Tell me it is not almost time again for another episode of the show that is going down the tubes DWTS. I have watched this show for years, as it is one of my favorites, but after the last three weeks, watching 3 great couples go home,like Tony and Audrina, Rick and Cheryl & Anna and Kurt, and to see the Palin girl still standing, and making to the semi finals is just repulsive to me.
I give her credit for being on the show. She is not the only single mother in the world out there, and for her famous mother, which should have nothing to do with this competition, but we see else wise. She don't know how to dance at all! She stands there and waits for Mark to whip her around the dance floor, and she lets him take the lead. Haven't you seen the looks on the faces from the Judges, and from the stars, and when I say stars, I mean real stars like the pros, not someone who had a baby at a young age. I hope from now on that they really look for stars, and people with no dance experience at all, after all this is what makes a great dance competition.
I don't even know if I can make another week watching this crap. It is very plain and simple why Bristol Palin is still in the competition. It's all politics baby. If she wasn't related to Sarah Palin, then she wouldn't be there.I wonder if Chelsea Clinton was on the show, if she would get sent home if she didn't dance well, and for weeks in a row got the lowest scores? I myself couldn't have stayed there, and watched this happen to people who could really dance. That is not right!!
I can only hope and pray that this foolishness ends Tuesday night, and that "Bristol The Pistol" will be packing her bags for Alaska. I think the bears are calling her name.lol. What do you think about all of this foolishness happening on one of the best shows on TV?? DO you think it's fair, and who do you think will win? We will see in just a few days. I hope it's really not another week of torture for me. I can't take any more. That's all for now !!
Until next time,
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