Thanks to Laura, Amanda & Kelly, the wonderful gals over at My Blog Spark for giving me the opportunity to do this great review & giveaway. Cats are such a huge part of my life and this opportunity was great for me! Upon receiving this wonderful package, my frisky & very friendly cat Erica who is the white one was all into the box to see what she could get into.

Morris the cat is featured on all 9 Lives products. Morris the cat has been around for many many years. I remember Morris the cat when I was a child and that was a few years ago. Morris the cat was rescued by Bob Mardwick back in 1986 from a animal shelter. Mardwick was looking to make his next big star, and Morris soon became that big star who captured the hearts & minds of cat lovers everywhere!
9 Lives comes in four different varieties in dry food, they are Daily Nutrition, Maintaining Urinary Tract Health, Maturing Cats & For Indoor Cats too. 9 Lives cat food is designed with the essential nutrients that meet your cats needs to help provide them with a long & healthy life. Cats lack the ability to produce many essential nutrients,so with Advanced Nutrient System this is tailored to meet your cats needs. It is 100% complete & balanced for all Life stages. Advanced Nutrient System promotes Healthy Skin Coat, Strong Muscle Growth & Healthy Heart & Clear Vision. This is just a few of the reasons why I feed my cats 9 Lives. 9 Lives has a big variety of wet food too. They come in beef, fish or poultry, and there is quite the variety to choose from. I tend to mix it up a bit with my cats. One day beef, one day poultry, another day fish.

So, what did the the wonderful folks at My Blog Spark send me? Well. They sent me the following and it was so nicely packaged, that is until the cats got into it:
2 VIP coupons towards the purchase of wet & dry Food
Sample of 9 Lives Daily Essentials Food
A cat scoop/clip to keep your bag closed
Two Magnetic Photo Frames for your kitties
Two Crinkle Cat Balls
Kitten Play and squeak mouse
Crinkle Ball with suction cup( for door or window)
My cats were thrilled with the crinkle balls and the chirping bird. My Siamese cat chewed up the string that the chirping bird was on. I can't leave strings around anywhere, as she will chew them up and swallow them.

The great gals over at My Blog Spark were so generous enough to offer this giveaway to one of my readers as well, so all you need to do is the following below:
Mandatory Entry: Tell me in you have a cat and what you feed them? 1 entry
1) Follow me on Google Friend Connect for 2 entries
2) Subscribe to my email- 1 entry
3) Follow me on Twitter @Sarafan2- & Tweet 1 Entry each
Tweet Daily: @Sarafan2 Enter to win 9 Lives Review & Giveaway
http://tinyurl.com/2vwnbet Ends 9/20/10
4) Follow me on FB Networked Blogs for 2 entries
5)Fan me on FB @Sarafan2 - 2 entries
6) Tell me what the funniest thing your cat has ever done for 2 entries
7) Blog about my giveaway with a link back to me @http://www.sarafan2.blogspot.com for 5 entries
8) Follow Morris The Cat on Twitter2 entries
9) Like Morris The Cat on FB 2 entries

9 Lives can be purchased at your local Walmart, Target, all your local pharmacies, Amazon, local convenience stores & much more.It can also be purchased on Amazon .com, and is very affordable. I tend to buy my cat food at Family Dollar, and I pay $1.00 for three cans of wet food, or $3.00 for a bag of dry food. Sounds pretty reasonable right?
Thanks to 9 Lives and My Blog Spark for giving me the opportunity to do such a fun review and giveaway. You have all been so fantastic to work with. These are my opinions, and mine only. I was given the same items for reviewing the products . 9 Lives has been a hot item in my house for years now and will continue to be for many years to come. Good Luck to all!!
This is my baby Pretzel in the box here. She just got done eating her 9 Lives!! Yummy!!

I have a cat named Sammy, and we feed her Iams or Purina (basically whatever's on sale).
pepethewepe at gmail.com
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Lauren Peterson
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I always laugh when my cat will attack the dog to show dominance, but then starts cleaning and licking it. Cute!
pepethewepe at gmail.com
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pepethewepe at gmail.com
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Lauren Peterson
pepethewepe at gmail.com
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Lauren Peterson
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I have a cat and I feed him Meow Mix most times!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
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I follow you on network blogs on facebook as Sheila H.
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Hiya on this fine Thursday! :) Me, I have one cat named Kitty (I know, oh so orginial! LOL) And canned food it has to be Fancy Feast, but dry food or treats, anything and everything! :)
and follow the blog via GFC #1. . .
and follow the blog via GFC #2. . .
and follow the blog via email. . .
and already follow Morris on Facebook #1. . .
and already follow Morris on Facebook #2. . .
Well, one funny thing was after being seemingly afraid of the laundry basket, now she likes sleeping in it. . . #1
but now she likes to go hide in this box with dolls that is pretty high up, and the flaps are always closed when we go look for her! #2
I have a cat named Lucky and we feed him 9 lives for indoor cats and also the wet food too!
Thanks for the chance
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The funniest thing Lucky has done is chase after the night in the hallway and run up the wall :-)
The funniest thing Lucky has done is chase after the night in the hallway and run up the wall :-)
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Requested to follow Morris on Twitter{Deb55106}
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I have Rosie ,Bubba and Ebbie!! I feed them a wide range of food and they love their treats!!
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The funniest thing my cats do is think they are helping out in the garden ,its so cute!!
The funniest thing my cats do is think they are helping out in the garden ,its so cute!! #2
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I have a few cats :) and I feed them fancy feast for the most part
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liked on fb as pennypinchingpixie
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THe funniest thing one of my cats do is she'll hold your face for kisses! She stretches out her lil paw and will place it one the side of your face and try to keep you there so she can lick your face
funny entry 2
I sent a follow request for morris @PennyPixie
Morris twitter entry 2
I follow Morris on fb as pennypinchingpixie
Morris fb entry 2
I have a cat named Truffles who eats Friskies.
six_one_nine_girlie (at) yahoo (dot) com
I have 4 cats, and they eat purina cat food, and 9 lives wet food.
My older cat thinks she is in charge.One day two of my siamese were wrestling, and disturbing her. So she walked over and sat on one of them. I haven't laughed that hard in awhile.
My cat Tif currently eats Eukanuba.
GFC Follower 1
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The funniest thing my cat does is give me back rubs by kneading my back.
Funniest 2
Morris twitter follower
Morris twitter follower 2
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Morris facebook fan 2
pepethewepe at gmail.com
my cat is named Zoey and we feed her various brands and tyes of food it just depends. my email is littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
i follow you via GFC (it shows as Emmy w/ no profile pic)
i follow you by email as littleheathen9109 @ yah00 d0t c0m
i sent you a request to follow your tweets as @forgetshyness
My cat does lots of funny things. Recently she ran into our sliding glass door head on because she saw a bug on the deck.
funny story entry 2
i sent morris the cat a request to follow him on twitter as @forgetshyness
pepethewepe at gmail.com
I do have a cat and right now we feed him Fancy Feast. But I would love to give 9 Lives a try.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
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runningmatey at hotmail dot com
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runningmatey at hotmail dot com
fb fan Morris the Cat
Mari Doug #1
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
fb fan Morris the Cat
Mari Doug #2
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
twitter follow request to Morris the Cat
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
twitter follow request to Morris the Cat
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
The funniest thing my cat ever did was to carry around my beanie babies in her mouth like they were her kittens.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
The funniest thing my cat ever did was to carry around my beanie babies in her mouth like they were her kittens.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
My Einstein and Sushi will eat pretty well anything, including string and elastic bands they find, but I try to feed them Purina Cat Chow and Friskies Chicken Chunks in gravy.
They would love this gift pack...especially the toys as they are still very playful.
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
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2 I follow you on twitter and tweeted this giveaway (@Days1st)
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terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
2 I am your FB fan (Terry Mac)
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
Cats can be halarious, and mine are no exception! One of the funniest things that comes to mind, is when my young family was coming home from shopping and as we were getting out of the van, two huge howling dogs came racing around the corner. They looked and sounded vicious, so we all quickly jumped back into the van, locking the doors, very nervous of what animal was chasing these dogs! After what seemed like minutes of fear, we saw our two siamese cats bolting full speed after the dogs, stopping short on our property line, as the howling canines hastily retreated down the street! Both Einstein and Sushi, looked at us matter of factly, casually walked over to us, and looked at us as if to say, "What? Just looking after what's ours."
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
2 Cats can be halarious, and mine are no exception! One of the funniest things that comes to mind, is when my young family was coming home from shopping and as we were getting out of the van, two huge howling dogs came racing around the corner. They looked and sounded vicious, so we all quickly jumped back into the van, locking the doors, very nervous of what animal was chasing these dogs! After what seemed like minutes of fear, we saw our two siamese cats bolting full speed after the dogs, stopping short on our property line, as the howling canines hastily retreated down the street! Both Einstein and Sushi, looked at us matter of factly, casually walked over to us, and looked at us as if to say, "What? Just looking after what's ours."
terrymac1a at hotmail dot com
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