Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cat's Are Amazing...

I just came across this darling cat a few weeks ago, And I felt I had to show it.The cat pictured above crosses his eyes, and sticks her tongue out. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have cats I have two cats, a Siamese named Erica & and a tiger cat named Pretzel. How many cat's do you have and what did you name theme? Here is a picture of my baby Erica who weighs close to 20 lbs, and she is around 6. Check out the way that Erica naps and keeps her paws up and bent. How cool is that???
Pretzel is about 12 years old now, and doesn't like to be touched. Anytime I come home from the grocery store, she is always in my business. If there is a box, she is in it. If there is a bag, then she would find her way inside the back. My cats always love when I go to the store, and come home with goodies for them. They are the biggest part of my life besides my family, actually they are my family. They do everything I do, and I also bring them to the doctors. I would love to have more cats someday, but now is not the right time.

Do you let your cat go outside for the day, or do you have an indoor cat like me. I'm always scared when I see a cat trying to cross the street. I have a neighbor who has 15 or more cats, and she keeps them outside all year around. Now that is not nice to me, To keep a cat out all year long is just wrong. They love the warmth and their vittles, and some TLC from their owner. Thanks for stopping by and checking my cats out. If you have any pets at home I would love to hear about it. What work's best with you and your cats?? I have been thinking about getting a leash to walk the cat's. Do you think this will be a good idea??

Thanks for stopping by,


Sunday, March 25, 2012

How Are You Liking This Spring Weather??

I can't believe that Spring has sprung already. March 20th was the first day of Spring, and it was absolutely gorgeous out. The weather was in the high 70's-80's for several days. I was outside as much as possible and loving every minute of it. I was hoping and praying it would stay like this, and some of my aches and pains could go away for awhile. Well, that wasn't so at all. Yesterday the weather was in the 60's, ad at nigh time it dropped down to the low 40's. Talk about a big change in a matter of a few days. Ugh.. I just hope that I see sun real soon. That is what makes and any other people happy. This Is what you get for living In Eastern CT.

Do you have anything planned for the spring or summer? It's a great time to take vacation I know. Who wouldn't like to go to s resort somewhere and see nice clear blue/turquoise water?? I know I would for sure, but with the economy being in the crapper, and the price of gas over $4.00 a gallon, and rising each day, who could afford it?? I know I can't right now. There is nothing wrong with dreaming right? I hope your Spring & Summer is happy, fun and safe. Enjoy each and every moment, an take lots of pictures. I always love it when Blogger's share their family vacations and fun things they do. That's all for now folks!!

Until Next Time,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Rayovac Rough Neck 200 Lumen Flashlight Giveaway -2 Winners

I was thrilled to recently receive a goody pack in the mail from Rayovac. I had been trying all kinds of different batteries for my camera, and nothing seemed to be holding a charge. When I received my Rayovac batteries, I immediately put them on the charger and plugged them in. I gave them the full charge , and off they went into my camera. I had used the Rayovac Platinum Rechargeable AAA Batteries. Since I charged them days ago, I have not had to re charge them since. Normally my camera will crap out after a few pictures taking, but NOT the Rayovac Platinum Rechargeable AA or AAA Batteries. They work awesome, and hold up to it's value. I had used Rayovac Batteries before, but these held charge so much longer.

Rayovac Platinum Rechargeable Batteries last up to 3 X longer than the regular batteries.The Rayovac Platinum Charger has an auto shut off in case you forget it on like me, and it works 3 X faster.What I love about the charger is you are able to charge AA & Triple AAA batteries at the same time. The charger has a Safety Timer and a Smart Charger Auto Shut Off.I have left batteries charging overnight before, and I think it does a number on your batteries. These batteries are rechargeable up to 300 X and will take up to 400 photos. When I get a camera in my hand there is no stopping, so this is a plus for me.

My favorite item of all and what Rayovac is giving to one of my readers is the Rayovac Roughneck 200 Lumen Metal Flashlight. This flashlight is the BOMB!! I mean it is awesome. It's a comfy aluminum flashlight which comes with a holster  so you can carry it right on your belt buckle, with an easy Velcro open. The Rayovac Roughneck 200 Lumen Metal Flashlight has an 80 Lumen LED Lamp, and has the following Modes, High, Low ,and Strobe.The Lamp will run for 7 hours before it dies out. It withstands a 7 foot drop test. My cat goes nuts over this flashlight every time I turn this on. I sure could have used this a few weeks back when I lost power, and had no working flashlight. The power in it is amazing. I use this every time I need to find something when it's dark. You can see things deep into your closet much better than any other flashlight I own. I would use this especially if I broke down in my car and it was dark. I would definitely put the strobe light on, so others coming in my direction could see me. Thanks to Rayovac two of my readers will have the chance to win the flashlight posted above. The other items pictured are not included.

If you would like a chance to win you can fill out the Rafflecopter Form  below. Please make sure you do what is asked, as I check. Please leave your email in your entries so I can contact you should you win. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only, and you must be 18 to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Rayovac for providing with the Flashlight shown above. I was not compensated monetarily for this giveaway. These are my opinions and mine only. Please refer to my Disclosure Policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog.Giveaway ends on 4/2/12. Thanks to all who stopped by to enter. Good Luck to all!!


Sunday, March 18, 2012

$450.00 March Extreme Cash Giveaway


We are giving away $450 Paypal Cash! Wouldn't you love to win that amount?

There are lots of entries available and this giveaway will go on for a whole month, so take your time! Be sure to bookmark this page so you can come back every day and claim your daily entries too.

This giveaway ends 4/12 at 11:59 pm EST and is open worldwide. You only need to enter the giveaway on one of our blogs. Thanks to Oh My Gosh Beck for hostng this awesome giveaway. Good luck to all who enter!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patricks Day To All !!

Hi Folks! How are you all doing today? I'm thrilled that the green day is here. I get to wear green, drink shamrock shakes from Mc Donald's(they are yummy), and of course have the good old fashioned Corned Beef & Cabbage later on with my parents and family. Then after that II have two parties to go to. I will be tired later on tonight! What are your plans tonight? Where ever you go if you drink, do not drink and drive. Call someone to help you rather than risking something happening. I heard if you call AAA, and are a member, someone will pick you up no charge. How cool this is. I'm off to finish making my candy and green cupcakes. Ta for now!! Have a great weekend


Monday, March 12, 2012

Influenster " Love Vox Box " Review

I can't tell you how thrilled I was to be chosen to review the "Love Vox Box" thanks to Influenster. Influenster is an awesome site where you get to review products, write about them on your Bog, or Vog about it. All you have to do be be able to score some freebies are unlock the badges on Influenster site, and complete the surveys that come with it. The more badges you unlock, the more chances you will get to review upcoming Vox Boxes. The survey that you are answering are giving the Influenster information about you. Influenster will let you know when the boxes are ready and available. When your box arrives in the mail, you will then share all of your opinions to your friends on FB, Twitter and your Vlog.  Pass the good word around.

Inside my " Love VOX Box" I received a bunch of goodies pictured below Including : 

`~ Gilette Venus & Olay Razor

  ~ Ghirardelli Gourmet Milk Chocolate  Bar & $1.00 Off Coupon

  ~ Truvia Sweetner

  ~ Stash Herbal Tea Sampler

  ~ Kiss Nail Dress Nail Tips That Stick

 ~ Influenster Love Vox Box Product Card

This Stash Tea that was sent to me is simply amazing,and I love the variety of
flavors in the box. So far I tried the Licorice Spice, and being a huge fan of licorice, well you know how happy this Tea made me. I was thrilled. It had that nice licorice flavor and wasn't too strong at all. I plan on having the Cinnamon Apple Chamomille tonight a few hours before bed time. My parents drink coffee at night to get them sleepy, so I will try it also. There is Chamomille in the Tea, so this is good as it makes your tired. I will let you know how it is when I try it.

I'm always hesitant about trying new sweeteners, as the only one I use is Equal, and I have a desired taste for it. I can tell if is not equal. With Truvia I did not even pick up a taste difference, and I was very happy it. Truvia is good for cereals, fruits and much more. Truvia is a blessing in my house and I will be using it for some desserts I have to make for a upcoming Party.

My favorite item is the  
Gilette Venus & Olay Razor. Every gal likes a new razor to shave her legs with,and the Gillette Venus was perfect!! With five blades , and Olay Moisture Bars that lock in the moisture and give you a nice, clean shaved legs.You do not need to soap up your legs, or use shaving cream, as the Gilette Venus & Olay Razor has that all included in one. If you love a great razor then this is surely for you.

I was also sent the Kiss Nail Dress Tips, which I have not been able to try out yet, due to being sick and in and out of the hospital, but I will be trying these soon, as I have a party to go to this weekend, and I want to look stylish. I think these things are awesome. I'm only hoping that they stick and last awhile. Nail color has sure come a long way if say so. I will be back to let you know how they work out. They look awesome~ The designs are amazing!!

Thanks to Influenster for giving me the chance to refer their awesome products. I was sent these products for review. I was not paid monetarily to do this. These are my own opinions, and mine only. Your opinions could vary from mine. Please refer to my Disclosure on the right hand bottom side of my blog. I hope to review more products for the Influenster in the future. It's always fun getting surprises in the mail, especially ones you don't know about. Thanks for stopping by and checking my review out. See ya around sometime!!


Sunday, March 11, 2012

I'm Not Tired Yet Book Review

When I saw the review opportunity for "I'm Not Tired Yet", I knew I had to sign up for it. This book is written  and illustrated by the great  Marianne Richmond. Being a parent to a younger child I'm sure we have all ran into this situation time and time again. I know when my son was younger, I had a tough time getting him to sleep and having him stay asleep. " I'm Not Tired Yet", is about a boy named Ralphie, who is six years old, and has a problem  going to sleep when it's bedtime , and in this story his mom Mrs. Mix listens  to  Ralphie's excuses about going to sleep at night. She plays along with him and tries to make it easy for him to get asleep but Ralphie doesn't seem to want to make it easy in the beginning.

What I loved about "I'm Not Tired Yet" is  it is a hard covered book, the  illustrations are simply amazing and colorful too , and the text is the perfect is the perfect size for your young child to read.   I was simply amazed at how colorful this book was. Trying to keep a child's attention is at times a bit tough, and with bright colorful illustrations, I'm sure this amazing story had grabbed Ralphie's attention along with his mom's jokes, and trying to get him to settle down and finally go to sleep.What I thought was hilarious was at the end of the story when Ralphie told his mom that he had got a pink slip on the bus and that the Principal said that they had issues to discuss, Mrs, Mix did not laugh when Ralphie told her that.

I shared this book with my niece who comes over from time to time and has issues going to sleep. She does not like going to bed, and wants someone to sleep with her. I read her the story about Ralphie, and how he had some trouble going to bed at night, and my niece loved the story, especially when I got to the part about Ralphie getting in trouble on the bus. She laughed so hard, and finally after asking me many questions about Ralphie, and his mom, she was getting tired herself Thanks to Marianne Richmond for writing such an amazing and lovely story for young kids and bedtime. I will definitely read this book many mores times when my niece comes to visit.

This book  is simply amazing, and it catches your eye. It can be purchase at I'm Not Tired for $16.99 . Thanks to Family Review Network for giving me the opportunity to read such an amazing story .I was not compensated monetarily for my review. This book was provided to me for review. These are my opinions and mine only. Please refer to my Disclosure policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog. Thanks for stopping by!! I will definitely refer this awesome book to my family and friends who have young children.

Until next time,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

American Idols Jessica Sanchez Could Win This Competition...

Did anyone watch American Idol last night? While there were many stand out singers for the night, Jessica Sanchez took my vote for sure, and left me all teary eyed, along with millions of viewers I'm sure. Everyone knows the fabulous late Whitney Houston, and the power house voice she had. I  was a fan of hers for decades and still am. Each of the girl contestants sand a Whitney song, while the guys sang Stevie Wonder. The stand out guy for me was Joshua Ledet. I definitely see Joshua & Jessica being in the final two. Who will be the winner??

Another fabulous singer is Holly Cavanagh. At the age of 18 years old, that girl is a powerhouse singer. She sure can belt songs out. I see Holly making it right up to the final three or four. Then there is Skylar, another 18 year old with a powerful voice. I loved the way she sang her Whitney song last night, but I think she sang just a bit too fast. It must of been so hard for her, as she is a country girl, and a damn good one if I must say so.

One of my favorites this year is 16 year old Shannon Magrane. The judges all gave her negative criticism last night about her song. I thought she personally did pretty good. At times she went a bit too low and was off key, but she seem to pull her self up when she hit the chorus. Shannon is a down to earth , friendly kind of gal, and she will have my votes each and every week. The judges think over last nights performance, that she might be in trouble tonight. I think they are wrong. I think that Elise and Heejun might be in the bottom two. We will shortly see in just a few more more. Let me know what you think about American Idol this season, and if your sick of Steven Tyler saying " You nailed it", Randy Jackson saying "Dog, it was a bit pitchy here and there", and of course Jennifer Lopez saying " Baby you got it". It's the same old words each and every week. Enough said for now. Have a great day folks!

Until next time,

Monday, March 5, 2012

And The Winner Is...

Congratulations to Amanda! She was chosen as the lucky winner in my Stop Pain Giveaway. She has confirmed her prize. Thanks to all who entered the giveaway. Check out my latest giveaways while your here. Thanks to all who entered the Extreme Flash Giveaway that ended on 3/4. There was well over 100,000 entries. Thanks to Oh My Gosh Beck for hosting the giveaway. There were four winners chosen. She should have the winners posted on her blog. I hope you all have a fabulous week and lots of sunshine!! Don't forget to spring ahead on Saturday!!!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Extreme Flash Giveaway- Ends March 2, @ 11:59 p.m.

Welcome to the Extreme Flash Giveaway! We will be giving away:

(3) $60 Amazon gift certificates

(1) $50 Live Nation gift code

So be sure to bookmark this page and keep your fingers crossed when we announce the winners on March 3rd. It might just be you!

Giveaway starts on Feb. 29th and ends on Mar. 2nd at 11:59 PM EST.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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