Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Win a $225 Gift Certificate to Story Book Portraits at Busy Bee Lifestyle !

This is beautiful! Would you like to win this? Stop and visit and enter to win @

This giveaway ends on 10/23/09 and you don't want to miss this stunning Story Book Portraits Giveaway!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

About me

Hi ! My name is Kelly ! I'm the proud mother of a teenager, who is a bright kid attending high school. I must have done a good job raising him, because I have no complaints. He does great at school, is very involved in sports, and seems to be headed in the right direction. I'm hoping someday to watch him play for the Boston Red Sox. I'm a very caring , kind person, and I always think of others. I absolutely love to SHOP!! A new pair of shoes, or a new purse would definately put a smile on my face. What brings me here, is my friend Peg. She has got me hooked on sweepstakes, and blogging. I can't wait until I win something. I would love to be able to try out products, and write about them. I'm sure I could get a few hooked on the product after they read my blog. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
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