Sunday, January 20, 2013

Barbara Walters Hospitalized After Fall

Here's wishing a speedy recovery to one of the greatest Journalists, and best talk show host ever, Barbara Walters. She fell on a stairs tonight and cut her forehead while visiting the British Ambassador’s residence. Barbara was sent to the hospital for observation & is  being kept overnight.

Walters, who is 83, was in D.C. ahead of President Obama's second inauguration. She was scheduled to contribute to ABC News' coverage of the events but will not be on-air Monday, according to TV News. I will miss not seeing you on The View tomorrow Barbara, an of course not seeing you on T.V. as a special correspondent. You are a gift, and one of the finest ladies I know. I adore how you keep your show together, and you know what makes it work. Please get better soon Barbara, so I can see you back on T.V. Your presence will be missed. I hope everything is o.k.!! Whoopi, Joy, Sherri & Elizabeth will hold the fort down for you. Listen to your doctors. Heres'  wishing you a speedy recovery.


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