Monday, September 30, 2013

Have A Great Week!

Hello! Just wanted to stop and say hi to all my readers. Sorry I have been missing in action for awhile, and have had to put my blog on hold, but I have been caring for a sick family member day and night. It is by far one of the toughest jobs that I have done. I hope you all had a fantastic weekend, and did some fun stuff. I celebrated my sons birthday with him this weekend. It was fun, and it took my mind of the other stuff that I'm dealing with daily. Hope to be back in around more often sooner. I miss all of my blogger buds. God Bless you all! Have a great week!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Gone But Not Forgotten

I can't believe that 12 years has passed since some cowards attacked out country, and countless life's were lost. I remember exactly where I was when the first plane hit tower 1, I was out to breakfast with my family. I was in total shock from the news. Not to long after there was another attack on tower 2, and more attacks would follow. This was one of the most horrific things to ever happen to our beautiful nation that I have ever seen. All I kept saying was Why? Those poor people in the building trapped, the people jumping out of windows, all the first responders on the , it was total chaos. When the building collapsed, all I can remember is seeing all of those people running for dear life. We lost thousands of people on that fateful day in September, some who were about to become parents, some who were to get engaged, and many who were there to help others escape put their own life at stake to help out. They are heroes in my eyes. Even the ones of the planes trying to take down the terrorists before more damage could happen. I think they are some of the most heroic people in this world. What family wouldn't be proud of that? I hope you all take time today to remember just how many heroes we lost that day. They will never ever be forgotten, and for many of them, their legacy lives on through their children. Let's all pray for peace in this country & stop the violence! Enough is enough already! May god bless you all, and may god bless America!


Monday, September 2, 2013

Enjoy Your Labor Day

Wishing all of my blogger friends & family a very Happy Labor Day today! Do you have any picnics to attend? Be safe and have fun whatever you choose to do. If you drink, then designate a driver. This is the right thing to do! Way too many tragedies take place each year due to alcohol, which could be avoided. I'm just looking out for all of you and want you safe. Enjoy yourself , have fun & be safe !!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How Is Your Summer Going?

How is every one's summer going this far? It's been hotter than heck this past week, high in the 90's, and humid as ever. It's been unbearable, but thank god for air conditioners. I sure feel sorry for those without. I can't believe that. July has flown by this quick, can you? It feels as if the kids just got out of school. I sure hope each and everyone of your kids and grand kids are enjoying their summer, and being safe.

It has been a long while since I have had the chance to blog. I have my hands tied with a sick family member that needs me badly. I apologize for not blogging, but family comes first, and when I get home, I just about want to collapse. My body is not doing the greatest itself. I hope you all enjoy your summer. Do lots of fun and safe activities with your family, and remember safety. Do not let children near a pool unattended.  I hear tragedies way to often during this time of year, that could be prevented.

I hope to be back blogging and hosting giveaways as soon as I can. I miss all of my followers and friends. Keep in touch and thanks for stopping by! Be safe & have a blast!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lauren Alaina Performing "Like My Mother Does"

Have you heard Lauren Alaina sing yet? I'm sure many of you have if you are an American Idol fan. She was runner up two seasons ago, when Scotty Mcreery won. This girl has stole me=y heart with her music. Check her out on you tube. She has performed with Martina Mc Bride, Jason Aldean & Sugarland just to name a few. This girl is AMAZING, as they say on The Bachelorette!  Like My Mother Does makes me cry each time I hear it. Check out her first video of this song below below. So beautiful! Her new album Barefoot & Buckwild has just been released recently, so go pick up a copy today. I knew when she left American Idol as runner up, that she would have no problem with her career at all. She was blessed with a set of pipes for sure, and she can sing. I love her music so much. Check out these videos and see for yourself.

Thank you Lauren for gods gracious gift that you have been giving! You sure have not disappointed your fans at all. I just hope that I get to see you in person soon. P.S. Your new hair cut is banging not. Your as pretty as a peach! Keep up the great music & keep it coming. I'm one of your biggest fans. Like My Mother Does is very personal to me because my mom is ill. I'm going to try to learn how to sing this beautiful song to her. Your a blessing Lauren! Love you!



Sunday, May 26, 2013

~ Have A Great Memorial Day Weekend ~

I Hope each and everyone of you are having a fun &  safe Memorial Day Weekend. This is just the beginning of summer with all the parties, picnics, carnivals and much more. I hope you are all having a blast. If you plan on consuming alcohol, make sure you have a sober ride home. Too many tragedies happen each year from alcohol, which can be prevented, so please keep this in mind.

Thanks to all of the hardworking men & woman who serve our country each and every day, making it a better and safer pace to live in, and to the soldiers who never made it home, know how very much your service to this country was appreciated, and you will never ever be forgotten! When your out, and you see someone in uniform, say thank you to them. Thanks goes a long way, and makes them feel appreciated. I do it every chance I get. Heck , sometimes I ask for their phone #'s too. Just joking folks. I'm not that desperate of a person. A good old laugh more now than then will never hurt anyone

Have fun, eat some good food, and enjoy yourself with your family this Memorial Day Weekend! Remember all the good things in your life, and don't focus on all of the negative. My hearts go out to all of the folks of Oklahoma who suffered terrible loss with the recent Tornadoes, and to the poor children who perished. May each and everyone of you rest easy. Your town will rebuild, and it will rebuild, and it will be stronger and better than ever. Thanks for stopping by to all of my followers. Feel free to leave a comment if your real, and if your just hear to spam, then feel free to go to hell!! I'm getting very tired of having to erase this nonsense crap each day. Does anyone know how I can stop this?


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Will Win The Mirror Ball Trophy


I can't believe that the finale is already here tonight. I apologize about not doing my weekly posts like I normally do, but my life has been very busy taking care of an ill family member, which leaves me no time for myself at all. Have you enjoyed watching DWTS this season, and what are your thoughts? I have really enjoyed it. The cast members have been so much fun to watch, and they have really bonded very well. I have really enjoyed watching Jacoby Jones. The talent that man brings to the dance floor each week, and his personality has been a blast. He has worked so hard, and he deserves to be in the finale for sure.

Mark & Ali had been a favorite since the get go. That girl has worked her butt off, and has grown week by week. She has really put herself out there on the dance floor each week, and is a fan favorite if you ask me. I'm so proud of the dancer she has become. Zendaya & Val have been a favorite from the get go. Since week one, she has proven to be one heck of a dancer, and she couldn't be paired with a better partner than Val. I adore the both of them, but I feel as if she has an advantage over the other dancers because of her Hip Hop background. She is great and all, but she already has the background.

Kelly Pickler has had my eye since her first dance. She has come out a bit scared and all, and has given 100% each week to her partner Derek Hough. You couldn't ask for a better dance instructor than Derek. He is the bomb, and one of the best choreographer's I have ever seen. She has put her fear aside, and put herself out there week after week. Derek has taught her how to trust herself and others. I'm extremely proud of the beautiful dancer she has become. Her dances have earned earn tens several times, and she has deserved them. I'm so glad that this is that Kelly & Derek have made it to the finals.

I'm hoping that Kelly & Derek and Mark & Ally end up the final two. Either way who wins will be a great outcome, but I'm hoping that Derek & Kelly take the trophy. Derek needs #4 to add to his collection. I'm so proud of all of the dancers, and how well they have danced this season. I know it's been hard work from the get go. In just a few short hours we will see who will take the trophy. I'd love to hear what your thoughts are this season. All I know is it's going to be a long summer for me without my DWTS. This is by far my all time favorite show for sure. Thanks for stopping by!!
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