Sunday, May 29, 2011
Bed Head Hot Body Curling Iron Review & Giveaway
I was recently given the chance to review the Bed Head Hot Body 1" Curling Iron, and I couldn't have been any happier with this iron. At first I thought it was a bit too big for me, and that it might be heavy, but that was not the problem at all. As a matter of fact, I fell in love with the Bed Head Hot Body 1" Curling Iron. For starters, it is my all time favorite color , you can adjust the heat to which ever setting that you want, and I love the tip at the end so you can hold onto it when you are rolling your hair up. I always have a bad habit of touching the end, and forgetting about it being HOT, but I don't have to worry about that with the Bed Head Hot Body 1" Curling Iron. Another thing that I loved about this is the fluorescent light. If you are done using it, and forget to unplug it, you will definitely notice this light if you walk out and forget to shut it off. Check this picture out below.
Now is that pretty cool or what? I have never seen a curling iron like this before ever. Here are some of the features that come with the Bed Head Hot Body 1" Curling Iron below:
- Tourmaline Ionic Technology
- Nano Ceramic Barrel
- High Heat(Comes with light indicator/green(high) yellow(low)
- Instant Recovery
- Multiple Heat Settings
- Style Guide
- Over 5 ft long power cord
As you an see in the picture on the left side, I have very long and some what wavy hair. With the Bed Head Hot Body Curling Iron, I would section my hair off, and start with an inch of it at a time. I would start up top, and run it all the way down to the bottom, then I would roll it in or out, depending which way I wanted my curls. I left my hair rolled up for a good 30 seconds or more. The longer the heat, the better off the curls will be. I previously had shoulder surgery, so it hurt a bit doing all the rolling, but the end product came out nice,and I was happy. Sometimes if I want the curls to stay in place, I will use a it of hair spray to hold the curls in place. One thing I love about the Bed Head Hot Body Iron is that it's very lightweight to hold onto, and it sits perfectly in place when not using it.
The extra long cord let me come of my bathroom, and I was able to look in the mirror in the hall. With the big tip at the end of the curling iron, I was able to hold onto it while rolling my hair up, and didn't even burn my fingers not once. That is a big plus for me!
I must say that I was very impressed with the Bed Head Hot Body 1" Curling Iron. This is by far the finest curling iron that I have used so far! Not only has Bed Head giving me the chance to try their awesome products, they are giving my followers a chance to win the same exact curling iron. The Bed Head Hot Body Iron can be purchased at your local Walmart, Drug, Amazon, and my local TJ Maxx carries Bed Head products too, which are very reasonably priced. So, who out there would like to win one of these sweet curling irons? All you have to do is visit Bed Head, ad tell me another item or two that you would love to have. This is MANDATORY and must be done for other entries to count. You must also follow me via GFC. I check too. Leave your email with each entry, so I can contact you should you win.
Additional entries:
1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries
2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries
3) Like Bed Head on FB- 1 entry
4) Like Sarafan2 on FB- 3 entries
5) Follow Sarafan2 on FB Networked Blogs-1 entry
6) Follow Be Head on Twitter- 1 entry
7) Follow me on Twitter and Tweet Daily- 1 entry each
Bed Head Hot Body Curling Iron Review & Giveaway
@Sarafan2 Ends 6/12
8) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 10 entries
9) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to me- 5 entries
Thanks so much to Bed Head for letting me try out another one of their fine products. I was not paid monetarily for this review. I was given the product pictured above for my honest opinion in return. These are my opinions and mine only. Our opinions may vary. This contest is open to U.S. only, and you must be 18 to enter. Thanks so much for stopping by and entering my giveaway. I have some fabulous giveaways coming soon, so check back frequently. Enjoy your Memorial Day weekend!! Be safe and responsible!!
Have A Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend!!
I can't believe that summer is almost here. The weather is gorgeous out, the parks and beaches are opening, and here we are celebrating another Memorial Day. What are your plans this Memorial Day weekend? I plan on celebrating at home with a nice steak or lobster. Whatever you do this Memorial Day weekend, please be careful on the roads, and if your going to a party, DO NOT drink and drive. This is a very busy weekend on the roads, as people are traveling all over, so please be careful, obey the speed limits, and buckle up. The police are out all over this weekend, and they are handing out tickets like crazy, and making DUI arrests. Make good choices and think of others before you get behind the wheel.
Let's not forget all the soldiers who are out there fighting for our country, and the ones who fought for our country, and killed in the line of duty. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything they do to make this world a better & safer place to live in. Each time I see someone in uniform, I thank them for what they do. All it takes is a second, and in return I feel better for keeping them in my thoughts, and appreciate what they do! Let's not forget the Navy Seals, and all who were involved in locating Osama Bin Laden. It will not bring back all of the innocent people that he took away, but it's a piece of closure for the families. That man was a monster, and I'm so glad that I know he won't hurt anymore innocent people. I'm off for now to enjoy this beautiful day!! I hope you all do the same!! Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate each and every one of you!! Check out my giveaways while your here!!
Be safe,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Welcome to the Blog Hop! It's Be Bop A Blog Hop Wednesday!!
This is my favorite time of the week. I absolutely adore Blog Hops, so when I saw this one, I just had to sign up. The rules are very simple. There are tons of awesome blogs out there, and this is a fabulous way to meet some new friends. I know I have met some awesome friends from blogging, and continue to meet new ones each day! Follow bloggers that follow you, and if you follow them, they will follow you back. Easy peasy right??
To get the code for the blog hop, stop over at Mom Living The Life Of Riley, and grab the code from the box. Make sure to leave your blogs name too below. If you would like you can leave a comment thanking the host for the linky. Check out her fabulous reviews & giveaways. She always ha some great ones going on. Thanks for stopping by !!
Until next time
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Nick Chavez Hair Products Review & Giveaway
Have you ever tried Nick Chavez products? I had the chance to try them out last winter and let me tell you I was hooked. They are top notch products that I would recommend to everyone. I'm pleased to say that I recently have had the chance again to use Nick Chavez hair products thanks to Ruben. I was sent the Volumizing Shampoo, Volumizing Conditioner, Scrunch Spray and the Volumizing Gel Mouse.
I can't brag enough enough about these products. The Volumizing Shampoo and The Volumizing Conditioner which come in 8 oz bottles are awesome. All you do is squeeze the size of a dime, or if you have long hair like mine, then you might need a bit more like I did. My hair has been through alot of color treatments and perms over the years, so it is definitely not the most healthy hair in the world, so after I washed my hair and conditioned it with Volumizing Conditioner, it went from being flat and lifeless to shiny and full of life. The Volumizing Shampoo and Conditioner comes in an 8 oz bottle and runs $20.00 a bottle, but is well worth it. If used the right way, each bottle could last you a few months or so. Check out Nick Chavez web page, as you can find different items on sale at any time. Sometimes you might even find buy 1 get one free!! Now how does that sound for saving money?? Believe you me, once you try these products, you won't want to stop. I had previously tried the Ego Booster products last year, and was impressed with them.
The Volumizing Gel Mouse is what I applied after washing and conditioning. All you do is squirt out about the size of a dime or a quarter for longer hair, and rub your hands together, and the gel turns into mouse. This stuff has the most amazing smell ever. I am one who likes her hair products to smell good, but this was beyond good, and it didn't leave my hands feeling all sticky like they usually do after using mouse. The Volumizing Gel Mouse comes in a 7 oz can and can be purchased for $20.00,but if your like me, you can make it last for a few months. I'm a fan of Nick Chavez products for life now !! You can be too because now you have a chance.
What really makes me happy is Nick Chavez and his staff are givers. They are giving not one, but three of my readers a chance to win the same exact products that I received. How cool is that?? These products are valued at well over $80.00. All of the products I mentioned in the above post can be purchase online by clicking here.ALL you have to do is tell me a product or two that I haven't mentioned here in my post, that you would like to try out. This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must also follow me on GFC. This contest is open to U.S. only, and you must be 18 to enter.
Additional entries:
1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries
2) Subscribe to my feed- 3 entries
3) Fan me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries
4) Fan Nick Chavez on FB- 1 entry
5) Follow Nick Chavez on Twitter- 1 entry
6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet Daily: 1 entry each
Nick Chavez Hair Products Review & Giveaway
@Sarafan2 Ends 6/2
7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
8) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 3 entries
9) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to me- 5 entries
10) Tell me what hair products you currently use??- 3 entries
Thanks again to the team at Nick Chavez for giving me this fantastic opportunity to review such fine products. I was not paid monetarily for this review. These are my opinions, and mine only. Our opinions may vary. Please refer to my disclosure policy at the bottom right hand side of blog. This contest is open to U.S. residents only, and you must be 18 to enter. Please leave a valid email address, so I may contact you if you win. If i don't have an email address I will move on to the next winner. Thanks for stopping by. I wish you all the best of luck! Tell all of your friends to stop by too. Thanks!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
And The Winner Is.....
The winner of my Slap Watch Giveaway has been notified and confirmed. Congratulations go out to Erica !! Thanks to all of you who entered my giveaway here @Sarafan2. I wish each and very one of you could have won. Keep trying, your day will come! I have some great giveaways coming soon, so keep an eye out for them.
Until Next Time,
Until Next Time,
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Update on James Tate
Just a little update on the James Tate fiasco at Shelton High School since he was banned from his prom for taping cardboard letters to the side of is school some time during the middle of the night two Fridays ago. How many kids would have that kind of ambition, and creatability to go out and do something like this? I can't think of any teens that I know. He desperately wanted to ask his friend Sonalia to the prom, and wanted it to be special. Special it was, but funny it wasn't to the biggest douche bag High School Headmaster Dr. Beth Smith.
James was called into the office Monday morning with a few of his friends to be disciplined. They were all given an In House Suspension, and banned from their prom, since it was policy at Shelton High School for anyone attending that got in trouble after April 1st, to be banned from prom. How this all started, I have no clue, but the media got ahold of this, it went viral and the war was on. By Thursday afternoon Dr. Smith had told the media that she wouldn't change her mind, and that just made people irate. I know it did to me. I was one of thousands who wrote emails and made calls to the dumb ass Superintendent & Headmaster of Shelton High School. Of course no calls were returned, or answered. This is how cowards handle things. Way to go jerk offs!
With the "Let James Tate Go To Prom" page on FB racking up to well over 150,000 likes, and people all over the world speaking about this foolishness, including the Mayor of Shelton, local politicians, and the school board members, and the tons of reporters and TV crews that were camped out on the school campus, enough was enough and Dr. Beth Smith came out and spoke to the news crews. Did I say that I think she is the biggest douche in the world? I can't imagine being in that school, or better yet having my kid there. Had that been my kid going to that school, it would have been a war between me and her.
I'm thinking with all of the support and followers that James Tate had, and the thousands of calls from angry residents, the commotion that she started, that just was not about to stop, had to be put to rest, and James was allowed to go to his prom, and Dr. Smith had to look at her ways of disciplining students. Let the punishment fit the crime for pete sakes. All ends well for James, as he will be allowed to attend his senior prom on June 4th, 2011. I'm thinking that this story won't just quite down and go away , as June 4th is nearing. I hope to see some prom pics form James & Sonalia. I hope Dr. Smith gets fired at the end of the year from her stupid actions. I'm thinking the school board isn't going to sit pretty with all this trouble she stirred up.
I have a message for Dr. Smith if she is out there and listening, next time your thinking about opening your mouth up to discipline a student, DON'T bite off more than you can chew you idiot!! The award for idiot of the week goes to Dr. Beth Smith, Headmaster at Shelton High School. !!!! Congratulations Dr. Smith!! I'll keep you posted as I hear more of this story. Thanks for stopping by !!
Until next time,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
I'm Outraged By This Decision
Above is a picture of the Shelton High School student James Tate who was recently disciplined and had his senior prom taking away from him because he taped cardboard letters to the side of his school in the wee hours on Friday night. You read it right! He didn't bring a weapon to school or get caught with drugs, or bullying another student. He simply wanted to ask his friend Sonalia Rodrigues to the prom, so he came up with this clever idea, and posted it right over the main entrance to school. She saw the letters , and so did the administrators at Shelton High School, which landed James and a few friends into trouble. Read the whole story here.
Above is the message that James Tate had used to get his friends attention. He didn't vandalize the building, he didn't spray paint it by any means, he simply taped cardboard letters to the building in the middle of the night. This whole story has outraged myself and the whole community. This has been all over the news the past few days. It has got the attention of celebrities such as Jimmy Kimmel, and James Tate appeared via Skype tonight on his show. I have to hand it to Jimmy for lightening the mood up with his jokes. Way to go Jimmy Kimmel. I could tell that you got a few good laughs from James tonight. James and two of his friends were given a one day in school suspension, and had their senior proms taken from them for the actions by the douche bag principal Dr. Beth Smith. Imagine that? These kids are seniors, and should be enjoying each and every moment of their senior year, but their dreams on going to senior prom have been ripped right from them for their actions.
James pictured on the left in white shirt admits that he went about this the wrong way, but how many teens do you know that would go out of their way to take the time and effort to cut out all these letters, and to gather his friends in the night, an show up at school with a ladder ready to do what he set out to. The school claimed that he was wreckless and he could have got hurt. He came to the school with a helmet on his head, and his friend who stayed on the ground held the ladder in place. Atleast he had the brains to know enough to protect his head. What he did was completely harmless to anyone in or around the school. He definitely got Sonalia's attention, but what he won't have anymore s his chance to attend his senior prom thanks to his higher than mighty principal, Dr. Beth Smith, who has taken this from him. This is completely wrong. The punishment does not fit the crime at all. This kid had never been in trouble not one day during his years at the high school. His friends have started a FB page "Let James Tate Go To The Prom", which has well over 68,000 likes as of now.
This has gone viral and shocked thousands of people all over the word. I know that it has my hair standing up. I have aways stood strong when I believe that I wasn't being treated fairly, and I know James is being punished with over kill here, so I'm doing whatever I and many others can, to try and have this overturned. The Principal has stated that she will not overturn her decision, and the Superintendent has declined requests to speak with anyone about this. I have called and left them both messages today to have my voice heard. Who knows what will happen? All I know is that the community and people all over the world are standing behind him at this time. No kid that age should be worrying about this at such an important time in his life. You only get one senior prom, and I pray that he doesn't lose this because of some over powering bully of a Principal, who is letting her title go to her head. She is in the education field, so she should have an idea as to what this will do to this young man because of her dumb ass actions.
This has outraged many of people all over the world. James has the support from thousands of fans. That is so evident all over social media. The news had stated today that the kids at school had been warned about the use and comments on FB & Twitter, and told they would be disciplined if they were caught speaking about this matter on them. Imagine that? What happened to Freedom Of Speech?? I just don't have a clue on what this world is coming to. Are people losing their marbles or what? Common for goodness sakes,let's bury this foolishness once and for all. The ramifications from the administrators decisions will affect them in the future. I know I wouldn't want my child in a school system like that. I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Tell me what you think about this story. Do you think the punishment fits the crime? I will keep you updated with the news of this case. I appreciate you taking the time to stop by and visit. I'm sure James would appreciate it also.
Until next time,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
I Need Your Help
I could use some help from my followers. I have two things that I need your help with. First of all, I'm trying to reach 500 followers on GFC and 1,000 Twitter followers. I am so so close, but could use your help. You can send your friends on over too. Once I reach meet my goals, I will host a giveaway. I'm not sure what it is yet, but I can tell you I'm a shopper , so it will be something you will like I promise. Please help me reach my goal. I appreciate all your help!
Secondly, I'm getting a new blog makeover soon, and I have been thinking of changing my blogs name to something with my name in it, i.e. Kelly's Kraziness, or anything with my name in it. I'm having a hard time coming up with a title, so I'm asking for your help. I'll give you a bit of heads up about me. I'm a gal that likes to shop alot and look for bargains, and new handbags. Who doesn't right? I would appreciate any bit of help I could get. If I decide to choose what you have suggested, I will contact you to let you know, and I will also give you a prize for your great suggestion. I'm open for suggestions, so keep them coming... As always , thanks for stopping by Sarafan2. Checkout my latest giveaways. I have some fabulous ones coming real soon.
Miss Lucy's Monograms Review & Giveaway
The first time I saw the work of Miss Lucy's Monograms I new I had to check the site out. Nothing better than having your own items personalized. I have never in my life owned anything that was personalized until now that is thanks to Miss Lucy's Monograms. I was sent the Large Waffle Cosmetic Case in Black pictured below.
This bag is a beauty. It came packaged wrapped in pink tissue paper attached with a business card and care instructions, and on the outside was a personalized sticker. I was amazed at how beautiful this cotton waffled vinyl lined cosmetic bag was, an the monogrammed name in hot pin was beautiful. You can pick out whatever font, and color you like, so I decided to pick hot pink so it would stand out on the black bag, and that it did.This cosmetic case had plenty of room , and included a front zipper compartment too.
Miss Lucy's Monograms came to life after Debbie, who is the owner, retired after being a teacher for 33 years.With the help and support of her family, Debbie decided to put all her effort and hard work into monogramming accessories which she had always liked to do.At Miss Lucy's Monograms you get to personalize your own item to your desire, and believe you me, you will get exactly what you asked for as I did. Two words I can say about Miss Lucy's Monograms, and they are SIMPLY AMAZING, and I know I will be a customer for life thanks to Debbie and her fine work.
Miss Lucy's Monograms can be purchased on line, and will be shipped to your door before you can blink your eyes. When I was told that my item would be shipped, it was shipped and I received it a few days later. What is totally awesome is that Miss Lucy's Monograms has offered to give one of my readers a $20 GC to use towards your purchase, and will be applied to Merchandise only. The shipping fee is excluded from the GC. How awesome is that? All you have to do is stop by Miss Lucy's Monograms and take a look around, and tell me another item that you would love to have. With graduation coming right around the corner, this would be an amazing gift to give. I would love it if I received it. You must also follow me on GFC, and I do check. This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count.
Additional entries
1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries
2) Subscribe to my feed- 2 entries
3) Fan Sarafan2 on FB- 2 entries
4) Fan Miss Lucy's Monograms on FB- 1 entry
5) Follow Miss Lucy's Monograms on Twitter- 1 entry
6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter an Tweet daily: 1 entry each
Miss Lucy's Monogram Review & Giveaway@Sarafan2 Ends 5/24
7) Vote for me on Picket Fence - 5 entries
8) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 3 entries
9) Blog out this with a link back to me- 5 entries
10) Tell me how your Mother's Day was??- 2 entries
Thanks to Miss Lucy's Monograms for providing me with the cosmetic case above to revieww.I absolutely love your products, and will be a fan for life. I was not paid monetarily for this review.I received the product above for my honest opinion.Please refer to my disclosure policy on the right hand at the bottom of blog. This contest is open to U.S.only, and you must be 18 to enter. Good luck to all, and Thanks for stopping by . My followers mean the world to me.
Until next time,
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day Moms
Just wanted to wish all the Moms a very Happy Mother's Day today. Do you have any plans with your mom? What do you normally do on Mother's Day? I usually start the day off with breakfast with my mom, and I like to spend the day with her, then if I'm lucky enough I will get brought out to dinner somewhere nice. Today is your day Moms, so kick your feet up and relax. Don't lift a finger. This is what kids and husbands are for. I hope your day is as special as you are!! God Bless you all!!
Friday, May 6, 2011
Boost My Blog Friday Hop

Enjoy your day,
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Slap Watch Review & Giveaway
Are you looking for a new watch? Something to easily put on and match your outfit? If the answer is yes, then I have the perfect watch to introduce to you called the Slap Watch. When I heard of the Slap Watch, I knew I had to check it out. I have a huge fetish with watches, so I was psyched about the Slap Watch.
The Slap Watch is the latest creation of the big time brands such as Zanybands and Splash Watch. The Slap Watch was released in July 2010 in Germany.The SlapWatch is available in 9 colors with interchangeable faces. There are 81 different possibilities. It is very easy to put on.All you have to do is take the watch and slap it on. The Slap Watch is easy to use and convenient. If you are in a hurry most of the time like me, then the Slap Watch is perfect for you.
If you like to have several color watch bands to match your outfit each day, then the Slap Watch is perfect for you. All you have to do is pop out the watch, and replace the band and you are set to go. The Slap Watch can be purchased on line here for $19.95 each. SlapWatch is giving one of my readers a chance to win one of these beauties just in time for spring and summer. How neat is that? You will absolutely love the Slap Watch and how convenient is .All you have to do is visit the Slap Watch website, and tell me something you learned like which celebrity has worn the Slap Watch, or where you have heard about it?? This entry is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must also follow me via GFC.
Additional entries:
1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries
2) Subscribe to my feed- 1 entry
3) Fan me on FB @Sarafan2 - 2 entries
4) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries
5) Follow Slap Watch on Twitter- 1 entry
6) Like Slap Watch on FB- 2 entries
7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
8) Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2 and Tweet daily: 1 entry each
Slap Watch Review & Giveaway @Sarafan2 Ends 5/14
9) Blog about this giveaway with a link back to me- 5 entries
10) Tell me who you would give this to if you win? - 2 entries
I would like the thank the fine folks over at Slap Watch for giving me the chance to review their product, and give one away to my readers. I was not compensated monetarily for my review. These are my opinions and mine only. Please refer to my disclosure on the bottom right hand side of my blog.
You must be 18 to enter, and from the U.S.!! The winner will be notified via email, and you will have 48 hours to contact me with your information, or I will have to draw another winner. Please leave your email in each entry so I can contact you if you when. It makes it hard to tell you that you won with no email. Thanks so much for stopping by @Sarafan2, and entering my giveaways. I have some awesome giveaways coming soon, so keep an eye out for them. I apologize once again for my short break. I was tied up day and night with a very sick family member, but happy to say that things are looking brighter now. My followers are the best!! Good luck to you all!!!
Unil next time,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Please excuse my little break
For those of you who might have noticed, I have been away from my computer for awhile, as I had a very ill family member who I almost lost. After spending two weeks in the hospital from a routine operation, and every complication you could think of, I'm happy to say that things look so much better now. I apologize about the break, and not being able to blog like I used to, but my mind was not able to think clearly. I'm so happy that things are better, now I have to get back to my blogging, and get you all some great giveaways posted. Thanks for stopping by!! My followers mean the world to me!! Keep an eye out,as I have some awesome giveaways coming soon. Thanks !!
The Royal Wedding
So the final day has arrived, and the wedding went off perfectly and the bride and groom paid such a wonderful tribute to the late Princess Diana. I can't tell you how I felt watching the Royal Wedding. The anticipation going into this was absolutely exciting and a bit tearful as I remembered the late Princess Diana, and how proud she would have been for her son William.
I will never forget this day as long as I live. I hadn't planned on being awake at 4 a.m. to watch it, but my cat had other plans for me, and woke me up, so I decided to tough it out and watch it. When Kate stepped out of the car, I was amazed at how beautiful she looked, so were the millions who were watching her. I also got a kick out of all the people that attended the wedding, and how they were dressed with their fancy hats. It was a fairy tale wedding .

Could his mother have been there in spirit? I'm absolutely sure of that. I spent hours watching the big moment of the decade, and was so glad I did. Do you remember watching Prince Charles & Lady Diana wed? I remember exactly where I was, and what I was doing. I was next door babysitting for a friend, and I watched the wedding there. I had never seen anything like this before in my life. I was just amazed at the fairy tale wedding they had, and you could tell how nervous Lady Diana was.
When Prince Williams parents had wed it was a day like no other. The 27 foot long train on her dress , and how heavy it must have been still amazes me to this day. I can't imagine how uncomfortable it must have been to wear this , and look your best in front of millions who were watching you. Princess Diana was an amazing woman. She wanted her kids to have a perfect life, she took them to Mc Donald's to eat, she did everything possible to keep her kids safe, but also wanted them to experience life just as you and I. She taught them all about volunteering, and giving t others who were less fortunate. Her work she did with AIDS , helped so many, and she wasn't afraid of being in contact with the ones who carried the disease either. I remember her holding onto babies and children just like they were her own. She was one heck of a lady, and she is terribly missed by many. She left her mark, and her boys turned out to be fine young amazing men.
Can you see the resemblance in the pictures above? Princess Diana was much younger when she married Prince Charles, as her son was 28 when he married. I couldn't be happier for the newlyweds. I wish them much success, and lots of beautiful healthy babies. Your mother would have been so proud at how fine of a gentlemen how you turned out to be. Kate couldn't have asked for a finer young man to be her husband.
So, did you watch the royal wedding, and if so, what did you think? I also thought that her sister Pippa, was as gorgeous as could be. Her dress was beautiful, and the way she escorted the kids down the isle was breath taking. I can't wait to see the magazines and T.V. guides that come out, as I have them all from when Prince Charles married lady Diana. Now I just can't wait to see Harry meet his match and tie the not. I understand that he has been dating a gal for the last few years on and off, whom is a lawyer. Thanks for stopping by !! I hope you enjoy the pictures as I did!!
Until next time,
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- Sarafan2
- I'm a mom to a teenage boy who is my life.Baseball is a huge passion of ours. Another passion of mine is to shop! I love reviewing products so if your a business and have a product you would like reviewed here then please contact me. Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to hearing from you. God Bless~ Kelly(Sarafan2)
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- And The Winner Is.....
- Update on James Tate
- I'm Outraged By This Decision
- I Need Your Help
- Miss Lucy's Monograms Review & Giveaway
- Happy Mother's Day Moms
- Boost My Blog Friday Hop
- Slap Watch Review & Giveaway
- Please excuse my little break
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- Black Friday 2011 (1)
- Black Friday Shopping 2012 (1)
- Blog Hop (9)
- Breast Cancer Awareness Buttons (1)
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- by Miley Cyrus (1)
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- Celebrity Apprentice Season 10 (1)
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- DWTS 2013 Returns (1)
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- DWTS All Star Cast Week 4 (1)
- DWTS All Stars Week 3 (1)
- DWTS All STars Champs Tony and Melissa (1)
- DWTS All Stars In Week (1)
- DWTS All Stars Week 2 (1)
- DWTS Finale Season 14 (1)
- DWTS Louis + Anna (1)
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- DWTS Week 4 (1)
- DWTS Week 5 (1)
- DWTS Week 5 Team Dances (1)
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- DWTS Week 6 Country Dancing (1)
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- DWTS Week 8 (1)
- DWTS Week 9 Semi Finals (1)
- DWTS Week One (1)
- Enjoy your week! (1)
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- Evangers Pet Food Review (1)
- Father's Day 2011 (1)
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- Freaky Friday Making New Friends Blog Hop (1)
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- Happy Winsday Giveaway Linky 10/5 (1)
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- Hellmanns Turkey Challenge (1)
- Hig School Student Banned From Prom (1)
- HighSchool Student Banned From Prom (1)
- Hoppin Weekend Hop (1)
- Hurricane Irene (1)
- Hurricane Irene Damage (1)
- I ♥ Blogging Hop (1)
- I've Been Missing In Action (1)
- Idol 2013 (1)
- Independce Day Martina Mcbride (1)
- Infuenster Love VoxBox Reviews (1)
- Justice For Caylee (1)
- Kim's Wedding (1)
- Kindle Fire Giveaway x4 (1)
- Labor Day Weekend 2011 (1)
- Lauren Alaina (1)
- Linky (2)
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- please excuse me (1)
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- Remembering Sept 11 (1)
- Reviews (18)
- RIP Whitney Houston (2)
- Rocky Mountain Popcorn (1)
- Royal Wedding (1)
- RSS Blog Hop (1)
- Santa is coming 2011 (1)
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- Storm Nemo Feb 8 (1)
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- The Bachelorette Emily (1)
- The Climb (1)
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This policy is valid from 01 April 2010
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