Thursday, November 17, 2011

Counting Down The Days Till Black Friday Shopping

Are you a fan of Black Friday shopping? I know I am, and I can't believe that it will be here in another 8 days. The craziness of it all, the pushing and shoving, the waiting in lines outdoors at wee hours in the morning, the waiting in lines for ever to check out. This is what Black Friday is all about. Many people in my family especially the men think that I'm crazy for doing this. It's a tradition with my sister, myself and whoever wants to come along. We usually start out at Kohl's, then work our way to Walmart, Target and which ever way the car drives us. Of course there has to be a stop for a good old home cooked breakfast on the way. Below is a picture of what it looks like standing in line at 3 a.m. in the morning waiting to get into Kohl's for their awesome deals they have each year.

Now this is what I call Black Friday shopping! I normally try to take a nap for a few hours before I go out, as the tiredness sets in the next day, and I don't like to sleep during the day, but usually I'm so excited about it that I can't sleep. I like to go out on a mission on Black Friday. I don't just go because it's Black Friday. We sit and look at the store ads after dinner, and decide which store we will be going to first. If I'm looking for a big item like a computer or T.V., that is the store I will hit first. Like last year I needed a computer so me and sis went to Walmart, and stood in line for more than 12 hours to get the deal. My sister even brought her husband last year for the fun, and he was actually a good sport about it! I can't say that I know too many men that like to shop!! Do you?? We actually had fun last year! It was a bit tough with the crowds in the store but the staff did great on keeping people moving and the isles open so you could get by. Walmart also offered snack and drinks last year to people waiting in the lines, so I thought that was pretty nice.
Depending on which items you are looking for, it aways pays to bring a few extra people along with you. If you are looking for a Television, a Computer or a Vacuum, you can't stand in 3 different lines at the same time. This is where you have your friend or family member go in one line while your in the other. This is only good if your both not looking let's say for a computer. Last year at Walmart you could only score 1 laptop per person in line,so one stood in the Laptop line while the other stood in the Television line. I was quite impressed at the check out lines as they actually moved right along and everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

Another favorite store of mine is Bath & Body Works. They always have awesome deals there, and that is when I stock up for the year. It's always busy too, so if your planning on stopping in your local store be prepared. They have them awesome  5 or 6 a.m. deals.Not too sure of the time. The staff are always bubbly there, and ready to help you out. They get you in and out real quick!

Where ever you go, I hope you ave fun and be safe! At times in the past on Black Friday people have got injured,and even one worker at Walmart got trampled and killed when the doors opened up. Since that happened they changes their store policy. It's not worth killing someone over a Computer, so be patient and kind, and not so much in a damn hurry! It's all about having fun! If you have the option of carrying a credit card, I think that is much safer than carrying cash. There are people out there that take advantage of this day and are looking to cash in, especially when your carrying cash on you, so I don't advise that. If your carrying cash just bring a small amount.Keep an eye on the register as your items are getting scanned. It's so much easier to deal with it at that moment verses having to go back and  get a refund if you are over charged!! Be patient, have fun and most of all be safe! That's what Black Friday is all about!!

Let me know what you do on Black Friday? Do you go out shopping, and which stores do you like to go to? Do you have any rituals each year that you follow? Who do you bring along shopping with you? Do you set a limit as to spending, or do you just say the hell with it, and go home broke?? I'd like to hear how you celebrate, so feel free to leave me a comment. Thanks for stopping by!! Keep an eye out for some great giveaways coming soon!!



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