Saturday, December 4, 2010

Mommy Goggles, Rayovac & Paper Jamz : Mom Rocks The Holiday Giveaway

Rayovac wants to power your holidays with fun new contest. To enter, just visit the Mom Rocks the Holidays with Rayovac (link underlined words to!/Rayovac?v=app_102844599787096) contest tab on Facebook, like them and tell them how you or your mom makes the holidays rock for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $1,000 cash! There will be 3 Grand Prize winners and 20 Runner Up winners will take home a Paper Jamz guitar, amp, drum kit, guitar strap, and two Rayovac Alkaline AAA 24 packs of batteries.

Also, be sure to visit Mommy Goggles ‘Moms Rock the Holidays with Rayovac & Paper Jamz Giveaway!‘ (link underlined words to where you can win 1 of 5 Mom Rocks the Holiday prize packs that include a $50 Visa Gift Card, Paper Jamz guitar and Rayovac Alkaline AAA 24 pack of batteries.

Disclosure – Followers who promote the Rayovac Mom Rocks the Holidays Sweepstakes may receive gifts from Rayovac.

This is a fabulous giveaway which ends on12/5. Stop on over at Mommy Goggles, and enter for a chance to win 1 of 5 prize packs which include Visa cards, Paper Jamz Guitar and Rayovac Alkaline Batteries.


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