Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Learn A Ton When School Is Fun" Totino's BTFE Giveaway

Thanks to Totino's through My Blog Spark I was lucky enough to receive a Totino's Learn A Ton Prize Pack to review her on my blog. This school year, Totino’s® is giving away one million Bonus Box Tops (equivalent to $100,000)to help bring fun ideas to life both inside and outside of the classroom, through the "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes:

This school year, four participating schools in the Box Tops for Education(BTFE) program will each win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, equivalent to
$25,000, from Totino’s to help fund a fun project at their school.
Visit to view official sweepstakes rules.

You can start, or continue, to earn cash for your kid’s school by collecting Box Tops coupons from hundreds of products, including Totino’s
This back-to-school season, Totino’s® Party Pizza® and Pizza Rolls® Snacks will feature double Box Tops on select varieties, to help you earn even more for your kid’s school!

Fun is an essential part of learning. Continue to help make your kid’s learning environment more fun and exciting by taking advantage of these simple opportunities from Totino’s – enter the "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes for your chance to win 250,000 Bonus Box Tops, and serve up a quick and delicious after-school snack with Totino’s Party Pizza and Pizza Rolls Snacks, while collecting double Box Tops from each. You can also check out these videos from a group of Totino’s Fun-Atics, Box Tops Coordinators who are bringing fun to their local schools.

I'm a huge Totino's fan at my house. You will always find them in my freezer at all times, whether it will be Totino's Pizza, Totino's Rolls or the new Totino's Pizza Stuffers. My son and I  like to have these for a snack when we have that hunger feeling. I'm also a huge collector of box tops for education. At my son's school, the teacher would have a  pizza party for which ever class brought in the most. Let me tell you that the kids loved the competition, and in return the box tops would help the school with new items that were needed. For every box top collected, the school would earn 10 cents.

What is one of your child's fun memories in school when they helped the school with collecting box tops for education? Did they celebrate in any way?

What type of fun project they would use the 250,000 Bonus Box Tops ($25,000 value) to fund if they won the Totino’s "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" sweepstakes?

Inside my prize pack included: 

One Totino’s "Learn a Ton when School is Fun" prize pack which includes: a Brain Quest Smart! Game, Micro Rubik’s® Cube Key Holder, a draw string backpack, and coupons for a free package of Totino’s Pizza Rolls Snacks, Totino’s Party Pizza and new Totino’s Pizza Stuffers.

Not only has Totino's through My Blog Spark generously given me the chance to review their scrumptious products, they are giving one of my readers a chance to win the very same prize pack pictured above. All you have to do is Like Totino's on FB, and leave me a comment on my blog letting me know you did. This is MANDATORY and must be done first in order for other entries to count. You must also follow me on GFC. This contest is open to U.S. residents only, and you must be 18 to enter. Please include your email with each entry should you win I can get ahold of you.

Additional entries:

1) Subscribe to my email- 2 entries

2) Subscribe to my RSS feed- 3 entries

3) Fan me on FB Networked Blogs- 2 entries

4) Like me on FB @Sarafan2- 2 entries

5) Follow Totino's on Twitter1 entries

6) Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter and Tweet Daily: 1 entry each

   "Learn A Ton When School Is Fun" Totino's
    Box Tops For Education Giveaway@Sarafan2 #My Blog Spark Ends 9/24 

7) Vote for me on Picket Fence- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

8) Vote for me on Top Mommy Blogs- 5 entries
    Leave a comment for 3 more entries

9) Blog about this giveaway or list it on a Linky  
    with a link back to me(leave url) - 5 entries

10) Tell me something you did fun for summer- 3 entries

Much appreciation to Totino's through My Blog Spark for providing me with the prize pack above to review here on my blog. I was not paid monetarily for my review. These are my opinions, and mine only. Your opinions may vary from mine. I was not swayed in any way to write a positive review. Please refer to my disclosure policy on the bottom right hand side of my blog. Thanks for stopping by and checking out my giveaways. I have some cool ones coming, so keep an eye out for them. Good Luck to you all!!

Until next time,


«Oldest   ‹Older   1 – 200 of 305   Newer›   Newest»
Amber said... 1

I like Totino's on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore, and follow your blog publicly with GFC as Amber.
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 2

I subscribe to your RSS Feed with google reader
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 3

I subscribe to your RSS Feed with google reader
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 4

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 5

I like you on Facebook - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 6

I follow you with Networked Blogs - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 7

I follow you with Networked Blogs - my FB name is Amanda Moore
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 8

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 9

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 10

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 11

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 12

I voted for you on Picket Fence Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 13

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 14

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 15

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 16

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 17

I voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 18

I worked in the garden lots this summer
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 19

I worked in the garden lots this summer
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said... 20

I worked in the garden lots this summer
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Robert Pyszk said... 21

I liked Totino's on Facebook . Thank you for the contest.

Kia89 said... 22

I like Totino's on Facebook.

Kristi H. said... 23

I like Totino's on FB.


Kristi H. said... 24

I follow Sarafan2 on GFC as xraygirl.


Kristi H. said... 25

I subscribe to Sarafan2 via email.


Kristi H. said... 26

I subscribe to Sarafan2 via email #2.

Kristi H. said... 27

FB fan of Sarafan2 #1.


Kristi H. said... 28

FB fan of Sarafan2 #2.


Kristi H. said... 29

Voted for Sarafan2 on Picket Fences.


Kristi H. said... 30

Voted for Sarafan2 on Picket Fences #2.


Kristi H. said... 31

Voted for Sarafan2 on Picket Fences #3.


Kristi H. said... 32

Voted for Sarafan2 on Picket Fences #4.


Kristi H. said... 33

I voted for Sarafan2 on Picket Fences #5.

kristi h. said... 34

For fun this summer I just rested. #1


kristi h. said... 35

For fun this summer I just rested #2.


kristi h. said... 36

For fun this summer I just rested #3.


dlhaley said... 37

GFC follower dlhaley

dlhaley said... 38

I like Sarafan2
on FB.. Donna Haley

maria g said... 39

I like Totino's on facebook as m patricia gabriel.

crystletellerday said... 40

i like totinos on facebook

sue14625 said... 41

i like Totino`s on Facebook-Suzanna Pickering
sue14625 at gmail dot com

jill24295 said... 42

I like Totinos on facebook (Jill A. Collins) and I follow you publically on GFC as jill24295

jill24295 said... 43

I Subscribe to your email
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 44

I Subscribe to your email
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 45

I Subscribe to your blog via RSS
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 46

I Subscribe to your blog via RSS
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 47

I Subscribe to your blog via RSS
Entry #3

jill24295 said... 48

I follow via Networked blogs
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 49

I follow via Networked blogs
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 50

I follow you on facebook (Jill A. Collins)
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 51

I follow you on facebook (Jill A. Collins)
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 52

Voted for you on Picket Fence
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 53

Voted for you on Picket Fence
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 54

Voted for you on Picket Fence
Entry #3

jill24295 said... 55

Voted for you on Picket Fence
Entry #4

jill24295 said... 56

Voted for you on Picket Fence
Entry #5

jill24295 said... 57

Left you a comment on Picket Fence
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 58

Left you a comment on Picket Fence
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 59

Left you a comment on Picket Fence
Entry #3

jill24295 said... 60

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 61

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 62

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
Entry #3

jill24295 said... 63

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
Entry #4

jill24295 said... 64

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs
Entry #5

jill24295 said... 65

Summer fun? Went to the pool alot and got myself a tan for the first time in years!!!
Entry #1

jill24295 said... 66

Summer fun? Went to the pool alot and got myself a tan for the first time in years!!!
Entry #2

jill24295 said... 67

Summer fun? Went to the pool alot and got myself a tan for the first time in years!!!
Entry #3

skkorman said... 68

I follow Totino's on FB (Sheila Korman), and I'm a GFC follower (skkorman)!

coliebear said... 69

I like totinos on facebook (nicole lenz) and I am a GFC follower (coliebear).

BusyWorkingMama said... 70

GFC follower and I liked their page!
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 71

email subscriber
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 72

email #2
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 73

FB fan of yours - aleksandra n.
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 74

FB networked blog fan #2
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 75

I like your FB page - aleksandra n.
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 76

Like you on FB #2
aleksa91 hotmail com

BusyWorkingMama said... 77

busyworkingmama follows totinos on twitter
aleksa91 hotmail com

mogrill said... 78

I like Totinos on FB
Thanks for the chance.

Valerie Taylor Mabrey said... 79

like totino facebook page

tatertot374 said... 80

fb - beth s
thank you

tatertot374 said... 81

thank you

tatertot374 said... 82

sub 2
thank you

tatertot374 said... 83

thank you

tatertot374 said... 84

fb 2
thank you

tatertot374 said... 85

thank you

JC said... 86

Like Totino's on FB
jessie C.
GFC follower
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

JC said... 87

email subscriber

JC said... 88

email subscriber

JC said... 89

RSS feed subscriber

JC said... 90

RSS feed subscriber

JC said... 91

RSS feed subscriber

JC said... 92

like you on FB
jessie c

JC said... 93

like you on FB
jessie c

JC said... 94

Follow Totino's on Twitter@tcarolinep

JC said... 95!/tcarolinep/status/113828170146390016

JC said... 96

Voted for you on Picket Fence-

JC said... 97

Voted for you on Picket Fence-

JC said... 98

Voted for you on Picket Fence-

JC said... 99

Voted for you on Picket Fence-

JC said... 100

Voted for you on Picket Fence-

JC said... 101

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

JC said... 102

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

JC said... 103

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

JC said... 104

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

JC said... 105

Voted for you on Top Mommy Blogs

JC said... 106

We had a camping trip, loved it.

JC said... 107

We had a camping trip, loved it.

JC said... 108

We had a camping trip, loved it.

JC said... 109

We had a camping trip, loved it.

The Real Mom said... 110

Follow you on GFC, liked Totino's on FB.
Jean Clark Lynd (FB)
jeanlynd at att dot net

SaraLee said... 111

GFC @s8r8l33
I Like Totino's on FB @SaraLee E
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 112

I Like you on FB @SaraLee E
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 113

I Like you on FB @SaraLee E #2
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 114

I Follow Totino's on Twitter @s8r8l33
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 115

I Follow Sarafan2 on Twitter @s8r8l33
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 116

s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 117

My family and I went to the beach, camping and to a new zoo that opened up.
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 118

My family and I went to the beach, camping and to a new zoo that opened up. #2
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

SaraLee said... 119

My family and I went to the beach, camping and to a new zoo that opened up. #3
s8r8l33 at yahoo dot com

Jessyca said... 120

I like Totino's on facebook and GFC Follower. Jessyca Foster

Jessyca said... 121

I subscribe via email. #1

Jessyca said... 122

I subscribe via email #2

Jessyca said... 123

I follow you via Networked Blogs. Jessyca Foster #1

Jessyca said... 124

I follow you via Networked Blogs. Jessyca Foster #2

Jessyca said... 125

I like you on facebook. Jessyca Foster #1

Jessyca said... 126

I like you on facebook. Jessyca Foster #2

Jessyca said... 127

I follow Totino's on twitter @jessyca81

Jessyca said... 128

I follow you on twitter @jessyca81 and tweeted:!/Jessyca81/status/114857049954844672

Jessyca said... 129

I went camping with my family this summer. #1

Jessyca said... 130

I went camping with my family this summer. #2

Jessyca said... 131

I went camping this summer with my family #3

blue65829 said... 132

I like Totino's on FB as Kristen Morris-Boss and follow you via gfc as blue65829.
blue65829 at aol dot com

Ashley H said... 133

Totinos fb liker (AshleyG)
gfc follower agatewood1

Ashley H said... 134

rss subscriber

Ashley H said... 135

rss subscriber

Ashley H said... 136

rss subscriber

Ashley H said... 137

totinos twitter follower @shuggysmommy

Ashley H said... 138

picket fence vote

Ashley H said... 139

picket fence vote

Ashley H said... 140

picket fence vote

Ashley H said... 141

picket fence vote

Ashley H said... 142

picket fence vote

Ashley H said... 143

we went to the aquarium over the summer

Ashley H said... 144

we went to the aquarium over the summer

Ashley H said... 145

we went to the aquarium over the summer

Ashley H said... 146

follow u on twitter @shuggysmommy!/shuggysmommy/status/115575028141146112

Jessyca said... 147


Charlotte V. said... 148

GFC Follower

Charlotte V. said... 149

#1 Subscribed rss

Charlotte V. said... 150

#2 Subscribed rss

Charlotte V. said... 151

#3 Subscribed rss

Charlotte V. said... 152

#1 Networked blog follower

Charlotte V. said... 153

#2 Networked blog follower

Charlotte V, said... 154

Following you on twitter *CharLuvsAbby3*

Charlotte V. said... 155


Charlotte V, said... 156

#1 Voted on picket fence

Charlotte V. said... 157

#2 Voted on picket fence

Charlotte V. said... 158

#3 Voted on picket fence

Charlotte V. said... 159

#4 Voted on picket fence

Charlotte Varner said... 160

#5 Voted on picket fence

Charlotte V. said... 161

#1 Something fun we did for the summer is that we went to the water park quite a few times.

Charlotte V. said... 162

#2 Something fun we did for the summer is that we went to the water park quite a few times.

Charlotte Varner said... 163

#3 Something fun we did for the summer is that we went to the water park quite a few times.

Charlotte Varner said... 164


Forgot to add my comment that

I "Like" Totino's on fb (Charlotte Varner)

hamjenny said... 165

Already Subscribe to your email

hamjenny said... 166

Subscribed to RSS feed

hamjenny said... 167

Liked you on FB @Sarafan2

hamjenny said... 168

Following Totino's on Twitter

hamjenny said... 169

Already following you on Twitter and tweeted today about contest...!/hamjenny/status/116561113344245760

hamjenny said... 170

Tweeted again what I was supposed to tweet the first time. LOL!/hamjenny/status/116561292453609472

hamjenny said... 171

Following you on GFC and Liked Totion's on FB.

hamjenny said... 172

Fanned you on FB Networked Blogs

hamjenny said... 173

voted and left a comment on Picket fences

hamjenny said... 174

Voted on Top Mommy Blogs- But how do I leave a comment Sarafan2 did not come up on the page when I clicked the mommy blogs link on your site.. HELP

hamjenny said... 175

Something I did fun this summer was take a day trip with some friends to shop and have lunch. Was a wonderful getaway.

msrodeobrat said... 176

like totinos on fb as kim h
follow you on gfc as msrodeobrat
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

Hotsnotty2 said... 177

Follower, Liked Totino's on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said... 178

Email Subscriber, thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 179

Email Subscriber, thanks! 2

Hotsnotty2 said... 180

Following via NetworkedBlogs (AngelaWinesburg), thanks!

Hotsnotty2 said... 181

Following via NetworkedBlogs (AngelaWinesburg), thanks! 2

Hotsnotty2 said... 182

Liked Sarafan2 on FB (AngelaWinesburg)

Hotsnotty2 said... 183

Liked Sarafan2 on FB (AngelaWinesburg) 2

Hotsnotty2 said... 184

We went to Disneyworld! Thanks for the chance

Hotsnotty2 said... 185

We went to Disneyworld! Thanks for the chance 2

Hotsnotty2 said... 186

We went to Disneyworld! Thanks for the chance 3

Marianna said... 187

I like Totino's on FB (Marianna B) and follow on GFC
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Marianna said... 188

like sarafan2 on FB - MArianna B
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Marianna said... 189

we went on a beach vacation this summer
mannasweeps (at) gmail DOT com

Erica C. said... 190

I'm a GFC follower and I like Totinos on facebook as Erica C.

HSingMama said... 191

I like Totinos on FB and I am a follow of your blog on GFC as HSingMama.

Unknown said... 192

I like Totino's on fb Jammie M sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Unknown said... 193

I subscribe via email sweepmorey at gmail dot com #1

Unknown said... 194

I subscribe via rss feed (google reader ) #1

Unknown said... 195

I subscribe via rss feed (google reader ) #2

Unknown said... 196

I subscribe via rss feed (google reader ) #3

Unknown said... 197

voted for you on picket fence. #1

Unknown said... 198

voted for you on picket fence. #2

Unknown said... 199

voted for you on picket fence. #3

Unknown said... 200

voted for you on picket fence. #4

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