Thanks to the fine folks over at AZO, for giving me this terrific opportunity to review your fine products that came in a Vera Bradley Cosmetic Bag.
When I heard of these products for promoting urinary health, I just had to check it out. If you have ever had a urinary, bladder or yeast infection, then you know it's not fun having them. After having the flu and the common cold, UTI's are the most commen complaint in women 18 and older. It has been estimated that 60% of women will experience the pain and discomfort of a UTI at least once in their live time. A UTI is an infection anywhere in the urinary tract, such as the kidneys, bladder and urethra.Bacteria may enter through the urethra, and travel through the bladder and kidneys. Most times your body may be able to remove the bacteria, but if not treated, your infection can be serious.
Here are some other tips to help you prevent a UTI courtesy of AZO:
Drink lots of water.
Drink 8-16 ounces of cranberry juice daily to keep bacteria from growing and clinging to your bladder wall. Or take AZO CRANBERRY® tablets to get benefits of cranberry juice in a convenient tablet.
Wipe from front to back when you go to the bathroom.
If you are sexually active, go to the bathroom right after you have sex.
Go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the need, rather than when the urge becomes strong.
Use tampons instead of sanitary pads and change them every three to four hours.
Wear clean cotton underwear that will allow air circulation and discourage the warm, moist environment necessary for bacteria growth.
Don't hang around in a wet bathing suit or on a damp towel. Get into dry stuff as soon as you can.
Avoid wearing tight clothes like ultra skin-tight jeans.

AZO Cranberry 3 times more potent than before! AZO Cranberry contains PACran, a high potency cranberry supplement made from early black cranberries, which have the highest proanthocyanidins (PAC) content. PAC's are natural compounds that help block harmful bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall. If you don't like the taste of cranberry juice like me, then AZO Cranberry would be perfect, and without the extra calories and the tart taste. All you have to do is take 2 tablets with water daily.

Have you ever experienced the symptoms that come with a yeast infection? I have and they are awful. I was at work, when I realized that I had a yeast infection, and boy was it itchy and I just couldn't stand still. AZO YEAST is the product that you need in this situation. You don't have to wait for the vaginal creams to kick in. Relieve symptoms fast with AZO YEAST, a fast homeopathic yeast infection treatment to help relieve yeast infections symptoms, and prevent them from reoccurring. The tables are taken once 3 times a day.
AZO has a selection of products including AZO Itch Relief Cream, AZO Itch Relief Medicated Wipes, AZO Test Strips and AZO Standard. Click here to locate a store near you that carries these products. They can be found pretty much in all of the drug stores in your neighborhood. You can also purchase these products online. AZO products start st $6.49 and up.

The great folks over at AZO were generous enough to give my readers a chance to win this great package that every female should have in their home. One of you will win all of the AZO products shown above in this great Vera Bradley Cosmetic Bag. All you have to do is stop over at AZO and share something that you learned there:
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Thanks for stopping by @Sarafan2 to enter my giveaway . I was not paid monetarily to do this review. I was given the same exact kit as shown for my review thanks to AZO.These are my opinions and mine only. It was a pleasure working with you folks. Thanks for giving me this fabulous opportunity to review your products. This contest is open to U.S. & Canadian residents. Good Luck To All !!

I learned you can treat symptoms before they develop too much.
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I learned the cranberry helps block the attachment of harmful bacteria to the bladder wall. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
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I learned that if you take the tablets for just two days to relieve the pain, burning and urgency. It will not interfere with your antibiotic, but relieves the pain until the antibiotic starts to work. Thanks!
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I learned the tablets are sugar free!
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I learned that bubble baths can sometimes lead to a UTI
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Great giveaway! I learned that you can use their test strips to detect an infection. That would save a lot of money, not having to go to the Dr. if you don't have an infection!
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I learned that one way to help prevent a UTI is to drink lots of water.
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I learned I can buy Azo Products at Walmart.
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I learned that there are safe, effective over the counter treatments for UTIs! Amazing!
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I learned that it has been estimated that up to 60% of women will experience the unbearable pain and discomfort of a UTI at least once during their lives.
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I learned that you can buy the products on the site!
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I learned you're able to take the yeast quiz at their site.
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i learned what the symptoms of a UTI are
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drinking lots of water can help to flush out urinary infections!
Awesome contest! Thanks for entering me!
Janna Johnson
women are 30 times more likely than men to get UTIs
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I didn't even know they had test strips.
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I learned the tablets are sugar free!
I learned the show the symptoms of each of the problems to let you tell if you might have the problem and what product would help. That's useful!! Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
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Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com
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Limit the wearing of leotards and pantyhose to improve vaginal health. I am following, liking, joining, and subscribing.
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I learned that you can prevent UTI by drinking lots of water. Thanks!
dehydration can cause a UTI
susansmoaks at gmail dot com
I learned if you are prone to uti's you shouldn't take baths.wilcarvic
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I learned that AZO products are available at my local CVS and RiteAid.
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The cranberry in AZO CRANBERRY® helps maintain a healthy urinary tract by helping to prevent bacteria from attaching to the bladder wall.
ReggieM1961 [at] gmail [dot] com
I really like the AZO products and I've used them several times. I have learned over there to dry oneself off with a low heat dryer after bathing to help prevent yeast infections.
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Cranberry helps block the attachment of harmful bacteria to the bladder wall.
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