Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dancing With The Stars Season 13 Returns In Less Than 1 Week!

Anyone that follows my blog knows that I'm a huge fan of DWTS, and with it's return in less than one week I'm eagerly counting down the days, then I will be in heaven. You should see me when the show comes on. I get up and clap and sing,and act like a fool. That is by far my all time favorite show, and another thing I tell my friends & family is don't call me between8-10 p.m. unless it's urgent, and I don't mean needing a babysitter for your kid. Below is a picture of the new cast when ABC announced them on The Bachelor Pad a few weeks ago.
I'm pretty excited with the new cast. It doesn't seem like it will be a drama filled season like it was with Bristol Palin or Kate Gosselin.I give alot of credit to Chaz Bono for dancing. He is probably the most out of shape right now with all of his changes going on in his body, but he is determined to lose the weight, and he said he has already lost five pounds, so kudos to you Chaz, and screw everyone else and their opinions. I think that I will see you in the finale at the end. You are a very determined person, and I know you will do good. Lacey will whip you into shape for sure so watch out!!

So what do you think about Nancy Grace competing?I happen to like her and her ways very much. She is a straight shooter and tells it as it is. I can't wait to see how she does on the dance floor with the ever so gorgeous Tristan Mac Manus. For those of you who don't know him I think this is his first time ever performing on DWTS. I have never seen him perform before, especially to a former prosecutor.You better watch out Tristan as Nancy will probably  have you on your toes.I'm so much looking forward to seeing you two dance together, and it will be interesting to watch the two of you dance,so bring it on baby because I'm readier than ever. Nancy will have to give up her power just for a bit if she wants to win the Mirror Ball. Nancy, shake what your momma gave you girl.

Another one that I will be watching closely this season is Elisabetta Canalis & Val Chmerkovskiy. Now this is one hot couple!! Elisabetta was formerly George Clooney's girlfriend for a few years,and a model,has now moved to LA, and performing on DWTS.Now this chic is on damn good shape, and I think she might have a bit of dance experience,so of course this will give her a better chance on the dance floor.I'm thrilled to have Maks' brother Val on the show. I have seen him and Maks dance before, but never in a competition and for the Mirror Ball Trophy! All I know is between Val& Elisabetta there will be some raging hormones on that dance floor.How much you want to bet they will be dating by shows end?? We will see what happens pretty soon won't we? ABC did a good job this year pairing up the couples for sure!!!
Another couple I will be watching closely is Rob Kardashian & Cheryl Burke. We all know that Cheryl is a two time Mirror Ball winner, and a perfectionist, so she will be giving Rob a run for his money for sure. I can't wait to see what dancing does to Rob as a person. On his show Keeping Up With The Kardashians he is the only brother, and kind of like the baby in the family. Sometimes I think he acts a little entitled, but overall I like him. I pray to god that he does better than his sister Kim. Wasn't she voted off on the first week?? I hope Rob is ready for Cheryl to turn him into a dancer , because she is a perfectionist and it shows 100% on the dance floor. That chic has one heck of a body..I hope Rob can keep his focus and his eye on the'm sure we will be seeing the whole Kardashian clan week after week. I hope ABC leaves the spotlight on Rob & Cheryl !!

So with all being said, I'm super excited about DWTS starting in less than a week, and you can expect me to be blogging about it week after week. I sure love to give my opinions, and if you know me I don't hold back!!! My pick for the finale as of now without even seeing anyone dance is Val & Elisabetta, Cheryl& Rob, Lacey& Chaz and Tony & Chynna. This doesn't mean that I'm not a fan of Maks or Kym because I am for sure,and Karina too, but I'm just giving an early pick for who I'm thinking might make it to the finally.What are your thought? Stop by and tell me as I'd love to hear. Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. My fans mean the world and back to me, so thanks from the bottom of my heart!! Time for some DANCING!!!! Bring it baby!! Here's to a great season.

A huge DWTS fan for life,


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