Sunday, May 29, 2011

Have A Happy & Safe Memorial Day Weekend!!

I can't believe that summer is almost here. The weather is gorgeous out, the parks and beaches are opening, and here we are celebrating another Memorial Day. What are your plans this Memorial Day weekend? I plan on celebrating at home with a nice steak or lobster. Whatever you do this Memorial Day weekend, please be careful on the roads, and if your going to a party, DO NOT drink and drive. This is a very busy weekend on the roads, as people are traveling all over, so please be careful, obey the speed limits, and buckle up. The police are out all over this weekend, and they are handing out tickets like crazy, and making DUI arrests. Make good choices and think of others before you get behind the wheel.

Let's not forget all the soldiers who are out there fighting for our country, and the ones who fought for our country, and killed in the line of duty. I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything they do to make this world a better & safer place to live in. Each time I see someone in uniform, I thank them for what they do. All it takes is a second, and in return I feel better for keeping them in my thoughts, and appreciate what they do! Let's not forget the Navy Seals, and all who were involved in locating Osama Bin Laden. It will not bring back all of the innocent people that he took away, but it's a piece of closure for the families. That man was a monster, and I'm so glad that I know he won't hurt anymore innocent people. I'm off for now to enjoy this beautiful day!! I hope you all do the same!! Thanks for stopping by!  I appreciate each and every one of you!! Check out my giveaways while your here!!

Be safe,



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