I just had to share this with everyone.I was over at I'm Not Your Everyday Average Mom's blog, and she some great giveaways, and a huge list of daily freebies that she offers to her readers, so I just had to check it out. Kleenex is offering a free package to mailed to one person in the U.S. , and you can have it personalized too.
How neat is that? Check out this offer @ http://kleenex.com/SoftnessWorthSharing/, and send a friend or loved one a package of Kleenex for free!! Also , check out all the other free giveaways at I'm Not Your Everyday Average Mom's blog @http://imnotyoureverydayaveragemom.blogspot.com/p/daily-freebies.html. I don't know about you, but I love getting free samples in the mail, and I appreciate all the great bloggers that offer these to their readers. I sent my Kleenex to my mom, who goes through a box a day. She will be happy when it arrives, and is personalized from me, her lovley daughter!! You can also track the tissues once you have sent them to see if they are being sent all over the world. Enjoy!! At the end there is a code that needs to be put in, and I didn't see the box, so just enter the code # right next to it, and voila, atleast that is what I had to do! Hope you enjoy sharing Kleenex like I did.
Thanks for entering my giveaway and becoming a follower. Followed you here. Goodluck!
Oh! GoSh Goodies...
I confirm. And I have faced it. Let's discuss this question.
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