Friday, November 16, 2012

Will You Be Going Shopping On Black Friday ?

Can you believe that the most busiest days in store around the world is almost here? Will you be going out shopping  and fighting the crowds to get some steals and deals? I have been going out shopping the last few years with my sister, and a good friend. Last year was so pumped up after Thanksgiving Dinner, that I came home for awhile to rest, but I was unable to do so, so I jumped in the car & headed to Walmart. I was going to stand in line, and wait for a great deal on a 42" television, which I bought and love it so much. Just thought I'd share a photo with you below, to show you what you might be getting into, should you go out shopping.

Is this what you really want to get yourself into on Black Friday? I love the thrill of it, and the adrenaline rush that you get.  I went to Walmart last year for a phone at midnight,and when they removed the cover from the stand, I got trampled on. You would have thought they were giving out money or something.People were grabbing as many as they could. It was freaking nuts!! I will not put myself into that situation this year. I got hurt over a phone. This season my list is very slim on what I will be looking for.

I will definitely be going to Bath & Body to get my hands on some great deals, and I will be looking for a Tommy Tom for a gift. Does anyone know where I could find a deal on one? If you go shopping, please be careful if your by yourself. The crazies are out looking for victims this time of year. Please be courteous  of others too. If you happen to bump into someone with  carriage, a sorry would be the proper thing to do, and no fighting or stealing in the stores. I do not want to witness that at all. If your standing in line for a computer or T.V., bring a snack with you . Remember that patience goes a long way. Be courteous to the store workers also. This is a hectic time to be working for them, so be nice. Have fun & e safe!! I'd love to hear your stories from Black Friday.

Have You Started Christmas Shopping Yet? free polls 


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