Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Mom's

Just wanted to wish all of the mothers out there a very Happy Mother's Day. Do you have any plans today with your mom ? Whatever you do, I hope you make the most of it, and enjoy each moment. Mothers are put on this planet for an unsure amount of time, so we need to take advantage of the time we are able to spend with the, make them smile, and do just about anything that would put a smile on their face. What would make your mom smile for Mother's Day? A Reese's Peanut Buttercup would make my mom smile. Thanks to the good lord for giving me one of the greatest mother's ever . I thank the good lord for every day I have her. The love I have for her is ginormous.  I just wish she didn't have Alzhiemers Disease. Enjoy your day ladies & mom's !!!



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