Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Are You Ready For The Big Fat Guy To Come???

Can you believe that Christmas will be here in less than two weeks? I can't , and don't want to believe it. Life has been so busy these last few months with everyday life, and caring for family members, it seems as if this year just passed us by. I remember somewhat of it, but the rest seems like a blur.  Christmas is that perfect time of year when the family all gets together to celebrate the special day. It's a time for cheer & joy and all the happiness that comes with it. Are your kids excited,and what do they want for Christmas?? Mine is older now, and all they want is gift cards & money. That's pretty easy for me, however, I do miss buying all of those toys for the kids, and the joy watching them open the presents.

Have you just about finished up with your shopping, or are waiting for the last minute like millions of others do each year? Heck,I like being stuck in traffic, and waiting in lines at stores with rude and obnoxious people. That always gets me in the mood for giving! I still have quite the bit of shopping to do, and I will get to it as quick as I can. It just don't seem to be a big priority this year, and I don't know why. Here's wishing each and everyone of you a very Merry Christmas & a very bright, happy and healthy New Year!! I hope Santa is good to each of you. Thanks for stopping by!!

P.S. If your going out partying for the holidays, be responsible and don't drink and drive!! I happen to love my family and want them around for a long time, so please be responsible, and call a cab!! It's alot cheaper to call a cab, than dish out $5,000 for an attorney for a DUI..

Happy Holidays Folks,


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