Two weeks have gone by on DWTS and it has been hell for me to watch it. After watching Tony & Audrina getting eliminated on week 6, when they were one of the front runners, was too much for me to handle. I was in shock along with many of their followers.

I still can't believe that the couple in second place on the leader board was sent home. I thought my frustration with the show would have settled down for now, but was I wrong about that one. During the elimination last week, when Bristol & Mark were called safe, I about fell out of my chair. Yes, she did have one good dance, but this is a dance competition. The object of the show is to find the best dancer out there, and "Bristol The Pistol", by far is not the best dancer, maybe the worst, but not the best.

Once Bristol & Mark were called safe, I knew that meant trouble for another great dancer. Who would this be Lacy & Kyle or Rick and Cheryl? Unfortunately Rick & Cheryl were eliminated, and the judges were in total shock, so was I. I don't know what is happening with the voters, but common people Bristol for real?? I seriously believe that ABC is trying to boost their ratings. I wouldn't put it past them. After seeing what happens on the Bachelor, it is surely possible. My hopes for watching DWTS next season are diminishing, as I don't believe this show is being fair to the contestants without dance experience. The ones who have some kind of experience are the ones who seem to do well, and they make it known too. I saw on a website somewhere that Bristol & Mark could win this, and let me tell you if that happens, I will never watch this show again. Voters, please send home Bristol this week, so I don't have to watch the same garbage I have for the past two weeks. Let's keep the dancers on the show!!
Until next time,
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