Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween !!! Have Fun & Be Safe !!

I can't believe this time of year is here again. Happy Halloween to you all. Depending of where you live, Sandy has tried to put a damper on our Halloween this year. I'm very thankful to have escaped serious damage from this storm. Thousands of people are without power now, and tree's are down everywhere all over the place. I'm thanking my lucky stars today that the storm didn't leave as much destruction as it was supposed to. At some point during Sandy, the storm turned away, and things slowed down a bit, so we lucked out.

My heart goes out to all of the families that lost loved ones due to this storm. A local fire department lost a member when a tree landed on his truck and killed him, and another elderly lady was killed as her, and her family were leaving their home to go stay with a neighbor. Her two other family members were seriously hurt also. My heart goes out to all of the people in New Jersey, and NYC who lost homes due to water damage & fire. One part of NY lost over 100 homes due to fire , which resulted in a huge explosion. I can't complain when I hear of what so many others have had to go through.

If your taking your kids out tonight, please be safe where ever you go, and carry a flashlight with you for your safety. There are power lines still down, and tree's down. I don't think I would attempt to go out considering all the havoc this storm has caused. It's just not worth it. Have a little party yourself at home, or see if there is a party at a local firehouse. Have fun & be safe!! Don't let the kiddo's eat too much candy, as it rots your teeth! P.S.... Dentist's are too expensive !!


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