When I was asked to participate in the Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up, of course I jumped on it. With a New Year upon us, and trying to stick to New Years resolutions, this is the perfect opportunity to lose weight pretty quick, and easy too.
Most of us want to look our best, and heading into a New Year, I'm always looking for a new way to shed a few pounds , something that is easy, and something that doesn't require too many changes in my eating habits. So what does the Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up have to offer , that other diets don't?
The Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up diet does the following:
•Replace breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait® Light, a grain and a fruit
•Eat a sensible dinner rich in lean protein, and your favorite vegetables for snacks
•Choose 3 additional servings of non-fat dairy, like skim milk
•Stay active with 30-40 minutes of walking every day
Sounds pretty easy right? I have tried many other diets that require alot more changes than this, and I haven't had the best results. I found this plan to be easy, and I was eating food tat I liked. At the end of the two weeks, I did lose four pounds, which could have been more,but I snacked a few times on junk food. Shame on me!!!

I noticed with The Yoplait Light Two Week Tune Up , that by not skipping breakfast as I normally do, and replacing it with a yogurt, and a fruit or grain, that I wasn't so hungry throughout the day, and I was tired as I normally am.
Head on over to the Yoplait website for lots of other valuable information. While you are there you can check to see if you are getting the calcium that you need in your everyday diet here. You can also grab a free cup of yogurt from Yoplait by clicking here.
Thanks to Yoplait Light through My Blog Spark for giving me the chance to try out their awesome product. Yoplait Light carries well over 33 + yogurts, which are less than 100 calories per serving, and has zero grams of fat in it. The also carry numerous other products which are all so ever tasting to the palate.You can purchase Yoplait Light products, at any grocery store, or convenient store world wide for about $.79 You can find some coupons by clicking here for some of your favorite yogurts.
Yoplait Light through My Blog Spark provided me with this package, which included a gym bag, a pedometer, a reflective wrist wallet, and 28 coupons for Yoplait Light Yogurt, for me to eat during me Yoplait Light Two Week Plan. Yoplait Light through My Blog Spark, has also given one of my readers a chance to win this package. You will receive the same package as I have, but you will only receive one coupon for one cup of yogurt. The free coupon is not valid in these states California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee.
All you have to do is tell me which Yoplat Light yogurts you like, and how you plan on incorporating them into your Two Week Tune Up? This is MANDATORY, and must be done for other entries to count!
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Much Thanks to Yoplait Light through My Blog Spark for giving me this awesome chance to participate in such a fabulous review, and giving m the chance to get healthy. We all need to have calcium in our bodies, and what better way to get it, and have it taste good too. This giveaway op
Thanks for stopping by @Sarafan2, and entering my giveaways. Keep an eye out,, as I have some terrific giveaways coming soon. Best of luck to you all!!!
like the key lime and the cinnamon roll
I like the apple turnover and I plan replacing breakfast with a yogurt.
Key Lime is my fave. I eat one for snack every day before lunch.Thanks for the chance.
I'd like the key lime. Thanks!
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I choose blueberry
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key lime pie is really good
I like the more boring flavors like Strawberry. I plan on incorporating them by eating them as part of my breakfasts or as healthy snacks!
xmeliss182x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the Key Lime and I should eat it instead of piles of cookies for a snack.
lazybones344 at gmail dot com
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I like most of the flavors, but strawberry banana is always my favorite. I'll be eating this yogurt as my mid-morning snack everyday.
Key lime and just try to eat it when I can that's how I would incorporate it
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I like the key lime pie for a snack. I also take the strawberry add a little fat free milk for a quick smoothy at work. nickbug2000@gmail.com
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Strawberry banana, and vanilla! I'll eat these as a snack during the day instead of something unhealthy! Thanks!
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I like just plain old strawberry, I'm boring, I could substitute for other snacks
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Key Lime Pie and Orange Creme would be my flavors of choice; this could be tasted between weight lifting reps!
I eat one at breakfast, one as an afternoon snack, and one as a bedtime snack. I've lost 7 lbs! My favorites are the Raspberry Cheesecake, Boston Creme Pie, and the White Chocolate Strawberry.
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yummy key lime, please
Diane Baum
I like all the Yoplait flavors, but my favs are Lemon Cream Pie and Very Cherry. Thanks for the giveaway, I can't really incorporate more yogurt into my tune up, I already eat about 3 cups per day!
I love thier dreamcicle and very cherry which is my favorite and I plan on using them to replace the junk food I have been eating wilcarvic
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i love the peach yogurt. i would eat this every morning for breakfast
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I'd like Lemon Meringue. I would eat it for lunch while at work.
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key lime pie! i'd eat it when i have a craving for sweets.
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I plan on snacking on Yoplair instead of sweets or chips during my Two Week Tune Up.
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