Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Winners Are...

The winners of my Nick Chavez Giveaway have been chosen and confirmed. Congratulations go out to Natalie, Peggy, Justine, Amber & Denise!! You will all be so happy when you receive your prize package. Nick has top of the line products, and boy do they make your hair feel refreshed and healthy. Thanks to Ruben  for giving me this fantastic opportunity to experience such fine products!! Happy Holidays to all of my followers, and best wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Wealthy New Year!!




Merry Makes.. said... 1

I've bought a purse hanger recently and I have to say, I love it! It helps keep my purse close to me as well as keeping it germ-free, though a friend thought that it may make it easier for someone to snatch it! I think the hooked part will prevent that from happening.

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