Saturday, February 19, 2011

American Idol Season 8 Finalist Danny Gokey

I just had to share my picture and video of Danny Gokey. I went to see him perform last night  at The Mohegan Sun. What a show he put on. My favorites That he sang were "My Best Days Are Ahead Of Me" and "Living On A Prayer". He ended the show with Living On A Prayer, and let me tell you ,he tore it up. He sang his heart out just like he did on American Idol, but much better it seemed. I swear I was in heaven.

Check out Danny's website, and you can read all about him and what he does for his cause which is Sophia's Danny is one heck of an amazing man, and his wife Sophia, who he lost to a heart condition is living on through others, thanks to Danny.

I had the chance to meet him and talk to him last night, and I couldn't stop gushing about how friendly he was, not only to me, but to every one of his fans. I go see alot of concerts, and have seen some very big names, but haven't seen too many be as gracious and friendly as Danny was last night. When he talked about his wife Sophia, you could truly tell how great of a man he is. He had started Sophia's, so he could help kids, families, and just anyone that had suffered from poverty, being homeless, and those less fortunate, by  giving them a better chance at life. He also brought back musical arts to  some of the local schools so the kids had an opportunity to fulfill their dreams in life.

I personally think Danny is truly an inspirational and motivational man, who is determined to help others in life who are less fortunate. He just recenlty opened up a home that was donated to him in Nashville, to house homeless people. Danny would love it, and so would others if you could donate to his cause no matter how much you could give. You could help others too, just like Danny & his late wife Sophia. Go to, and click on the First Giving box to donate. No matter what the amount is, it will help for a great cause!! Danny thanks you, and so do I !




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