Monday, June 18, 2012

Are You Ready For Summer???

Are you ready for the summer months and all of the fun things that go with it? I am !! Last week it was in the 40's to 50's at night time, and a bit chilly, and this week it will be in the high 90's  and possibly hitting 100 on Thursday here on the East Coast. I love summer, and everything about it. I love going to the beaches, picnics, graduation parties, birthday parties, swimming, going jet skiing, and so much more that summer brings. I also love going on vacation to nice sunny beaches where the water is turquoise. I love waking up in the morning with the window open at night and the nice breeze coming in. Every summer also brings accidents and sometimes tragedies, so be safe no matter where you are. If your swimming with the family, then make sure your kids are properly using life jackets. If your out on the boat be smart and do not drink alcohol, and obey the rules just like the road. I can't preach enough about being smart and safe during the fun summer months. If your going on bike rides then wear a helmet. Don't be cool just because others don't like to wear helmets. Our brains are very precious and we need them to function. If you have teens, remember we were there once to, and try to keep them safe and tell them no texting when driving, wear your seat belt or don't drive, and don't be a fool and drink and drive, and Don't Do Drugs!!  I know this happens , but parents need to make their kids aware of the consequences. Always tell your family you love them, and be there for them no matter what.

No matter what your doing I hope you and your family have a blast. I'd love to hear what your plans are for the summer. Are you going on vacation, going to a wedding or just staying home and taking it easy? With the price of gas being close to $4.00 a gallon, I'm sure this might put a bit of a damper on your plans. I know it has to mine. Protect your skin from the sun, and don't think that tanning is cool like that crazy brown lady. Sun can cause skin cancer, so be careful and use a high SPF. Thanks for stopping by! I hope to have some cool giveaways coming real soon for my follows.



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