Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fun Time At Hermans Hermits Show

What a great time I had at the Hermans Hermits Show the other night. My family traveled for hours to see Peter Noone, and of course me. We were very fortunate enough to get a good seat for the show. The standing in line for hours payed off. I was able to get a good shot of Peter Noone & Kevin Hearn one of the Bare Naked Ladies. I was able to talk to him (Kevin Hearn) and of course got a nice hand shake too. What a great guy !! The night was so much fun. If you haven't had the chance to see Peter Noone (Hermans Hermits), you should really see him as he is a wonderful performer , and one heck of a funny guy. He dances all over the stage like crazy! Good time & great fun!!! Unfortunately I wasn't able to see the Bare Naked Ladies perform, but I heard they put on one hell of a show!!


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