Friday, January 13, 2012

T.G.I.F. Friday The 13th !!!

It's Friday the 13th, Oh My!! What's planned on this Friday the 13th for you?? Are you superstitious ?? I think I am a bit!! I can't tell exactly when it started, but I know it was way back when, and I was out and about, and I was involved in an accident. It wasn't a bad accident, but it still happened, so all these years later , I have always been superstitious about going out anywhere on Friday the 13th!! What is your theory on this? Do you think bad things can happen on Friday the 13th?? I know they did to me many years ago, so I have always just stayed put at home, and I didn't have to worry about anything bad happening.

I have always enjoyed watching the Friday the 13th movies when Friday the 13th came around, which didn't happen often, but every now and then one would pop up. Do you like to watch scary movies with your family? I do, but some of them make me have nightmares for goodness sakes.. My son would always tell say "Mom, it's only a movie, and not real". I guess he was right.

Whatever you do on this Friday The 13th, have fun and be safe !!! Thanks for stopping by and giving me your thoughts on Friday The 13th. I always like reading comments from fellow bloggers. You guys are amazing!! Rock on !!! Feel free to check out my giveaways while your here. You never know what you might win.



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