Friday, September 17, 2010

Sea Pak and Farm Rich Review

I recently had the chance to taste some great products thanks to SeaPak and Farm Rich. I was sent two coupons to try out any of their products, one for SeaPak, and the other for Farm Rich. For SeaPak I chose the delicious Shrimp Scampi, and boy oh boy was it tasty! It was one of the most easiest meals I have cooked in awhile.

All that is needed to make this wonderful meal is angel hair pasta, lemon pepper, Dijon mustard, & dry white wine and the shrimp included in the box of Sea Pak Shrimp Scampi. I left out the broccoli because my son don't like it. All I needed to do was saute the shrimp for five minutes, add the mixture of lemon pepper, wine & Dijon mustard, stir up good, and continue to saute for a few more minutes until shrimp cooked. Be careful not to over cook your shrimp, as they don't taste good when they are tough. I added in a splash or two of lime just to jazz up the taste. Once the angel hair pasta was cooked, I tossed it in the shrimp mixture, stirred it good and voila! A 7 minute meal was all done! Of course we had to shake a bit of grated cheese to top it off . What a quick, succulent meal in a matter of minutes. I ought to make this more often, as everyone was too busy stuffing their faces, and for once I was enjoying my own meal.

SeaPak also carries many other meals such as butterfly shrimp (my favorite), popcorn shrimp, coconut shrimp, salmon burgers & much more.There are 180 mg of Omega 3 fatty acids per serving in the shrimp scampi. Shrimp is a good food to eat. The USDA recommends two seafood servings per week. If you have hypertension you couldn't be eating this food all the time, as it is somewhat high in sodium. If your eating in small portions it shouldn't hurt. SeaPak can be purchase at just about any grocery store in your hometown in the freezer section.

My second choice was Farm Rich Cheese Sticks. OMG, they were totally awesome!! It makes me want to go cook some up right now just thinking about them. A friend of mine had told me to try them, that they were so tasty. I had to search like six grocery stores just to find them. They must be a hot item, because they were all out at every store. They had Farm Rich Meatballs and Quesadias, but NO cheese sticks. I was determined to find them, and I did at Shop Rite! I asked a guy who worked there, and he said hold on, I will go check,and he came out with a whole box. I was so happy.

I'm so happy to have had the chance to experience these great products! I will be a life long fan of the SeaPak Shrimp Scampi & the Farm Rich Cheese Sticks. My next experiment will be with the coconut shrimp. Thanks again to the great people at SeaPak & Farm Rich for giving me the opportunity to try your terrific products. I was provided two coupons for my review. These are my opinions and only mine.

Until next time,



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