Monday, April 30, 2012

Pro FOOT Miracle Custom Molding Insoles

Do you have tired achy feet on a day to day basis? Do your feet hurt when you go for a walk or run? If you answered yes to either one of them then I have the perfect answer for you and it s ProFOOT. Awhile back I was asked if I wanted to review some ProFoot Items that could support my tired and achy feet, and of course I said yes.

The wonderful folks over at ProFOOT were kind enough to send me two pair of Women's 2 oz. Miracle Custom Molding Insoles . I had been having a tough time getting around to tired and achy feet and swelling due to my recent back surgery. I also have plantar phaschiatis, which is a very painful condition to have. The ProFoot Insoles I received were amazing! I had to trim them a bit to fit in my sneakers, but let me tell you ow different my tired and achy feet felt.  was able to walk around alot longer and my feet didn't feel like they were tired as before. My feet were finally feeling better thanks to ProFOOT.

ProFOOT carries to different items for your needs from insoles & inserts, to Callus & Cracked Heeled Cream,Corns, Callus & Blisters & Bunions and Implements, Anti fungal and Pain Relief. They have something for anyone who has achy, tired and painful feet. ProFOOT can be purchased online or you can find it in your local stores by clicking here. If your bit unsure about the products you can click here to read some of the reviews.
Thanks to ProFOOT  , one of my followers can win the same item shown above from ProFOOT. All you have to do is like ProFOOT on FB and tell them I sent you.You Must Also follow me on GFC ad subscribe to my feed. These entries are Mandatory .This contest is open to U.S. only. Please include your email with each entry so I can contact you should you win.Good Luck to all!~
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Who Want's To Win A Kindle Fire ??

Who wants to win a Kindle Fire?? Rachael over at Acadianasthriftymom is giving away not one, not two or three, but 4 Kindle Fires will be given away.This giveaway has been going on for weeks now and over 400,000 entries have been collected so far. Let's see if we can get  over 500,000 entries in this AWESOME Giveaway. I know I'm so eager to own one of these. This giveaway will end tonight. Head o over to Acadianasthriftymom and get your entries in today. Thanks to Rachael for hosting this awesome giveaway.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sorry I Have Been Missing In Action Lately

Just want to apologize for not posting lately. Sometimes things come up and we just can't get to the computer to check our thousands of emails, and post giveaways. I have been very sick for the past few weeks, and back and forth to doctors and hospitals. It's especially not fun to not even know what is happening to my body . All of a sudden weeks back my knees just gave out on me.The pain was flipping crazy.I had xrays of my knees and I was told they were fine, but they are no way fine to me and my body. I swear the pain I felt when I actually get up is worse than labor pains. I'm also getting worked up for Rheumatoid Arthritis, so I will see when those tests come back. I know my body and I know something is wrong. Have you ever went to your physician before because of something bothering you, and the doctor says nothing is wrong with you, and maybe you should see a psychiatrist? I know people that has happened to, and they were crazy ass angry. For now I will take it one day at a time, and if I don't get no answers,  will cry real Just joking, If you, or anyone you know has experienced this kind of pain before, could you please let me know?? I would appreciate any help out there, even from a physical therapist if one sees my post. I appreciate you stopping by, and I hopefully will be back to posting more very soon. I miss my blogger buds!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Happy Birthday To My Dad Today!!

Today is a special day for my Dad. Today he is celebrating his 79th birthday. He can do anything that is asked of him. He has worked hard all of his life, and continues to do so each day, except the work he is doing now is a bit different and does a number on your nerves. He takes care of my mom each and every day, and she is turning 80 soon. This is your day Dad to kick your feet back and relax. Enjoy your birthday and many more to come, And yes, your cake will taste great as always!! I'm the queen of cakes!! You ask, I deliver! Have a very special birthday Dad.

Love Always,

Your little angel,


Monday, April 16, 2012

Congratulaions to Rebecca & Rich. They were chosen as my winners in my Rayovac Rough

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hamburger Helper Review & Giveaway Ends 4/21

Have you ever been in a jam with time for dinner and not know what to cook? I know I have several times with sports and PTO meetings, that is why I always have a stock of Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper on hand. There are over 40 different varieties of Hamburger Helper to choose from, and I like every one that I have tried so far. The kids love them too. It's a quick and easy meal that takes less than 20 minutes to cook. If you haven't tried Hamburger Helper, you don't know what your missing. Here is a coupon to save $.75 cents off your Hamburger Helper purchase today.
So what is your favorite Hamburger Helper meal?? Mine is the Ultimate Cheeseburger Macaroni Thanks to General Mills & Betty Crocker, I was provided Classic Creamy Beef Stroganoff & Italian Cheesy Italian Beef Hamburger Helper. They both tasted delicious. I  always love trying new Hamburger Helper meals in my house. I like to have the kids taste a variety, but I must say the favorite for the kids is Cheeseburger Macaroni and my favorite to date is the Classic Ultimate Beef Stroganoff with the rich beef taste and of course that sour cream flavored mix. I add in sour cream too to give it a bit creamier taste. All I can say is yum yum good!! Thanks to General Mills & Betty Crocker through My Blog Spark one of my followers will have a chance to win what is in the picture bellow.

One winner will receive the following Hamburger Helper gift pack:

Box of Hamburger Helper Ultimate Beef Stroganoff

~Box of Hamburger Helper Cheesy Italian Beef

~Serving dish

~Slotted serving spoon


Sounds good right? All you have to do to win is tell me what your favorite Hamburger Helper  is??? You must subscribe to my feed also! These are both MANDATORY and I will check, so please make sure you do it. You must be 18 to enter and this contest is only open to U.S. Please include your email in the comment section below so I can contact you should you win. Fill you answers in in the Rafflecopter below. Good Luck to all!! Check out my other giveaways while your here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Monday, April 9, 2012

Kindle Fire Giveaways

Are you ready for this huge giveaway everyone ? Acadiana's Thrifty Mom and a group of AWESOME bloggers to bring you 1, no 2, no 3, NO 4 CHANCES to win a Kindle Fire! You read it right, there are 4, yes 4, Kindle Fires up for grabs in this colossal giveaway! We have taken all the work out of the rafflecopter and made this as easy peasy as possible ♥ So what are you waiting for? GO!!!! Good luck!

*This giveaway is not affiliated with Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest in any way. You must be 18 years of age to enter to win. This giveaway will be open worldwide. Freebie Shark, American Family, Coupon Pro, and Mark Your Savings with E are responsible for the distribution of the prizes. Please allow 6-8 weeks for delivery of your prize. Have fun and good luck to all!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter Everyone !!!

Happy Easter to all my fellow bloggers and friends. I hope you all have a terrific day with your friends and family. I spent the day yesterday baking cup cakes for everyone, so I'm off to deliver. Our City Fire Dept recently lost a member in a DUI accident. They not only lost a dear friend, his children ages 4 & 6 were severly injured. Such a terrible tragedy. I made some cupackes for them for St. Patty's Day, and they told me they were delicious, so I said the Easter Bunny might make some more for them. I try to put a smile on their face, and I hope my cupcakes do it. Enjoy your day Folks!! I adore each and every one of you!! I love reading your comments too!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Are You All Ready For The Easter Bunny ???

I can't believe that Easter is tomorrow. Where on earth has time gone? I feel like Christmas just past, and here it is Easter. Easter Sunday is one of my favorite days of the year. I love watching the kids hunt for Easter eggs, and I hard them real good, so it's fun to watch them hunt for them. I absolutely love to bake. I just finished making cupcakes &cookies, and I still have to color the eggs.I also have to hit the store for jelly beans. Can you believe that I forgot them?? I love going to church with my family on Easter. It's such a joyous day for us all, then of course the great big ham dinner with fixings to follow. I can't wait for Easter to get here. I wish you and your family a very Happy Easter. Enjoy your day with family and friends!

God Bless,

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wholly Guacamole Giveaway Ends 4/10

Have you ever had a party to attend, and you weren't sure what to bring?  I have the perfect answer for you,and it's called Wholly Guacamole. They have a great line of products and they are tasty. Wholly Guacamole has a great variety of items including Salsa, Guacamole, Avocado &Queso. You can also find great recipes if your looking for something to make for a party. You can also visit Wholly Guacamole on FB and click on the link to coupons to help and save off your grocery bill. You can sign up for Wholly Guacamole Newsletter to be up to date on products and contests.

Thanks to Wholly Guacamole, I received the items pictured above and let me tell you they were so yummy. They are deliciously nutritious made with high quality all- natural ingredients.They are made with real Hass Avocado's , full of vitamins and minerals, and are trans fat and gluten free. I brought all of the items to a birthday party, and it was good because there were plenty of hungry men their that were hungry. The items I received were as follows:

Wholly Guacamole Pico de Galla, Wholly Guacamole 100 Calorie Snack Packs, Wholly Guacamole Spicy & Wholly Guacamole Guaca Salsa , Wholly Salsa, Garden Of Eatin Blue Chips , A Wholly Guacamole Bag Clip, and a Hand Squeezer. Everything I received was put to good use. A favorite of mine was the Wholly Salsa & the Blue Chips.The Blue Chips were tastefully delicious,and I didn't want to stop eating them. I normally don't eat Guacamole, but since I needed to give it a try since I was reviewing it. My favorites were the Pico e Galla Guacamole & Spicy Guacamole. I expected it to be so hot that I could not bite it. It had a bite to it and it went down smoothly. What doesn't when your having an ice cold beer?

Wholly Guacamole was discovered in 1989 by Dallas restaurant owner Don Bowden. He  had set out to create a pre made Guacamole to serve in his Mexican restaurants. Don's products are 100% all natural, and fresh tasting products than can be refrigerated for weeks or frozen for months. Today WHOLLY GUACAMOLE is the United States’ best-selling brand of pre-made guacamole. We sell over a million and a half boxes each month through retailers like Walmart, Safeway, Costco and more.

In 2009 Wholly Salsa was added, and in 2010 Wholly Queso was introduced.The salsa is so yummy, and was a great hit at the party.There was alot of dip, eat & repeaters there too. The salsa was low in calories and fat content, and not too much sodium.The guacamole on the other hand had less sodium, but more fat content and calories. All calories aside, the guacamole & salsa was a great hit at he party. This was my first time tasting Wholly Guacamole products, but several of the people at the party had tried this several times before, and were very happy with it. You can also use Wholly Guacamole for sandwiches, dips, and more. I would definitely recommend his to a friend or family member.
So who would like to have the chance to win some of these fine products? All you have to do is answer the MANDATORY question. This contest is open to U.S. only, and you must be 1 to enter. Please leave email with entry so I can contact you should you win. I do check on entries so please be honest. Use the Rafflecopter below to record your entries.

Happy April Fools Day!!

It's that one day of the year when we get to pull pranks on our friends and loved ones.I don't know about you but I look forward to this day each and every year. I love getting my friends and family members.Growing up into my early twenties, I used to tell my mom that I was expecting a baby. That did get  monotonous after awhile, then there was the "I broke my leg " prank, but that one didn't sit well with mom. Maybe I'll tell mom that I won the lottery, but my luck is no where that lucky. Whatever you do, and how ever many jokes you pull, I hope you have a great day .Easter is right around the corner, hope you have a great one.Enjoy your Sunday!

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