


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaway Here

Please leave name of giveaway, blogs name , end date & url that will link it right to the giveaway. Thanks for stopping by! Please leave a comment below !! Thanks!!

Kelly (Sarafan2)

Febreze Set & Refresh Review and Giveaway

Thanks to the wonderful people at Febreze through My Blog Spark, and Walmart for giving me this opportunity to review your awesome products. When I received the package, I immediately opened it up. At first I wondered how the smell went through the foil? Well all you have to do is take the cartridge that comes with the Febreze Set & Refresh and insert the cartridge as shown on the back of package, and Voila!! Your room will be smelling awesome in seconds!!

I was sent the Thai Dragon Fruit & the Linen & Sky air freshener, and I loved them both.I have the Linen & Sky freshener in my bedroom, and I love the smell in my room. The Thai Dragon Fruit is my favorite! That smell is ao awesome. I love it and will be buying more of them. These Febreze fresheners can be purchased at Walmart, Target and many other stores.

Here are the scents that The Febreze Set & Refresh come in are :

- Linen Sky

-Meadows & Rain

- Spring & Renewal

-Apple Spice Delight (Limited Edition)

-Hawaiian Aloha

-Thai Dragon Fruit

You can read more about all of the products and the lovely scents that Febreeze carries at the Walmart site. While you are there take the survey Are You Living With Cones? You could win a $5.00 Gift Card from Walmart. Sounds good right? When you are done, you can post your results on Febreze FB page.

Wouldn't you love to win one of these sweet air fresheners? I always use the ones that you plug in, and they never seem, to last long, and are expensive too. These are affordable, and if your lucky enough to have a coupon, you could get it for close to nothing. I'm hooked on these Febreze Set & Refresh air fresheners now. I have been using it for weeks now, and the smell is still as strong as when I opened it. These are a must have item in your house, especially if you have pets. I have cats, and definitely need something to cover up the odor of the litter box, and the Febreze Set & Refresh are perfect!!

The great people at Febreze & My Blog Spark are giving the chance for my readers to win one of these with a Walmart Gift Card. I have two $5.00 Walmart Cards to give out to people so they can purchase one of these air fresheners.

All you have to do is tell which which scent you would choose from the Febreze Set & Refresh air fresheners?? Mandatory Entry Mandatory entry must be done to enter!

1) Subscribe to my email. -2 entries

2)Follow me on FB @Sarafan2 -2 entries

3) Follow Febreze_Fresh on Twitter -1 entry

4)Follow me on Google Friend Connect -2 entries

5) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs -1 entry

6) Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2 and tweet:

Enter to win Febreze Set & Refresh from @Sarafan2
May tweet daily Ends 9/26

These are my opinions and mine only. I was provided Two Febreze Set & Refresh air fresheners, and Walmart Gift Cards for doing this review. These are my own unbiased opinions. Winner must notify me within 48 hours or else I will draw another winner. Giveaway ends 9/26/10.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Winner of Pamper Your Feet Giveaway

The winner of my Pamper Your Feet Giveaway is April! Congratulations to you on your win April! She has been notified of her win and confirmed. Thanks to all of you who entered. Keep trying!! Your day will come!!

Kelly (Sarafan2)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9 Lives Cat Food Review & Giveaway

Thanks to Laura, Amanda & Kelly, the wonderful gals over at My Blog Spark for giving me the opportunity to do this great review & giveaway. Cats are such a huge part of my life and this opportunity was great for me! Upon receiving this wonderful package, my frisky & very friendly cat Erica who is the white one was all into the box to see what she could get into.

Morris the cat is featured on all 9 Lives products. Morris the cat has been around for many many years. I remember Morris the cat when I was a child and that was a few years ago. Morris the cat was rescued by Bob Mardwick back in 1986 from a animal shelter. Mardwick was looking to make his next big star, and Morris soon became that big star who captured the hearts & minds of cat lovers everywhere!

9 Lives comes in four different varieties in dry food, they are Daily Nutrition, Maintaining Urinary Tract Health, Maturing Cats & For Indoor Cats too. 9 Lives cat food is designed with the essential nutrients that meet your cats needs to help provide them with a long & healthy life. Cats lack the ability to produce many essential nutrients,so with Advanced Nutrient System this is tailored to meet your cats needs. It is 100% complete & balanced for all Life stages. Advanced Nutrient System promotes Healthy Skin Coat, Strong Muscle Growth & Healthy Heart & Clear Vision. This is just a few of the reasons why I feed my cats 9 Lives. 9 Lives has a big variety of wet food too. They come in beef, fish or poultry, and there is quite the variety to choose from. I tend to mix it up a bit with my cats. One day beef, one day poultry, another day fish.

So, what did the the wonderful folks at My Blog Spark send me? Well. They sent me the following and it was so nicely packaged, that is until the cats got into it:

2 VIP coupons towards the purchase of wet & dry Food

Sample of 9 Lives Daily Essentials Food

A cat scoop/clip to keep your bag closed

Two Magnetic Photo Frames for your kitties

Two Crinkle Cat Balls

Kitten Play and squeak mouse

Crinkle Ball with suction cup( for door or window)

My cats were thrilled with the crinkle balls and the chirping bird. My Siamese cat chewed up the string that the chirping bird was on. I can't leave strings around anywhere, as she will chew them up and swallow them.

The great gals over at My Blog Spark were so generous enough to offer this giveaway to one of my readers as well, so all you need to do is the following below:

Mandatory Entry: Tell me in you have a cat and what you feed them? 1 entry

1) Follow me on Google Friend Connect for 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my email- 1 entry

3) Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2- & Tweet 1 Entry each

Tweet Daily: @Sarafan2 Enter to win 9 Lives Review & Giveaway Ends 9/20/10

4) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs for 2 entries

5)Fan me on FB @Sarafan2 - 2 entries

6) Tell me what the funniest thing your cat has ever done for 2 entries

7) Blog about my giveaway with a link back to me @ for 5 entries

8) Follow Morris The Cat on Twitter2 entries

9) Like Morris The Cat on FB 2 entries

9 Lives can be purchased at your local Walmart, Target, all your local pharmacies, Amazon, local convenience stores & much more.It can also be purchased on Amazon .com, and is very affordable. I tend to buy my cat food at Family Dollar, and I pay $1.00 for three cans of wet food, or $3.00 for a bag of dry food. Sounds pretty reasonable right?

Thanks to 9 Lives and My Blog Spark for giving me the opportunity to do such a fun review and giveaway. You have all been so fantastic to work with. These are my opinions, and mine only. I was given the same items for reviewing the products . 9 Lives has been a hot item in my house for years now and will continue to be for many years to come. Good Luck to all!!
This is my baby Pretzel in the box here. She just got done eating her 9 Lives!! Yummy!!


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Have A Great Labor Day Weekend !!

I hope you all have a happy, safe & fun Labor Day Weekend !!! Do you have any plans , are you doing anything fun for the weekend?? I will be going to a picnic on Sunday, and celebrating another year older. Yee Ha!! Lucky me!! If you drink this weekend, be responsible and designate a driver. Many people lose their lives each year due to unfortunate car accidents which could have been prevented.

Just two days ago nearby my home a 22 year veteran state trooper was doing a routine traffic stop on the high way, and while he went back to his cruiser to do his paperwork, he was hit from a oncoming truck who lost control, and slammed into his cruiser. The trooper lost his life in this tragic accident. The two people who were in the truck that hit him were severely injured.The driver that was pulled over walked away without a scratch. The local news stations were saying on television that the driver of the truck had numerous infractions against his drivers license, including multiple DWI's within years. A family lost their father, a wife lost her partner because of this tragic accident which could have been prevented! My prayers go out to troopers family, friends & colleagues.

Be safe & smart this weekend, and have some fun in the sun!! Before we know it snow will be here so enjoy your weekend!!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Link Up Your Giveaway

Please enter the name of your blog, giveaway, and end date.
Please leave the link to your giveaway and not just to your blog. Thanks!!
This Linky Ends 9/12

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